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{Author's Note}

{Merry Christmas to everyone! Or happy holidays! I know I missed my regular Saturday update, sorry! But right now, I'm traveling, so it's been a struggle to even find wifi, and even harder to find time to sit down and write. Because of this, it may have slightly hindered my writing. Also, there may or may not be a dog being intoduced in the story soon, but I need some name sugguestions. It's a male Newfoundland dog, if that helps. Anyway, I should be back into my normal routine soon, and I'll try to get another chapter up by Monday. Thank you all again for everything!  We're getting insanely close to 500 reads!}


Something about be locked in a crowded car with a murder made me feel uncertain. I kept glancing in the mirror to watch Ryan. He was asleep, but I half expected him at any moment to attack someone. We drove on, until we reached the New Jersey state border. Since we left the collapsing fortress, we saw no signs of human life. However, on the border, there was a small camp of heavily armed law enforcement officers. They stopped us from crossing the border, and one tapped on the driver’s window. Mitch rolled down his window. “Yes, officer?” He asked innocently. “Sir, you are not permitted to cross the border. You must return to the government safe camp immediately,” The officer demanded bitterly. We exchanged some glances throughout the car. “The camp was overthrown by zombies days ago.” Mitch replied. “We escaped.” Louise added. The guard looked at her quizzically. “Escaped? The guards let you out?” He asked Louise. “No, they wouldn’t let us go, but we fought our way out.” Mitch answered for her. “No matter. Return to the camp now,” The guard responded mechanically. “Sir, we can’t. There is no camp.” I added. The guard suddenly flashed a gun out of his holster, and aimed it at Mitch. “You are not permitted to pass, by the command of the highest authority. Return to camp, or I will take these measures.” He demanded. I found my hand sliding into my leather bag, and my fingers wrapped around the gun. I would shoot an officer to protect my friends. “Okay officer. We’re leaving.” Mitch replied, rolling up the window. We began to pull away from the border camp. “Mitch, what’re you doing!?” I asked. “We can’t return to the camp Mitch!” Jerome chirped from the backseat. “Try having a gun pointed at your head!” Mitch snapped back. “I’m sorry.. I.. I just need to get away from them.” He sighed, relaxing in his seat a little. “How many guards were there?” Ryan asked sluggishly, sitting up. “I saw five, I think.” I replied, trying to recount what I had seen. “Well, could we fight them then? Five of us. Five of them.” Ryan asked us, raising his eyebrows. “With what? Ashley’s bow? A kitchen knife? We’re not exactly armed to the teeth,” Mitch retorted. “Drive through then.” I suggested. All eyes turned to me. “What if we didn’t stop for them? We just blazed right through.” I offered. “They’ll shoot.” Louise whined. “They might, yeah. But if we stay low in our seats, we should be okay, except..” I trailed off. “Except for the driver.” Mitch completed my thought. I looked at him with mournful eyes. “I’ll drive. I’m willing to take the risk.” I said. Mitch shook his head. “No Ashley. I’ll do it.” He said acceptingly. I didn’t argue, partially because I was utterly relived I didn’t have to drive, partially because I was afraid if I spoke again, I would cry. At that point, we had driven back into the state of New Jersey, and we turned around. “Everyone get ready..” Mitch directed. I slunk down into my seat, covering my head with my leather bag. I could hear Jerome, Louise, and Ryan attempt to get as low as they could in their seats. The car began to move toward the camp, and I could feel it getting faster and faster. I heard the guards shouting, and then the unavoidable bang of gunshots. Glass shattered, falling all over me. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the torturous conditions to end. Somebody shrieked in pain, but the car continued to blaze forward.


I was soon saddled up on my favorite horse, and led the animal outside of the stables. Dan had chosen a broader horse that was silver with splotches of dark gray. By the tome we were ready to depart, it was evening. I was tired, and would have preferred to spend the night at the ranch,  but part of me wanted to break away from Mark. I was still distraught, that after all we had gone through, he saw us as traitors. “We won’t travel for too long, Sydney. Just an hour or so.” Dan told me. I noticed deep, dark creases under my eyes from the lack of sleep I had gotten. I nodded sleepily, as Dan pulled in front of me. We ambled across a long field, across s small stream, and passed a small strip of forests. The moon took its place in the sky, and shed its soft light on the desolate landscape. “Dan,” I yawned. “Can we please stop? I can hardly keep my eyes open.” I asked. “Yeah, hang on, we just need to find a spot thats safe.” Dan replied mildly.  ‘Safe’ was an overstatement, but I didn’t say anything. We came upon what looked like the remains of a treehouse. “Well, better than the ground, I guess.” I sighed, looking up. We had been given two long ropes that were meant to sever as leads. I tied my horse to a tree, and climbed up the decaying rope ladder. The main part of the treehouse was really just a platform made of wooden planks, with a ripped tarp covering it like a roof. Dan followed me up. The planks were warped by the rain, and were unsurprisingly uncomfortable. “It’s no substitute for a couch.” Dan sighed, rubbing his head. “But it should be okay for the night.” I nodded my head sleepily, and made myself as comfortable as I could. Dan even lent me his coat as a blanket. I felt myself falling asleep quicker than I imagined, and my vision was soon consumed by darkness. 

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