Chapter Eight

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We were walking for a while without finding a platform. I tried to cheer Bella up but my own worry for her got in the way. I didn't have anything to stop her bleeding or to cover her scrapes with or to cover her arm.

I looked down at her. Her once slightly dirty dress was now covered in dirt, some blood, and had a couple rips. Her hair was also in a worse condition. Before it was greasy with some dirt here and there, but now her once light tips where a dark brown and the rest of her hair was called in dirt. 

That's when I realized I was doing much better. I only had minor rips in my pants and otherwise only had dirt caked onto my plant knees and on my sweater.  Not to mention I didn't have any broken bones.

"What was your favorite thing before all of this happened?" I asked, trying to hard to take her mind off of her arm.

"Um. I don't know. I don't remember much before all of this." She told me.

"Not even a favorite TV show?"

"I remember some shows just not their names."

"How about SpongeBob SquarePants? That was my favorite when I was your age." I said looking forward again while I thought about the show.

"SpongeBob..... is he the talking yellow sponge? I remember a talking yellow sponge."

"Yep, that's SpongeBob alright. Everyone's favorite talking yellow sponge."

"Hehe," she giggled. "He was so funny! I remember not being able to stop laughing."

"Yeah, I remember many times that that happened. Mom, dad, and I would watch you rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter with Puppy in your arms while we were laughing ourselves."

"At me or SpongeBob?" 

"Mainly you."

"Hey!" She jokingly said angrily with a small punch to my arm.

"Ow." I joked rubbing my arm. "How are you so strong?"

"I just am." She bragged, hoofing her broken arm against her chest again. 

That's when we both broke into laughter.

"I mess when the world was happy like this all the time." She admitted.

"We all do. I mostly miss our family and my friends. I have no idea what happened to them after mom and dad passed away."

"I don't remember them much. I remember weird and random little bits like SpongeBob and having Puppy but nothing else really."

"Well who do you want to start with? Mom or dad?"

"Mama!" She cheered.

"For starters mama was really pretty. She had shiny dark, dark, brown hair- almost black, that went down to her hips. Her skin was equally as dark but had lighter skin in some spots. Her are were a dark blue and she had lips like yours and a nose like mine." I told her as I remembered our mom.

"Wow, she really does sound pretty."

"Yeah, dad lucked out when it came to beauty, really he lucked out with every part of mama."

"Tell me about dada now."

"Okay, okay. Dada had short light brown hair that was close to blonde- it's where you get your hair from, and olive skin. He had bright hazel eyes that mama loved staring into. He had this circle glasses that he loved to wear. They were his favorite. Especially sense they reminded him of his favorite character growing up."

"Who?" Bella interrupted.

"Harry Potter. He's a really famous book character who wore circle glasses."

"Will I ever be able to read that book?" Bella questioned looking up at me.

"Maybe one day you'll be able to." I responded, looking down at her.

"Have you read the book before?"

"I've read the first book."

"There's more than one?" Bella excitedly asked.

"Yep. There's around 8 or so if I remember right."

"I want to read them all!"

"I'm glad you really want to."

That's when I finally looked up. As I did I saw light. SUN-light. We had made it to the next platform.

"Hey Bella look, a platform!" I said pointing to the light in front of us.

"That means no more boo-boos, right?"

"Yep, no more boo-boos."

"Well then hurry up slow poke!" She said as she ran towards the platform, still tightly clutching her arm to her chest.

"Be extra careful!" I called to her as I ran after her.

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