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Waking up and it is already dark outside, thankfully no one is yelling at anyone this time. All the pounding in my head is gone but my growling stomach not so much. I hope there is food in this house. Walking through the living room to the kitchen I see Nixon and Victor playing a video game and they seem happy. These two, remind me to stay away from their fight since they tend to make up in a matter of time. At least the house is clean and clean as if nothing has ever happened to this house.

I don't say anything to them, I don't want to distract them from their happy moment. I find boxes of unopened pizza on the kitchen table, counting them they are ten left.

" By the look of the boxes, it looks like that is dinner?" Nathan says walking in lazily.

" I think so". I take a seat.

" This place looks spotless, did you clean?" Nathan asks with a yawn.

" No, I did not". I push one of the boxes to him and I open one box for myself taking a slice to my mouth.

" Good morning princesses, it looks like you have found food". Victor says taking one box for himself and another for Nixon and walks out. Leaving us there.

Eating pizza as we make small conversations about last night, laughing at all the stupid things we said and do to only the ones we can remember, by the way, most of the parts are blurs and we don't care what happened anyway.

Done eating Nathan aid he was going back to sleep, the guy slept all day where does he get his sleep from? So I decided to go to the music room or the musical instrument room. There are a lot of varieties in this room to produce music. This is the only thing that we don't have in our house. There is a Piano, guitars, violin, cello, trumpet, they even have a harp, drums, ukulele who needs so many musical instruments not like they know how to play all of them. Or do they?

I seat at the piano, it is the only instrument I can play in this room and I haven't played in years. So I swipe my fingers to the keys making every kind of different key sound. I play DO RE MI FA SO LA TI DO to remind my self and them again backward DO TI LA SO FA MI RE DO.

Then I start to play the first song my piano teacher taught me.

DO- doe a deer a female deer.

RE- ray a drop of golden sun.

MI- me a name I call myself.

FA- far along long way to run.

SO- sew I need a pulling thread.

LA- a note to follow sew.

TI- tea a drink with jam and bread.

That will bring us back to DO.

I repeat a few times until I hear someone opening the door. I assume to be Victor since the person doesn't say anything and if it was Nixon I would have been out of the room already so I don't pay attention at the person and continue to play the song.

A few minutes later, I stop to play to look at the person maybe he has something to tell me and he keeps on waiting until am done playing. Turning to look it is Nixon leaning on the wall watching me. I think it is my cue to go.

" You can stay", He says when he sees me getting up and ready to go. " I mean if you want to".

There he goes again from being a good guy into a dick. Yes, I just said that being a dick. He walks to his guitar picking it up and seats to one of the couches available in this room.

" Or we could play something together". He says tuning his guitar. He starts to play a song, few first lines I recognize the song, it is you are the reason by Calum Scott. I don't say anything as I resume my seat and start to put on some extra piano keys note and it sounded perfect the way they tuned out.

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