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"Hello!! Good morning, (Y/N)-san!" You groaned and showed your back to that cheerful voice from yesterday. If you were correct, it was Midoriya. "U-um... I'm guessing you don't like me..."

"No." You answered him, taking him by surprise with your answer. "I do like you. People like you are loved by everyone, that includes me. But that doesn't mean that you have to like me back."

"Um, I heard this from Shinso-san but..." The boy gulped as he fidgeted with his fingers. "You really are amazing. You protected so many children. Why not be a hero?"

"...Midoriya-san, being a hero is not fit for me..." You said, reaching your hand and taking off your blindfold as the boy watched earnestly. You took the spoon from your unfinished food and gave it a quick glance. "A hero is someone who saves. I... destroy..."

You threw the spoon backward, hitting the glass wall, startling Midoriya as a stone spoon suddenly shattered in front of him. Just as he was about to question you, you told him to leave.


"You can leave, Shinso-san." You said immediately as you sat up from bed, surprising Shinso as he was about to sit down. "I can smell you. I learned to train my other senses so I didn't have to rely on my eyesight, is the answer to your question."

"What? Like my perfume now or what?" he asked teasingly, but you didn't answer and just gave him your back and faced the wall. He sighed, seeing your disinterest once again. "(Y/N)... you know... if you open up, they'll welcome you... they welcomed me unlike the others did..."

"...well that sounds impossible..." You said, finding it hard to believe.

"Well, it's true. It's not what you went through, but I know what being isolated is like." He said, his tone serious unlike a while ago. "My quirk, Brainwash. It's made for a villain... so people avoided me because they were scared that I would control them... I had a lot of trouble getting here, but I managed... and it's well... Thanks to them... god, this is killing me..."

'Isolation huh...' You felt what the boy was saying. You felt isolation, you grew up alone, so... you don't want to trust anyone else again. "I... am afraid."

"Afraid?" He asked, happy that he managed to get you to talk, even a little bit. "Afraid of what?"

"..." You turned around and took off your blindfold... You took a deep breath and gave him a smile. "I'm afraid to trust others again. I'm afraid of being thrown aside again... I... don't want to break... I'm... scared... so please, don't get close to me..."


Shinso rested on his bed, his arm on his head as he stared on the blank ceiling. Your words stuck to him. Everything you've said ever since you two met, he can't forget them. They held so much emotion and meaning. And just a few hours ago.

He clicked his tongue and turned to his side. His brow furrowed at the memory.

The tears flowing down your eyes, tears he wanted to wipe away. He felt sad and horrible for not being able to help. He said to himself that he would save you, a person much like his past, he wanted you to feel free as well...

But he just feels so useless now...


It was dark. The whole room was dark. But even so, you won't shut your eyes. You don't want to see your dreams again. For nearly ten years, you felt scared again.

You thought you got rid of your fears, but it seems like it's back...

There shouldn't anymore cause of your fear. Everyone that was related to you, anyone who was a clue to your past... you got rid of them all...

The old you was gone. That naive child who wanted nothing more than the love of the people who threw her away. That useless child is gone. You got rid of her. You already killed her.

So why was she creeping back from her grave...

"Please... I don't want to be alone..."

"I do."

"Hic... I just want mom and dad to love me... please..."

"I don't."

"Even if it's just one friend... please..."


"I'm scared... I don't want this anymore... hic... please... (Y/N)... save me..."

"I'm a villain... I don't save people..."

"...I'm scared... I don't want to be useless... please... save me..."

'You weren't useless...' You thought to yourself as you emptied out the cries of that little child. 'Stop crying... please...' Butt no matter how much you begged her to stop, she didn't. "I don't want to cry anymore... please... please..."

You curled on your bed, hugging yourself as you let your tears pour. 'I don't want this... I'm afraid.'


Aizawa stood in shock at what he was seeing. The room that was designed to suppress your quirk was completely destroyed. Even the glass was shattered. He dropped your breakfast and rushed to you who was sitting on the broken glass, your feet, and hands bleeding.

"(Y/N)!! Are you okay!? What happened?!" He asked. You didn't answer and it worried him. He gasped as he saw your hand, a shard of glass with blood. There weren't any visible cuts on your hands or anywhere.

Then... he moved the hair blocking your eyes. Horror filled the pro hero's eyes as he saw the damage you had done to your eyes.

He picked you up and immediately rushed you out of the room and into the elevator. He was panicking, he was scared. Once the elevator was at ground level, he immediately rushed out, ignoring the student's greetings and making his way to the infirmary.

"EMERGENCY!!" He shouted as he entered the infirmary, startling the poor woman inside. And just as she was about to scold him, she saw the figure in his hands. "Her... her eyes... she.."

"Go call an ambulance, now!"


"Class 2-A," The principal said from the screen on the board as the students listened. "Classes for you today will be taken over by Kan. Aizawa and Recovery Girl had to rush to the hospital. And I will be making my way there right now."

"EH!? Sensei! Did something happen to sensei!?" Kirishima asked as he raised his arm. Nezu smiled sadly but he shook his head. "Then... is it Recovery Girl!?"

"As we speak, (Y/N) is at the hospital being treated after she had injured her eyes." The class gasped, asking if you were going to be alright. "I'm sorry, I don't have any details. But I have to go before the police beat me there. Goodbye."

'She... tried to...' Shinso was shocked to hear the news. His breathing hitched as he remembered your actions last night. 'Her eyes... she let me...'

The reason you let him see your eyes... was because it was going to be the last...

Cursed - Shinso Hitoshi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now