No One Can Stop It

941 52 10

Teeth - 5 Seconds Of Summer

Izuku felt the sharp pole dig into his side, wincing, the greenette jumped as high as he could, landing on top of the robots head. He took the time to comfortably position his feet before looking down. He pulled at a wire, opening a compartment as he shifted through the parts inside. An almost invisible smile graced his lips when he found the mother board, gently detaching it as the robot shut down, he quickly pulled out a small rectangle from his bag, tucking the motherboard away in a padded compartment as he firmly grasped the rectangle in his hand.

"Test run," he mouthed to himself, letting the rectangle mould in his grip. Seconds later, the rectangle was no longer a simple rectangle, instead, Izuku held a double bladed knife. He jumped off of the three pointer, wincing at the uncomfortable pain in his side as he ran through the street, cutting through the neck wires of each robot he passed by.

He froze in place as the ground trembled. After destroying so many robots, he found it strange he hadn't seen any zero pointers, the rain and fog was making it increasingly harder to see what was going on. He watched with a strangely calm face as the ground split in two, a giant head peaking out as arms gripped the buildings, using them to hoist whatever is was onto its feet. The blinding red light from its 'eye' illuminating the rain drops that seemed to speed up the higher the robot stood. Izuku found the zero pointer.

He hadn't a clue what he was looking at, it seemed distorted, a huge dent in its chest that had a small, dim glow of green, red and blue. Izuku got up from his crouching position, sprinting in the giant robots direction. He was running with pure curiosity and adrenaline as he reached the slowly moving feet of the robot. Just by looking at it, he could see the weaknesses and design faults, it would be easy to take out if you hit it in the right places.

He stepped to the side, watching the robot walk straight passed him, he looked at the giant trench like footprints it left behind in wonder. He couldn't help but stare on in wonder as it crumpled buildings into the ground. Izuku crouched down, running his fingers over the hole it had crawled out of, looking down into some sort of cave in a perfect cube shape. He mentally pulled himself out of his head, looking up at the robot who's movements had slowed to a stop. Much to Izukus surprise, the robot turned around, the blare from its red eye shining over him.

The robot started moving, edging its way closer to him. In a fit of panic, Izuku felt the skin on his palm mould into a paper like card. He whispered something, staring at the card as the runes begun drawing themselves. Without a second thought, he took off down the road, closely followed by the giant zero pointer.

As he reached the end of the road, he skidded to a stop, returning to face the robot with an emotionless face. He kneeled down, handing the card gently to Karumashi, who mewed in response. Izuku nodded, placing the creature on his head as he started running towards the robot at full speed. He dodged a punch skilfully before launching onto its hand, placing Karuma, the card still firmly in its jaw, on the robot. He then leaped off, distracting the robot as Karuma ran towards its head for the most affective attack.

"Green haired kid! Get away from that thing!" Izuku turned to the familiar face of Mei Hatsume. Though he couldn't care less at this moment, he needed to focus on helping Karumashi. He turned his attention to find a black and green flash jump at him. He flinched back, wrapping his arms around the wispy cat like figure. He smiled fondly, looking up as a scaled creature slowly formed.

He quickly grabbed ahold of Mei, dragging her away from the robot as the snake got bigger and bigger. Soon enough, the snake loomed above the city, wrapping tightly around the robots neck and slicing through the thick band of wires in ease. The robot fell, decapitated, to the ground with a sickening thud merely seconds before the alarm rang.

"AND THATS THE END, EVERYBODY PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY OUT OF THE CITY!!!" Present mics voice boomed through the speakers as rushed chatter sounded through the city. Izuku let go of the pink haired girls hand, slowly and calmly walking out of the destroyed streets. He was stopped at the gate by a white mouse thing, tucked warmly inside of Aizawas scarf.

He nodded politely, giving Aizawa a small smile before directing his attention to the mouse. "Hello, Izuku Midoriya right?" Izuku nodded his head hesitantly. "Well then, no need to worry, Eraser head here told me your situation, you can address me as Nezu, it's nice to meet you," the white mouse stuck out his hand, his face not changing as Izuku flinched back. Though it was obvious he noticed. Izuku nodded, grabbing the paw and shaking it. "Well then, I hope to see you in class 1-H Midoriya, have a nice evening," and with that, Nezu jumped from Aizawa's scarf and waddled away, a bone chilling grin on his face.

"Don't worry about him, he's a delinquent, let's find Hitoshi and get out of here..." Aizawa mumbled something incoherent at the end, though Izuku was pretty certain it involved something to do with grey hair.

Written On Cards - BNHA Support AUWhere stories live. Discover now