Chapter Five

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I recognized her voice anywhere. "I have nothing, I told you that!" She said, her voice shaking even though her words sounded brave.

Slowly making my way towards them I found a small boulder to hide behind. Every part of me was screaming at me to go after her but I knew I couldn't run in blindly. Peeking my head above the boulder I saw three people, two boys one girl.

They all had all black on, from head to toe. The only difference between what they were wearing was the style of their clothes and if it had holes or patches. One boy looked to be mixed, another African American, and the girl looked to be Asian. Everyone of them had some sort of blunt weapon. I gulped anxiously.

"Really, you only have a blanket, pillow, and that stuffed dog? No food?" The girl asked, clearly knowing there as to be some food in her backpack.

I looked towards her back and saw the outline of the baseball bat in it.

They for sure know Bella has more than that.

The three stood in front of her, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, that's all!" I saw tears shine in her eyes.

That's when I bounded over the boulder and ran in between them. I stood with the bat in my hands like I was playing baseball, ready to swing. Actually standing in front of them I realized that they were older than me, at least 17, making it a little intimidating to be right in front of them.

"Look at that! The little girl has someone to protect her." The mixed boy cooed.

"Leave her alone." I said, putting as much venom as I could in my voice.

"Why should we?" The girl asked.

" 'Cause if you don't I'll make you." I tried to keep the venom in my voice but I knew it was starting to slide.

"And how will a baseball bat far against a metal pipe?" The girl questioned, leaning against the metal pipe in her hands.

"Not well." The mixed boy finished for her.

I knew my odds of fending them off were low, lower so with three of them. Looking between them I saw that they knew my odds were low. Little did they know I would do anything to protect Bella.

"Let alone three of us, all with weapons." The African American said, taunting me with my own odds.

I started breathing heavily as I looked between them all. Snickering at me, the three of them watched as I tried to think of a way to save us. 

Then I thought of something.

I slid my backpack off my back, pulling Bella's bag off her back. I saw everyone eye me curiously. Using my free hand I slid the heavier bag onto my back, handing the lighter bag to Bella. I quickly turned to Bella and made sure she put on the bag.

"Run." I whispered into her ear. "Run, now!" I repeated when she gave me a concerned look.

She listened to me and sprinted off away from the three of them. Turning back to look at the three one last time I sprinted after Bella.

"Hey! Come back here you little shits!" I heard the girl call.

I heard footsteps behind me as I caught up to Bella. Once I was next to her I scooped her up, baby style, and continued to sprint. She wrapped her arms around my neck and looked over my shoulder. She made a small cry into me ear.

Shit. I thought. I couldn't hold the bat and Bella at once.

"Bella, do you think, you could hold onto this?" I asked between gasps of breath.

"Mmhm." She said.

I handed her the bat and she held onto it one one hand, making it bounce slightly against the back of my neck. Willing my legs to move faster I held on tightly to Bella. I didn't know where Is going but I knew I wasn't heading back home.

"Fuck, I can't go on." I heard one of them say, out of breath.

"Fine, we don't need you!" Another replied.

"They're getting closer!" Bella whisper screamed into my ear.

"I got it under control." I whispered screamed back.

I really didn't. I had no idea where to go or what to do. As I scoured the area, looking for something to do or run to I saw it.

The subway!

~Thanks for reading!
Sorry this is so late, I wanted this to come out yesterday but it wasn't ready.
Enjoy the story :)~

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