Chapter Three

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As I opened the door I heard a small gasp. It was Bella.

"Bella, are you OK?" I quietly called into the apartment.

"Xavy? Why didn't you knock?!" She quietly called back.

I put the bat back against the wall as Bella pushed her way out of her hiding spot. She ran over and hugged me.

"I heard footsteps outside earlier but they left before a minute even passed." She told me as she let go of me and I placed my backpack down.

She immediately started looking through my bag. I poked my head back into the hall. That's when I noticed the notes on every door, even ours.

I pulled the taped note off the door and turned back inside, shutting and locking the door behind me. As I walked back in Bella had found the Poptarts and Oreos.

She gasped as she saw them. Looking over at her I saw her eyes wide and shining.

"Poptarts and Oreos! I can't believe you found this!" Bella already had the Oreos open, stuffing them in her mouth.

"Slow down or you won't have them for long." I reminded her.

She realized I was right and put them, as well as the other food I got, into the chest.

I started reading the note, now less anxious about it now that Bella was next to me.

Dear Resident,
I'm leaving this note to tell you, and anyone you live with, about a city in Ohio. It's rebuilt from the ruins of the last buildings that were there. It's a utopia.
This new city is called Oasis.
Everyone there is disease free and they have means of keeping the people there safe.
I think it's in your best interest to move there. Yes it is a long journey but it is worth the trouble.
Good luck.

I reread the note again, and again.

I don't trust this. A safe space in Ohio? The city Oasis.

"What is it?" Bella asked.

"Nothing important to us." I replied, crumpling the note into a ball before throwing it onto the floor under a window.

"Well then I wanna hear another story!" Bella said, pulling me towards a chair that was only barely broken.


And with that the note disappeared from my mind.

~Thanks for reading!
Sorry this was short but it moves the plot along a lot.
Enjoy the story :)~

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