They Shine Light For Something

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Crybaby - Melanie Martinez

He didn't know what to do, the purple haired stranger now leading him somewhere. Though Izuku can't complain, he is the one following. Even if the little creature at his feet convinced him to.

"so... What's the cats name?" said 'cat' let out a small meow, "Karuma," Izuku answered shyly, he still wasn't too sure how to feel about the situation, even if the house Shinso brought him to seemed welcoming enough, even at ten o'clock, when it was the dead of night. The house still maintained a homey aura.

The house was a light brown, with storm blue roofing, the porch being a nice polished birch wood. Izuku had never seen such a nice house in person, the only houses he'd seen were the ones that were in the grimy rundown streets and the few memories from his childhood, and even those were hazy.

"my dads should be home, not sure if their asleep or not, knowing dad, their awake," Izuku could only nod as Shinso lead him up the porch and infront of the door. Before he could knock, the door swung open, showing the literal embodiment of a cockatoo.

"HITOOOOSHIII!" the cockatoo screeched, bringing the tired boy into a hug, "Shota was about to go out and search for you himself," the man swung an arm around his shoulder, facing the door as he yelled. "SHOTAAA!" there was a series of thuds before a tired looking homeless man round for corner.

"Hitoshi, where were you?" the man asked in a gruff voice, "you said you'd be back an hour ago..." the man trailed off, directing his attention to the small green haired boy next to his adopted son. "and who is this?" Shinso huffed at the questions that seemed to be piling up with every passing second. "Dad, this is Izuku, he's injured and needs a place to sleep," Aizawa was about to decline, when he saw it. The little whispy cat that stood next to the boy. He though over the pros and cons of allowing a complete stranger into his house, but the stranger had a cat, which definitely put the boy in his good books.

Aizawa slowly nodded, moving himself and Yamada from the doorway as Shinso dragged the nervous boy inside. "would you like something to eat? Or maybe a drink?" Shinso asked, leading the boy up the stairs and towards the spare bedroom. The bedroom was conveniently in between his dads, and Shinso's, just in case anything happened and he needed help.

Shinso opened the door, allowing Izuku to step in first as he followed closely behind. Izuku was looking around at the grey themed room in awe. "it's.. Nice," he whispered out in a soft voice, following as Shinso sat on the occupied bed.

Izuku stared down at the white cat that stared up at him, it's gleaming yellow eyes looking into his own green orbs. Karuma curiously jumped onto the bed, placing a gentle paw on the cats head.

The white cat meowed, throwing it's paw at Karuma in annoyance, leaving Karuma to recoil away. Karuma tilted it's head, poking the white cat once more as it hissed at it. Making Izuku jump, the white cat sprung at Karuma, chasing the spirit like creature around the room in a continuous circle.

Shinso immediately stood up, grabbing the snowy white cat before it could damage anyone or anything, "sorry about her, Daisy doesn't do well around other cats..." Izuku nodded his head. He carefully placed his hand on the fluffy cats head, causing it to purr in satisfaction.

Karuma let out a pathetic whine as it rubbed it's head against Izuku's leg. Shinso thought his heart might actually explode as the green haired boy let out a small airy laugh, a fond smile gracing his features.

He was gay, and in the middle of a gay panic as his father -Yamada- walked in, a skip in his step. "hey little listener, would you like to join us for dinner?" Izuku looked up at the yellow haired man, who now had his long hair down. He shyly nodded, the small smile leaving his pale face as the loud man continued, "after dinner, you're free to use the bathroom to clean yourself up, I'm sure Hitoshi won't mind if you borrowed his clothes for a bit," Shinso nodded in agreement, a soft smile on his face as he turned to the greenette. "thank you..." Izuku whispered out, his eyes beaming in well contained joy.

Karma Call Ten - Hisomu yami

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