Something That Needs To Be Said.

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Ok, so I just got this idea last night for a story and I rarely use wattpad so I'm sorry if this is going to be different in the style that I do things. Phew! That was a long sentence! Any who, I just want to inform you that this probably won't be updated very often because I have school. Plus, I have a very healthy relationship with my parents as I spend, like, Three hours with them every night.

Again, any who! I will have very short chapters, maybe just one page long even. Also, I don't often go for cliff hangers, mostly because I am terrible at them. BUT! I  Like to keep people interested! So I will try to have an interesting ending. To a chapter!

Then, last but not least, I would be more than happy if you want to tell me things. Like for example, if i use the words: I, It, like, my, me, he, her, stranger!  etc...etc...etc...  Also if I tend to forget capitalization ( a lot, not just here and there please.) Oh! I almost forgot! Tell me, pretty please, if you think it is way too predictable.

Other than that, I think thats it! Message me how you think its going please! 

Bye, Love y'all! Ray is out!

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