Isn't fair

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Wolf in sheep's clothing - Set It Off

TW - Panic Attack

Izuku wasn't too sure how he and Shinso got here, it happened way too fast. But as soon as Shinso was pinned to the tree, knife at his neck, Izuku couldn't help how he created a card, he couldn't help the way he whispered the runes to life. He couldn't help how he'd stepped forward, slapping the man in the face with the card on his palm, feeling it sink into his skin. " Karma Call Ten,  Hisomu Yami," Izuku hissed out, watching the man step back in surprise.

Izuku quickly grabbed onto Shinso's arm, dragging him away from the man and the tree he'd been pinned against. Shinso could still feel the cold silver of the knife blade presses against his neck when he looked back, horror in his eyes. The man had black oil pouring out of his eyes, mouth, ears, chest, pretty much every part of his body was leaking thick, black goo like a leaky tap.

Even if he was being dragged by Izuku, he couldn't seem to peel his eyes away until they finally turned a corner. The last thing Shinso saw was the man's mouth open in a scream of pain as the oil substance created a pool underneath him, sucking him inside.

"w-what..." Shinso couldn't form proper sentences, that was Izuku, his Izuku had just killed a person. He quickly turned around, only then noticing how Izuku had stopped dragging him, the greenette hunched over, leaning on the brick wall. His breathing speed was above average as he sent himself into a panic.

Shinso cringed as black, watery tears spilled from his eyes. Izuku grasped his chest firmly, gasping for breath as he squeezed his eyes shut. He continued to mutter to himself, free hand clawing at his wrist anxiously.

Shinso shook away his shock, quickly kneeling at the crouched down Izuku's side. "hey, Mido, can you hear me?" shinso asked in a hushed voice, guestering to passerbyers to move on. Izuku nodded his head, shaking like a leaf as he curled in on himself. Shinso frowned, "hey, can I touch you?" he wrapped Izuku in a soft hug when the greenette slowly nodded. "if you could, I'd like you to name one thing you can smell," Izuku nodded, muttering about how he could smell pancakes from a near by cafe.

"good, can you name two things you can taste?" Izuku slowly licked his lips with a small nod, "s-salt a-and lip b-balm," Shinso smiled lightly.

"great, now could you name three things you can touch?", Izuku nodded once again "t-the floor, u-uh, y-you, I c-can feel t-t-tears," Shinso could feel the boys breath slowly evening out.

"now, could you name four things you can see?" Shinso whispered softly, watching with a fond smile as Izuku slowly opened his glossy green eyes, the tears now changing back to normal. "y-you...the w-wall, I can s-see cars and t-the road..." Shinso let himself relax as the green haired boy looked up at him with a wobbly grin. "I thought f-for sure you'd leave..." he stuttered, pulling Shinso in for a tighter hug.

Shinso didn't blame Izuku for the man's death. Sure, Izuku was the one who killed him, but the man had threatened his life, so Izuku probably thought the quickest option was to kill him. Shinso trusted Izuku, the boy had good instincts and a kind heart. He understood that the man probably would have jumped someone else if Izuku hadn't gotten rid of him. Though Shinso knew that wasn't what was going through Izuku's head, the two had gotten quite close over the few weeks he'd been staying with them.

"I'm so sorry!" Izuku frowned, looking at the hands in his lap. "I didn't mean to k-kill him..." the greenette sunk his teeth into his bottom lip nervously. His hands were shaking and his mind was reeling, why hadn't Shinso left him yet.

"it's ok, we can talk about it more when we get back home, but first, we were on our way to the hardware store?" Shinso smirked as Izuku's eyes lit up, he nodded hastily, wipping the tears from his cheeks as he stood up. Walking beside the lilac haired boy as they made their way towards the store.

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