Guten tag Druella!

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*at the German campsite*

Soldiers were everywhere around the campsite. Some were relaxing while others were guarding the camp site. Until we see an soldier running to his commanders tent. Ariving at Adalwin's tent he entered inside and said:

"Commander, I have bad news!"

The commander nearly spilled his coffee, and was a little iritated.

"*muttering*Scheiße, *normal tone* what is it soldier?!" he said, the soldier a little scared said

"*gulp* I am sorry to disturb you, I was on guard duty. I saw in the near forest with my binocular, a small mamono army behind the trees." the soldier said

"A small army?! Do you have the slightest idea how little it narrows it down? Can you tell me their numbers?"

"Aproximately 50 or so mamono."

'Maybe we can talk this out' Adalwin said in his mind

But not even 1 minute later another soldier comes trough the tent.

"Commander, we saw a mamono with white wings and with purpleish skin, she comes into the direction of our camp!"

"Calm down men, it is not like one mamono can bring down our entire unit, remember as long as we live, we fight."

""Yes sir"" the soldiers said in unison

The soldiers and the commander exited the tent and went to greet this new kind of mamono.

*change POV to Druella*

I was aprroaching the humans campsite. But out of nowhere 4 men come out of the tents with their magic weapons pointed at me. One of them screamed in an unknown language:

"Genau dort anhalten!" I didn't know what he said, but I was sure he said to stop right there. These men were really weird. They wore something what looked like a mask with a metal helmet, they had metal chestplates on their chests with a symbol that looked like an eagle. And the most weird thing about them was their weapons. They had the mechanism of a crossbow but it was covered and it didn't look like it would shoot arrows.

'Interesting.' Druella thought

And there was another thing about them. They didn't fell in love with her! Her eyes would meet another soldiers 'eyes' but it didn't make them fall for her. She grinned inside.

Then another one of this 'soldier' appeared, but this one was different. He had a weirdly shaped hat, his face was visible, he didn't look older 25 years old. Then he spoke something "Waffen runter." said the man. After he said that, the other soldiers slowly putting their weapons down, not on the floor but they weren't aiming at her anymore.

*change POV to Adalwin*

"Lay your weapons down." I said, slowly but surely, my man putted their guns down. Then I looked at the mamono and, oh boy was she beatiful. He hasn't encountered many mamono beside the werewolf, but he knew she was one of the most beatiful mamono.

 He hasn't encountered many mamono beside the werewolf, but he knew she was one of the most beatiful mamono

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She was even scary in her way. Then she spoke in english.

"Greetings humans, I am Druella, the fourth born of the Demon Lord. I have come here to ask you some questions. But can we do that in private somewhere else?" she asks, her voice was so soothing and calm that it was frightening. Adalwin was, again, in awe. He never saw a woman like this, with such a soothing voice, he couldn't believe how he didn't fall for her on spot.

Coming back to his senses, Adalwin responded to her request:"A-ah umm, of course!"

'Wait, did she say "Fourth born of the Demon Lord"? Then she must be very powerful.'

I leaded her to the largest tent. I brought a super-soldier with me for protection.

The tent had the radio and a few more weapons. I evacuated everyone out of the tent.

'Gott, not even a week and we met the Demon Lord's daughter, but wait, what is she doing in Lescatia!? Proprably not my problem.'

"Well human, please can you tell me your name?" she asked politely

"O-of course, my name is Adalwin, I am commander of the platoon that is in this world."

"What do you mean ' this world'?" she asks a little confused

"Well you see miss Druella, me and my men come from another world." this peaked her interest

"Oh~? Another world you say? Tell me... how is this world of your's?" She asks again in a seductive voice

Adalwin gulps, and the super-soldier behind him stomps the ground. That brought him out of his imagination.

"I am sorry but I can't really tell you that."

"It is alright. Now, what are you doing with your men in this world?" Druella asks

"The German government has sent us into this world to look for resources and to make peace to any kind of people in this world, but we thought that the demon lord coming in Lescatia was suicide?"

She chuckled "It is just a visit around the world, nothing to serious, and plus, noboby comes around these woods." she said

"And another question. Are you a threat to the demon lord?" she asks, a lot more serious than last time

"Ah no, no, we are a threat only to those who attack us first." Adalwin said

"Well I think that is all I wanted to ask you. Farewell commander Adalwin." she said before getting up and going to the exit. A soldier escorted her out of the camp, and she dissapeared in the thick wood.

"Mein gott, thank you it is over, and for no apparent reason I felt a little light-headed around her, maybe because that she was beatiful? Nah it can't be that, but whatever it was, it was really weird." said Adalwin

Forth chapter is out, this one has 1000 words :D. Really nice to have four chapters done. But I am still pretty bored. Anyway that's not important.

Question: Should I give Adalwin a monster girl? Or no? I would probraly do so. But anyway, see you next chapter my dear, dear friends. :D

Question 2: Do you think that a super-soldier would win against a hellhound? I think the super-soldier would win.

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