Chapter Six

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I made a beeline for the rundown tunnel system. Running down the stairs and jumping over ruble I heard our followers swear under their breath as they got caught up in the debris.

"We're losing them!" Bella cheered.

As I ran deeper into the subway I looked for a map. I've never read a subway map before but today I would try. Looking up and down the walls I finally found one. It was to my right on a white painted brick wall that was falling apart. The glass covering the brightly colored map was dusty from the area falling apart.

Quickly scanning the map I looked for a way West, to Ohio. Yes we were going. Bella jump-started the journey but now I would finish it the right way. I figured out where we were and which tunnel we had to go to before I sprinted off in that direction.

"Where are we going?" Bella asked.

"Oasis, Ohio."

"The utopia?" Bella happily asked.


"What made you change your mind?"

"You, running off, like you did."

I was even more out of breath now that I had to talk. Starting to breath heavily from my mouth I looked for a place to hide.

"The mongrels went this way!" I heard a boy shout behind us.

Looking down I saw my footprints were being left in dust that had settled on the floor.


Even if we did hide they would just follow our footprints. Whipping my head around I tried to think of a plan. I saw a spot that we could fit into. It was sitting in the tunnel I was heading for, just out of view if you weren't looking for it. It was two pieces of collapsed wall forming an upside down 'V' shape.

I placed Bella onto the tracks. "Go hide in there, I'll be there in a second." I told her, pointing to the spot.

"What about you?" She asked.

"I'm just gonna get those two off our trail. Now go."

She followed my orders and ran to the space. I waited until I saw her crawl far enough into the space before turning and running to the end of the platform, opposite of the were we were heading before jumping down into the tracks. Looking down I watched as the left over dust fell off my clothes and onto the tracks. I ran until there wasn't anymore dust before heading back to Bella while in the shadows.

Quietly calling into the hole I let her know it was me before crawling into it myself. It was a small and uncomfortable space to be in but I sat with my knees to my chest with my head almost on top of them. My back being pushed against the bag and wall in an awkward way. I pulled Bella close to me as two pairs of footsteps began to become louder and louder.

"Where are you Rugrats?" The boy called out.

"We don't want to hurt you. We just want to steal your stuff and leave you defenseless." The girl called out.

"Sylvia, shut the fuck up." I heard the guy say followed by the sound of a slap.

"Don't you dare slap me again Kevin. Especially if you want to keep that arm!" Sylvia warned.

They continued to walk towards us, following my footprints. Bella whimpered into my shirt as the footsteps got louder. I held onto her even tighter, hopefully making her feel safe.

"Oy, Kevin, the prints stop here." Sylvia said, probably at were I was when I placed Bella down.

I mentally cursed myself. I had forgotten about my footprints stopping there, silently wishing they followed the trail leading off.

"Well they continue this way," Kevin replied. "and onto the tracks this way."

"What are you standing around for them? Follow them!" Sylvia scolded.

We listened as they both jumped down onto the tracks with a thud and ran off, away from us. I kept us sitting there for a minute- breathing heavily, before I let go of Bella and crawled out. Readjusting the bag on my back.

I watched the direction Sylvia and Kevin ran as Bella crawled out. Looking down at us I saw our clothes were as dusty and dirty as ever.

"Which way?" Bella asked.

"This way." I said, grabbing her hand and leading her down into the tunnel- away from the gang and subway platform and towards utopia.

Oasis in OhioTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon