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Jennie quietly hums the tune that is playing on her walkman. The girl is currently sitting on her couch in the living room wearing her headphones.

Jennie loves music. She loves every genre of it but for her, the saddest is the best. Because it's melancholic, it makes her crest-fallen.

As of now, she's listening to a song from FM Static and that is, Tonight. This song saddens her alot. If Destiny will ever give her a lover, she wishes it's not like this song represents.

She doesn't want things to be too late. Or to be broken. That's why as long as she lives, Jennie appreciates everything around her.

Even if it's small or big.

Jennie taps the rhythm of the song on the soft fabric of her sofa. She doesn't know what's the specific time for today, but she's pretty sure it's noon. Which means, either her mom, Lisa, or Jungkook will come any moment now.

When Jennie's mom visits her, she would always cook for her. When Jungkook or Hoseok does, the two will make sure she's safe. But for Lisa, she will sit beside Jennie, reading her some letters that their classmates sent every year.

That's Jennie's favorite part of the day. Reading some letters. Because she knows someone still appreciates her existence. Someone values her. The letters that Lisa reads are the sweetest. It contains some small or even long phrases or stanzas. Some are sweet almost as if they're flirting on her.

Jennie giggles at that thought. Letters are the best thing in the world. It's just a paper filled with words, but it's filled with emotions and Jennie likes the way a person expresses his/her feelings through a blank paper with a pen.

When the song ended, she slowly takes her headphones off. As if it's on cue, the front door creaks indicating that someone comes in.

Since her door is locked and only three person have the key of her house, Jennie concludes that it's one of her friends or her mom.

"Eonnie!" It's Lisa.

Jennie smiles, looking around trying to find her voice, "Lisa!" The younger chuckles, she walks her way to Jennie and sits beside her. Lisa softly holds the older's hand to let her know she's right beside her. "Oh, Lisa, there you are. Didn't see you there." Jennie snorts at her remarks, facing Lisa.

Lisa fakely laughs, "Hehe so funny." The younger rolls her eyes, Jennie pouts. "Hey come on that was good!" Lisa shrugs her Eonnie's words.

Lisa stares at the girl for a moment then at the walkman beside her. "Did you listen to some music, Eonnie?" She asks Jennie who nods her head. "I listened to FM Static's Tonight. It's so sad," Jennie sighs.

"Hmm, well let me give you some good news to make you happy!" Lisa rejoices as Jennie lets out an 'ooh'.

"Hit me up." Jennie says. Lisa squeals first which confuses Jennie but then the younger talks, "Me and Jungkook are finally official!" Jennie gasps, covering her mouth. "Omo! Jinjja?!" The girl asks for assurance and Lisa screams a yes.

Jennie uncovers her mouth as a smile bubbles up on her lips. She's glad that Jungkook finally became a man and confessed to Lisa. The two have always been like this, they both knew they like each other but both couldn't voice out their feelings.

It tires Jennie to see the two obviously falling for each other and now that Jungkook confessed, she's happy. She wishes she could see how Lisa's smile is painted on her face right now.

But she can't.

After Lisa talked about her love life with Jungkook (that apparently starts today), Jennie asks if Lisa could read her the letters again.

Of course, the younger obliged. Lisa stands up, making her way to Jennie's wooden cabinet right beside her tv. She opens it, grabbing the plastic bag filled with a thousand words.

Lisa sits back down on Jennie's side, fishing one letter out from the bag. Jennie awaits for the words as she moves a little closer to Lisa.

Lisa starts to read the letter. "Dear Jennie, hello. I don't know how to put this but i'm mis─" Lisa halts, she bites her lips. Jennie furrows her eyebrows, "Why did you stop? Is there something wrong?"

Lisa mutters a nothing before continuing to read the letter. "But i'm missing you. I know that it's getting kinda lonely there at your house, i'll visit you soon. Just know that I am always here. I sure hope I can see you again. I love you. So much."

Lisa stops reading, folding the paper again. "That's sweet, who gave it?" Jennie asks. "Oh, it's from," Lisa unconsciously diverts her gaze to the left.

And see the window.

She looks back at the older, "From Jimin. I guess he misses you so much." Lisa giggles playfully, "Are you going to continue your relationship with him?" Jennie shakes her head with a slight laugh, "Nope. Jimin deserves better."

Lisa's smile drops. The words inside her mouth melts down. The pity is once again eating her alive. Jimin is Jennie's soon-to-be boyfriend, but, since that accident happened, Jennie didn't continue their relationship and cut ties with him.

Jennie cried. She cried a lot. She let him go, and the thought of someone not loving her back like Jimin did, hurts.

No one will love a blind girl, right?

"Anyway!" Jennie claps her hand, ignoring a smudge on her heart. "Let's wait for Hoseok and Jungkook at the kitchen, okay?" Jennie grabs her walking stick. "Okay," Lisa agrees standing up to help Jennie.

Someone will love you Eonnie, I know it.

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