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"I'm surprised she can still walk without problems." Jiro muttered as she watched you walk around without the need of being helped. "I thought that she injured her legs too because she was in the wheelchair..."

"It must be to make transportation easier." Momo said, tapping the pen on her notebook. "But it's good to see her walking around."

"But it must be hard..." Mina sighed, already doodling on her notes and forgetting her homework. "Having to walk around without knowing the place..." Everyone nodded, glazing over to you with pitiful expressions.

'I can feel their staring. And I can hear them.' You thought as you frowned, looking for something that you dropped a while ago. You sighed, rubbing your head in frustration. 'Where is it...'

"Hey, (Y/N)." Shinso called out front the couch, his friends peeking behind him. Friends would be Kirishima, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Iida. You hummed, turning to him and tilting your head. "Whatcha looking for?"

"Oh, I'm looking for the hair tie Eri gave me earlier." You replied, remembering when Eri visited you a while ago and gave you a hair tie with a apple design, well, she said it had apple prints. "You know, the one with the apples."

"(Y/N)-kun! Please sit down and rest! I shall be helping you in finding your item!" Iida exclaimed as he stood up. "It must be hard for you to search in your condition.

"I'll help you out too!!" Hagakure exclaimed, raising her... well, arm in the air.

"Thanks, but it's fine." You replied, 'looking' around once again. "It's not like I can't 'see'. Well, I really can't, but I can still pinpoint things out." You said, stopping them from telling you about your eyes. "For example, the exact seating pattern on the couch, from right to left is Momo, Jiro, Mina, Hagakure, Kaminari, Kirishima, Iida, Shinso, and then Midoriya. Kirishima had just finished bathing, Momo was having black tea, and Kaminari ate the pudding that Bakugo was saving."

There was silence in the group of students on the sofa as they gave you a look of shock. Their eyes were wide and their mouths slightly agape. Kirishima never told anyone he just finished bathing. Momo brewed the tea even before you went down to search. And Kaminari ate the donut an hour ago.

"Cool." Shinso shrugged, already knowing about your weird... habit of sniffing people out and knowing what exactly was happening without needing your eyes. "Good luck finding it then."

"WAAAH!!! (Y/N)-SAN!! Can I ask something?!" Midoriya asked, whipping out his notebook and began to write. "How did you train your senses? How did you learn to do your accurate pinpointing? How about hearing? How far can you hear? Can you hear the frequencies that human ears cannot detect? Or just as far as-"

"WHO THE FUCK ATE MY FUCKING FOD!?!" There goes the angry blonde.

You sighed, shaking your head. You were never going to find it in this pace with everyone screaming and shouting and asking questions. You liked the hair tie too, Eri gave it to you. Eri did. Eri.

"Guys! I found a hair tie on the hallway! Anyone know who it belongs to?" Uraraka asked as she entered the living room, ignoring the screaming Kaminari being chased around by Bakugo.

"Ah, that would be me." You said, running over to her. But you almost ran into the two boys, luckily, you managed to get away and they got scolded by Iida for running around. "Thanks, Uraraka-san."

"No, problem!" She cheered, handing you the hair tie.


"Kid?" The familiar voice of your teacher asked as he stepped into the dark living room. "It's 2 a.m. what are you doing here?"

Cursed - Shinso Hitoshi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now