Back to the gate

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*at the german campsite*

'What shall I do?' asked Adalwin in his mind

'I don't think that we should go further, ahead of us is a corrupted forest, there is lots of mamono there, my men are strong but they can't fight 200 mamonos.' Adalwin said in his mind

'And if we stay to much in this campsite, I don't think that Druella won't attack us' he said again in his mind

Adalwin goes to the tent with the radio and tries to talk with the HQ.

*timeskip brought to you by chibi Adalwin running away from chibi Druella*

'Aha! It works! Now let's talk with HQ' he thought

"HQ, this is commander Adalwin Frucht, can you hear me?" He said through the radio

"We-e hear yo-u commander" said the radio

"We request that we retreat back to the gate, we have made first friendly contact with the people in this world, but if we stay to much out here, we might be in trouble" said Adalwin

"Perm-mission granted, get-t your men out of there, HQ out" after he said that, the radio went quiet

I was happy. This world was beatiful and all, but nowhere was like home. I gave the order to my men to pack the the tents and to get on the APC's. 2 hours later they finished packing up and moved to the gate.

*timeskip 4 hours*

They arrived at the gate, but the german army made a base along the gate, securing it. Adalwin didn't know that they built a base already here, in this world. Near the entrance, the guards greeted the commander, the commander returning the gesture. After they parked their APC's Adalwin went to the general's office to tell them anout his mission. He told the general everything he knew about mamono and the Order. The general was suprised when he heard about magic. He thought that magic didn't exist. After explaining the mamono and the Order to the general, Adalwin went back to his office.

*in the near forest around the gate*

An amazonian elder watched closely these weird men. Along with her daughters and most of the village. They watched the the weird grey man in weirld metal armours, walking around their settlement. She tought there weren't many weird man. So she decided to attack them. She had the bigger number of about 600 amazonians. Seeing the small army, the guards pressed the alarm, waking up everyone. The base was in chaos right now, men who just woke up from their sleep were trying to put on their suits, engineers repairing the APC's nearly hit their head when the alarm started blaring, while some men were already at the gate, ready to defend their base

The guards saw that they weren't normal people, they had really weird tattoos and a single horn and wing. The super-soldiers, were all at the gate along with panzerhunds and soldiers. The mamono begun their attack at the german people. The germans begun to fire and decimated the poor mamono. Only about a minute of firing, the dust cleared off to show only bodies, most of them still alive, but heavily bleeding.

Adalwin saw the bloodbath outside.'There were alteast 500 lives there *sigh*, If only they weren't that stupid to attack us.' thought Adalwin

*timeskip next day*

The german base was on high alert today, soldiers where everywhere, keeping the base safe. The first contact with the mamono wasn't so peaceful, but they couldn't just let them take their men. With more reinforcements and resources coming daily from the gate, they managed to build a pretty big base around the gate.

Adalwin was in his office, drinking his coffee. He and another team are going to try and make peaceful contact with the Order in the next few days. 'Wonder how it is...' thought Adalwin

*scene change Lescatia*

Everything was in chaos, monsters have attacked the city, they took men and raped them. They transformed all the woman in to mamono. The hero of Lescatia, Wilmarina Noscrim, has fallen alongside many other heroes. Druella was satisfied with the actions of today. She took Lescatia down, a danger to her mother. She heard the moans from inside the castle, that made her grin grow even bigger.

'Soon... the other world will be the same, but clearly not now...' she thought, knowing what happened to the amazonian tribe that attacked them


Well hello there dear reader, first I wanted to apologise for my absence, I had to much fun with Dark Souls and SCP:SL. But I will try and make as many chapters as I can weekly. And second I decided to make another book with Dark Souls someday, well, we'll see, anyway see you next chapter!

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