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"You wanna talk shit you wanna run to mouth?"
-Lil' Boosie

"But do you ever think of me when you lie,
Lie down in your bed, your bed of lies?"
-Skylar Grey

(Shawn in MM)

"So you fucked that bitch, Maze?"

I laughed hearing Shawn ask Maze, Did I fuck her? When I didn't even fuck Maze, I just kissed her. She could have Maze, I'm not phased about it and it wouldn't have even came out if Maze would've kept her broken down bitch in line, honestly.

I went to open my car door as I felt the pull of my ponytail in who I'm guessing as Shawn's hand dragging me to the ground.

"Bitch you think I'm gone let yo ho ass take my girl, and not whoop yo ass ho!"

She continued to punch me in my face until I got the upper hand on top of her and punched her in her face, watching as the same blood that poured from my nose poured from hers.

"Bitch I don't want yo girl!"

I got one last punch in until Maze broke us apart. Shawn was standing in front of Maze while I was standing behind her, with a smirk on my face for this pigeon toe ass bitch.


I chuckled. "Who you calling a ho? Slut!"

"Bitch fuck you, bet I tell yo man bout' the shit you been up too. Yeah, I know Terrance and best believe we got fucking history in these streets, baby!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed, acting as if I didn't care, but I wanted to peel his face off his fucking body.

I pushed Maze off of me and turned around jumping into my truck. I started up my car and rolled my window down, slightly. The way Shawn was standing, I could get a good aim at that bitch and I didn't care if it was nasty or not as I conjured up as much as I could and I spitted in her stupid face.

"Now, bitch, taste this crackheaded ass bitch's taste! Fuck with me again if you want to and come close to my man if you bad and be gone in these fucking streets, ugly ass dike!"

I looked at her as she started coming towards my car and laughed as I pulled off, down the street to my house.

I looked at myself in the mirror and flushed with disgust. My face was bloody and awoke by my nose and I had to make sure to powder it up with the stuff in my
glove compartment, and fixed my ponytail the best way that I could.

I stepped out of my truck, locked it and made my way to out porch as my neighbor, a bunch of bums that were no older than sixteen say on the porch.

"Wassup Tea. I ain't seen you in a minute, where yo main mans been at?"
Rascal asked me. One out of five that were sitting on the porch posted up.

"Nothing, baby. I'm just chilling and Terrance is always here. Your momma know y'll outside smoking weed, Rascal?"

He smacked his teeth.
"Mann, please don't tell her Tea. We already on lockdown this weekend," Jeremy spoke. Two out of five of them, but the rest of them carried faces that told "please don't tell."

"She ain't gone tell Youngbloods, I'll make sure of it."

I turned to Terrance as he spoke for me and rolled my eyes while he smirked. I walked past him in the house with out telling the boys bye as Terrance made his way back in the house behind me, hearing "Trouble in Paradise" from the boys.

He slammed the door as I threw my shoes off and by the dinner table.

"What the fuck is up now, TE'ALA?"

I turned to him before I would walk to the back to take a shower.

"Nothing is wrong, alright. Just let me go take a shower..."

I turned around and then walked to the bedroom, hearing him following me.

"Tea, I know something is wrong? I just need you to talk to me baby? That's all I'm asking?"

"Look, Terrance..." I spoke turning around. "....I don't want to talk about it and when I say I don't want to fucking talk about then that's what I fucking mean, but since you want to fucking keep pestering me about it, right, I have a question. You remember that bitch Shawn your cousin Maze introduced us too?"

"Yeah," He spoke with no hesitation.

"Well, do you remember when I asked y'll did y'll know eachother. I even asked you have y'll ever fucked around and what did you say?"

"I said no we didn't to both, but I lied."

I chuckled. "I know you did, Terrance and I should slap the shit out of you, but I'm not going to waste my energy with it when I already had to fight the bitch!"

I turned around walking into the bathroom, bending over to start the water.

"Why were you fighting her Tea?"

I turned around with a smirk on my face.
"It doesn't matter, but what does matter is that bitch sholl' did have a lot to say about you in between it all, Terrance. About y'll having history. I mean, c'mon, tell me, was it good enough for you to lie about it to my fucking face Terrance?"

"No, Tea. I only lied about it because she told me not to tell you. It happened so long ago, Tea when I stayed in NY before I moved to Florida and when we came back she was gay."

I chuckled. "She told you not to tell me? Your girlfriend? The ones who's been doing any and everything for you? Me, Terrance. I ought a punch the sh-- you know what just get out!"

I was over it, but not totally over it. I didn't want to talk about it anymore because I knew I would probably resort to putting my hands on him, by he must have wanted it because he still hadn't gave me the privacy I wanted.

"What the fuvk don't you understand when I say get out Terrance?"

He looked at me and frowned.
"I know your mad at me, but I've got something else to tell you?"

I chuckled, only because it felt right. This was all so funny to me especially his lies.

"What else could you say that could ruin this lovely day Terrance, huh?"

"Well, you gotta fly back home because Teyana has cancer and...."

I sat down on the toilet seat in shock blocking out everything else that he had said. My little baby had cancer and I was just finding out about it and it didn't help now when I was going through my own shit, too.

"....her birthday is coming up too. I got our tickets so---"

"I don't know why you got us both tickets, Terrance. I'm going by myself and not with you. The least you could do is respect my wishes to stay home when you've lied to my face over and over again!"

Drama starts now, lmao. 40 comments/ 100 votes before next update. Shawn is in MM.

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