Something bigger than Karma

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Let's dance to joy division - The Wombats

Izuku sat on the bed, freshly fed and showered, phone in hand as he scrolled through the social media Shinso always used. Something called Tumblr. Izuku didn't really understand at first, but now it's been at least an hour of Izuku scrolling through the posts and giggling to himself at the random memes he'd see.

He couldn't help but be entranced at the device Shota had given him, the way it functioned really tempted Izuku to pull it apart and look at the insides. He wanted to know how it worked, so he opened google, which, quoted from Shinso, was the 'all knowing search engine'.

He quickly typed away on the small keypad, pressing enter as the results loaded. How does a phone work, there were alot of foreign words when he opened up a website called Wikipedia. He didn't know what they meant, so he made an effort to search everything he didn't understand.

The rest of the sleepless night was spent with Izuku studying, learning different things about mechanics, English, maths, and over all easy and not so easy school material.

Yet Izuku wasn't struggling to understand, he easily worked out what different equations meant, and how gears and cogs worked to help power different machines. How you could put oil on the wheel of a scooter, skateboard or bike to help it spin smoothly.

He enjoyed staying up to research, and picked up a few new skills as he laid out the random things he'd found scattered around the room.

He ended up laying out the weird things, he wanted nothing more than to put them all together and create something, but the objects weren't his. He had barely wrapped his head around the fact that Aizawa had given him a new model phone.

Izuku jumped as a soft knock echoed from his door. He stilled, making a noise of acknowledgement as Aizawa opened the door. He stared at the greenette on the floor surrounded by random objects for a few seconds, blinking away the confusion as he closed the door behind him.

"what are you doing, problem child?" Aizawa asked, sitting down on the bed as he gazed curiously at the short boy. Izuku didn't say anything, pulling up google to show his most recent search definition of inventing.

The tired man read over the screen, curiosity filling him. "you aren't gonna make much with that," Aizawa pointed weakly at the clothing hanger Izuku was examining. Izuku merely shrugged, "I'm looking at the way it's structured, the plastic it's made from seems stable enough to do its job, I'm trying to work out how I could use something like this... I could always melt it down, but I'd need to use Karma Call three, which could burn the house down, possibly the houses next door aswell..." Aizawa was surprised as he listened, trying to keep up with the usually quiet boys non stop muttering.

"uh, ok, but how about we find you something that's actually usable, I have some old support tech in the attic you could do something with, they won't be used again, so you could pull them apart as many times as you'd like," Izuku looked up at the black haired man with a small smile, nodding his head happily as the older male smiled fondly.

Aizawa led Izuku towards the fold down stairs to the attic, opening the hatch to a cave of tech, mountains of old, broken, or unused support items were stocked away in boxes and shelves. There was a chest tucked away in the far back corner, filled to the brim with nuts, bolts and other small parts that could easily be lost.

Izuku's excitement only grew as Aizawa left him to his own devices. He darted around the room, looking at the strange inventions curiously. He turned around from his crouched down position to face Karuma, who was sprawled out across the floor, smack bang in the middle.

"isn't this exciting Karuma! He's letting me do whatever I want with these things, I can already see so many possibilities," Izuku spoke in a soft voice, crouching down beside the tired creature. "you can rest up if you'd like, I won't be going anywhere," Izuku let his hand run along the soft smoke like fur that drifted from Karuma. It let out a soft purr as it closed its toxic green eyes, completely content with sleeping on the dusty flooring of the attic.

Izuku stood up, gently picking the small creature up and setting it down on the table that was tucked up against the far wall. He then spun around, planing out a complete makeover for the entire room. He begun moving furniture across the wooden floor soundlessly, unpacking things from shelves and placing them in an organized mess. Each pile belonging to different parts.

By the time morning rolled around, Izuku was sweeping the floors, keeping the dust and dead spiders in neat piles. He wasn't a big fan of spiders, so they'd have to go. In the time he was cleaning, he discovered the true horror this world faced, Spotify adds. He wasn't a big fan of those either.

Izuku quietly made his way down the steps, hoping to run into Aizawa or Hitoshi, he needed the dust pan and brush to pick up the piles.

Izuku slowly peeked into each room, the first one being a laundry room. He quickly shut the door, settling to just look in the kitchen.

It was six fifteen, so he doubted anyone was up, but chose to stay positive, for once. He quickly rushed down the stairs, turning into the hall and stopping at the kitchen walkway. It wasn't a door, more of a doorway.

He peaked inside, spotting Hitoshi drinking out of a mug, the smell of freshly made coffee drifting through the air refreshingly. "s-shinso?" Izuku stuttered, stepping into view and slowly making his way up to the purple haired boy.

Shinso turned to face the smaller with a tired smile on his face. "hey, what are you doing up at... Six twenty?" Shinso directed his attention away from his coffee, settling for placing it on the counter and turning to face the greenette.

"I was just wondering, if you have a dust pan and brush?" Izuku mumbled, avoiding looking the insomniac in the eyes directly. Shinso nodded, walking over to a cupboard under the sink and pulling out the cleaning tool, handing it to Izuku.

"what are you using it for?" Shinso questioned, picking up his coffee and following the shorter boy to the attic, much to the tallers confusion. His confusion was short lived as Izuku opened the hatch to show the -now clean- attic. The shelves were organised and labeled with sharpie and masking tape. Karuma was sleeping contently on the wooden table littered with sketches and designs for random things.

" really spruced this place up," Shinso stared at everything in awe. "This place hasn't been touched for god knows how long, yet it looks so clean..." Izuku rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, he hadn't been complimented in forever, he had forgotten how nice it felt.

"wasn't too hard..." Izuku muttered, trying to force the small smile making its way onto his face away. He still wasn't sure of what the threes intentions were, they probably want something from him if they let him inside.

Shinso nodded, gently petting the boy on the shoulder, "if you need anything else, you can always ask us," Izuku nodded in acknowledgement, turning to fiddle with a random part so he didn't have to look at the purple haired boy.

"alright, someone'll come get you when breakfast is ready, see ya later," Shinso climbed the stairs with a small wave, Izuku -having turned around- waved back, watching him leave. Izuku quickly spun on his feet, facing the now awake Karuma with a face of panic.

He didn't understand the strange feeling swirling in his gut. It felt like he was having an extremely minor heart attack. He felt warm and fuzzy, even if it was short lasting, he could barely focus. Was this Shinso's quirk, Izuku assumed it was a thought interference quirk of some sort.

Whatever it was, he couldn't help but want to feel it more.

Karma Call Three - Hiyake

Written On Cards - BNHA Support AUWhere stories live. Discover now