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Shinso left the changing rooms and joined Aizawa on his work. He's been waiting for this moment after losing sight of you. He was going to use this excuse to go and look for where you lived and look for clues as to where you disappeared to.

"I'm gonna be here." Shinso said as he didn't wait for his teacher's reply and ran off on his own.

'What is he doing?' Aizawa asked himself as he followed the boy. There was no way he was going to be letting him go off on his own after nearly dying and being targeted by one of the most dangerous villains in Japan.

Aizawa stayed quiet as he followed his student, making sure that he wasn't spotted. And after following him for a while, the two of them arrived at a quiet and eerie street. He knew this place. A lot of small thugs and criminals come here to hide. But this place was already raided a while ago and captured a few small-time crime makers. So what was Shinso doing here?

Shinso entered a small apartment building and began to run to the third floor. He opened the door and looked around. It was a small place. It looked like someone was staying here. But there was no one inside.

He rummaged through the belongings, looking for any clues. He could see a few scales lying here and there, looked like they fell off and you couldn't bother to pick them up. He looked for anything. Anything that could give a clue about your location.

But there was nothing.

"Agh, dammit!" He spat as he slumped to the floor.

"So, this is where you've been." Shinso jumped at the voice and he turned around to be met with his teacher. Shinso was about to come up with an excuse, but Aizawa beat him. "Don't. I know you've had contact with 'Medusa'."

Shinso sighed, admitting what his teacher had said. "But I couldn't capture her and let her get away. This place was where she stayed before I lost sight of her on Saturday."

"...Let her be." Aizawa said, taking his student by surprise.

"What? But isn't she a criminal?" Shinso asked in disbelief at what his teacher was saying. "She's an S-rank villain, you said so yourself."

"Well..." Aizawa sighed as he scratched the back of his neck. "Medusa... is just a kid. At your age."

"Yeah, I know that much." One glare from his teacher made him shut his mouth.

"I met her once... two years ago." Aizawa began to tell a story, Shinso completely engrossed. "It was during a small incident where a bomber took over a commercial mall, taking hostages. Three kids and three adults. And on that mall was Medusa.

I saw her with my own eyes. She made a deal to join the villain if he let her take care of the hostages. The villain agreed. So she had complete control of the hostages. And the people already knew who she was and they were afraid.

So when the heroes sent me, along with another hero, we were found out. Medusa killed two of the adults instantly. Then, the bomber next and disappeared without a trace. The only thing she left was scales to the children and the woman."

"So... she saved them? In a way?" Shinso asked. But Aizawa shook his head. "Then what?"

"We did a background check." Aizawa continued. "The two she killed were part of a scamming business. And the woman she spared was killed three days later in her home. She was shattered. And when the police piece her together, she was aiming a gun at someone. That someone was her own son." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We soon found out that she was a drug abuser and has been for the past two years and has been abusing her own son."

"So... those scales..." Shinso muttered as he finally realized what they meant. "They weren't because she was targeting them..." Aizawa nodded. "But to tell people that she will protect those who have them..."


Shinso was at a complete loss. When he heard that story from his own teacher, he didn't know what to do. He was conflicted whether to be a hero and turn you to justice or let you be and do the things the heroes and the police can't even do because they were afraid of their reputation crashing down.

'I need to focus on class first...' He thought as he glanced back at Aizawa who's been explaining something. 'Ah right. The Sports Festival, I completely forgot about that one.'

"As most of you here are already doing their own Work-hero studies." Aizawa began. "This will be a great chance for those who still aren't doing those. For those students, they will be doing internships with other pro heroes."

'Well, at least this got nothing to do with me. I'm already doing Work-Studies with Eraserhead' Shinso thought as he sketched in his notebook. He does this whenever he feels distracted. It helps him be distracted from the thing that was distracting him. It doesn't actually help him get back on track.

"But still, participation is mandatory." Aizawa said. Well, there goes Shinso plan of not wanting to participate. "That's all. Dismissed."


"Miss, my aunty is very mean." The child beside you complained as you and she sat by a bench, drinking hot chocolate. "She doesn't let me play with my cousins, she doesn't let me eat with them, and she says that I'm a bad child... am I really a bad child?"

You placed a hand on her head, patting her gently and giving her a soft smile. "Don't worry, you aren't a bad child..." You took hold of her palms and placed a scale. "Here, hold this with you. If she's mean to you again show this to her."

"Okay!!" She cheered, holding it close to her. "What is this!?"

"A special item. It blocks off very evil people." You said with a slight chuckle as you stood up, taking your white cane with you. "I need to get home now, my friend will get worried. Bye-bye."

You waved goodbye to the girl and made your way out of the small park. Where were you? Well, in Niigata. It would be bad for the hero to spend more time with you. He had a bright future ahead.

While you were stuck in the deepest part of the world.

You weren't here to get rid of heroes.

You weren't here to protect the people either.

You were just here to relieve your stress and get rid to survive the curse that is your quirk.

You weren't a hero.

You were a villain with piles and piles of bodies under your foot.

'But... I still have to go back there... it's where a lot of problematic people are...'

You sighed, going back to your little home. Once you were there, you ignored the sleeping human on the ground and went to the wallet on the table and took your bag.

'Plus... who knows when... that person will be coming for me again...'


A hooded figure stood right in front of a window, looking down on the petrified woman below, a smirk plastered on their face.

"Ah... my dear (Y/N)..." The hooded figure muttered, his grin twitching in excitement. "You're so close to me... why don't you just come back to me already~" 

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