That Something

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Rockefeller street - Getter Jaany

Izuku screwed in the last bolt with a look of determination, it hadn't been very long since he'd practically moved in with Shinso, Shota and Yamada, probably around a month now. He wasn't adopted, more like he was their upstairs neighbour. Shota had helped him move the bed up into the attic, so now he basically live in it.

"Izuku, How's the latest invention?" Shinso strolled in casually, looking around at the clean room. He still couldn't quite grasp how clean it was up there. "it's good, I got it working without faltering," Izuku muttered under his breath as he dragged the paint brush over the metal plait.

Shinso nodded, sitting down in a spot that wasn't covered in paper or parts to get a closer look at what the smaller boy was doing. "why are you painting it?" Shinso raised an eyebrow as Izuku slowly raised his head, an unimpressed expression. "I'm putting on a coat of a modified glaze, that project I was working on yesterday, it'll help keep the metal clean and scratch free..." The greenette turned back towards his little robot, finally finishing the third layer. "it's like a squishy yet hard to break rubber, things should bounce right off," Izuku exclaimed with a look of pride.

Izuku sat back, putting the robot on its charger stand. He'd yet to get sufficient batteries to properly run it, so he had to use a weak charger system. "I need to run by the store again... Ran out of copper wiring and iron cogs, those small ones, I should also order a better battery online, just in case they don't have one in stores..." Izuku mumbled, more to himself than the purple haired teen beside him.

"I'll tell dad and pops, maybe one of them can take you before the entrance exams next week," Shinso finished, cracking his knuckles to rid of the uncomfortable feeling swelling in them. "shit, I completely forgot about that... Now that I think about it, I'll go get the parts now, I need to up my physical strength instead of relying on technology, although living on the streets keeps you fit enough, the starvation didn't help with my slow pace, I have plenty of stamina, pretty much my main advantage when going up against someone, only second to the inventions-" Shinso leaned forward, gently placed a finger over the smaller boys mouth.

With a sigh, he backed away, "you were mumbling again, i'd like to see your future classmates have fun dealing with a mumbling Izuku," Shinso snickered evily at the small glare Izuku sent him.

"you know I can't help it!" he whined, laying back against the shelving, looking up at Karuma, who was laying on the top shelf, watching the exchange with an unnoticeable smirk. "right right, the 'Yamada talks too much and I caught the disease' excuse, didn't expect that one," Shinso let out a weeze of breath as Izuku slammed his elbow into the taller's hip.

"ow, what was that for," he turned to the still glaring boy, "it's true! Yamada talks way too much and I caught it!" Shinso shook his head. For someone with Izuku's brain capacity, he really is a dumbass.

"ha ha ok, but if you're going for a walk, can I join you?" Izuku looked the taller up and down with an intimidating gaze. Shinso was completely and utterly terrified when Izuku starts to analyze him, it's like plucking every jump scare out of every horror movie and mushing it into a giant pile of terror and turmoil. The boy could certainly pull of a judgmental character just fine.

When izuku nodded, shinso let out a well needed breath of air, pleased that he'd passed Izuku's little test. "but we have to leave now, it's already four thirty," Shinso nodded as the smaller boy stood up, stretching out his back before holding his hand out for Shinso to take.

The insomniac struggled to keep up as Izuku continued jogging down the street. In Shinso's eyes, Izuku had unlimited stamina and could probably full on sprint around the city and only drip a single drop of sweat. The kid was an utter monster when it's long distance excersize.

"I-Izuku, wait u-up!" Shinso stuttered out, stopping to catch his breath as Izuku turned around in confusion. He slowly made his way to the panting lilac haired boy with a raised eyebrow. "remember...not everyone can run... forever..." Shinso quickly regained his breath, looking up at Izuku from his crouching position.

Izuku merely shrugged, a small smirk stretching across his lips as he stuck his tounge out at his best friend. His only friend. Izuku still held doubt, doubt that once the family of three and seven cats found out about his quirk, Karma Call, they'd kick him out in a heartbeat.

He didn't want to admit it, but he'd grown fond of the house, the cats, the loud cockatoo man,  and the hobo piled with emotional baggage. But then there was Shinso.

Izuku really didn't understand the feeling, whenever he thought about the taller teen, he'd always feel happy and warm. He wasn't sure what it was, but he made an effort to find out.

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