Chapter Four

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1 Week Later

"....3....2...1! Ready or not, here I come!" I called.

Bella had dragged me into playing hide n seek with her. It was ten times easier for her to hide in the apartment with all the small spaces.

"Where are you?" I taunted, pushing aside ruble.

I walked into what used to be a kitchen and heard a small gasp coming from the cabinets. Looking over at the light brown wood, white counter, cabinets. Scanning the room I ruled out some hiding places. Places like the white fridge in the corner, the cabinets that were above the counters and stove, and every broken cabinet.

I silently made my way across the dusty and trash covered black and white tile floor towards the cabinets.

Why would she gasp? I questioned.

I started silently and quickly opening the unbroken cabinets.

"Oh Belllaaaa." I teased.

I got to the cabinet right next to the fridge. It was the only one I hadn't opened.

"Boo!" I cried as I swung the door open, revealing Bella with her knees to her chest and a piece of paper in her hands.

She covered her eyes as they adjusted to the light while I looked at the note. I could just barely made out the words I had read a week ago.

Ripping it from her hands I asked "Where'd you get this? And when'd you learn to read?"

She climbed out before replying. "I saw it under a window as I found a hiding spot. I started waking up early and read the books we have. I don't know fully what the note says but it says 'safe', 'city', and 'disease free'."

"Like I said a week ago, it's nothing important to us." I said crumpling it back into a ball.

"What does it say Xavy? Tell me!" She begged, pulling on my blue shirt.

"No, it's nothing important. Like I said."

"Pleaseeeeeeeeee." She pulled harder on my shirt.

She kept repeating 'please' until I finally said, "Fine."

"Yay!" She finally let go of my shirt, the end now bunched together.

"It just says something about a rebuilt city in Ohio that's a utopia and is disease free." I said rolling my eyes and making air quotes around 'disease free'.

"Well why aren't we going? Come on!" Bella said, walking over to our stuff.

"Why do we need to go? We're fine here." I told her.

"But, there it's disease free. And there's a city, which means flavors and friends!"

"Yes but to get there we have to go through two states and who knows how many rivers or waterways. Let alone having to get past the Appalachian Mountains."

"But, it sounds great." Bella complained.

"Unless we need to, we won't be going there, we've stayed safe here and it's risky out there."

"Okie big bro." She sounded defeated and disappointed.

It hurt hearing her that way but it was true. We weren't leaving unless we had to.


"Bella, stop sneaking Poptarts after I told you no." I called out to her.

I was meet with silence.

"Bella?" I called out again.

Again, silence.

I started panicking. First I checked the cabinets, our sleeping space, everywhere small. When I got to our supply chest I noticed my backpack was missing. Throwing open the chest I realized the Poptarts and Oreo packs were missing, along with two packs of instant noodles. And some bowls and utensils were missing as well.

Putting the pieces together I ran back the bed. No blanket, pillow, or stuffed dog. Checking the bats I saw the smaller one I left for Bella was gone.

Nonononono Bella! Why'd you leave?!

I scrambled around anxiously, grabbing our gallon of purified water, more food, utensils, and the other bat of course.

It was hard running with all the stuff in my hands but I didn't care. For all I care everything could've been stolen from me but I would just get up an keep running.

I had run in a random direction, it didn't matter where I ran, I would check everywhere.

I came across a dead body, a backpack nearby as flies flew around the area. Seeing no visible wounds I guessed they died of hunger, thirst, or disease. Using the bat to move the bag away from the body I picked it up using a spot that hadn't touched the body.

I stuffed everything into the bag and cautiously put it on my back.

As I started on my way again I heard laughter, and a small cry.


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