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"(Y/N)-san, please rest assured, we managed to save your vision and your eyes thanks to the help of Recovery Girli." They were the doctor's words. Words that you heard after waking up hours after you destroyed your room.

You remembered the whole room shattering due to the intensity of your quirk. You remembered seeing your eyes from the glass' reflection and... crying in pain as you used it to get rid of your eyes...

'...My eyes are okay...' You thought as you gripped the sheets. 'I tried again... but I always fail...'

"Here, have some apples, miss..." That cheerful voice said from your bed. You felt her tiny, warm hand taking yours and placing an apple on them. "Midnight-san and I peeled them and made them look like bunnies, I hope you like it."

"...thank you..." You said as you ate the apple bunny. You couldn't see anything once again since the doctors bandaged up your eyes to let it recover fully. Your blindfold was specially made, so you could still see a little bit from it, but this basically made it impossible. 'Why can't my quirk just leave me alone already...'

"Miss... does it hurt?" Eri asked as she held your hand. You shook your head. "If it still hurts... I can get rid of the pain..."

"It's fine..." You said, your hand hovering in the air and Eri went to it on her own accord. You smiled, feeling light hearted with her. "Eri... are you... happy?"

You heard of her story from last year. You knew what she had gone through. You wanted to go get her, but you knew you wouldn't live if you did... and you regretted it. But at least...

"Yeah! Everyone is nice!" She said with a giggle, remembering everyone and telling you stories of her time on U.A and with everyone.


"(Y/N)..." You turn your head to the door, already recognizing the voice. It was Shinso. You could hear his heavy footsteps as he made his way over to you. "Why did you do it?"

Why would he care? Aren't you just someone who tried to kill him? You can't understand why he would want to help you. You weren't someone who needed saving. There others out there.

"...To get rid of my eyes...." You answered truthfully. Eri was already back to school, you guessed classes are over now that Shinso was here. "But no matter how many times I do it... my eyes always return... It's like God is telling me to deal with these cursed eyes of mine..."

"So... you've done it before?" He asked. You nodded. He grit his teeth, anger rushing through him. "Why would you do that?!"

"...It was the cause of my problems... so... naturally I..." You paused, touching the bandage on your eyes. "I wanted to get rid of it... It's the easiest-"

You were shut off when you felt warm arms around your body. Then more, and more arms came. Then crying. It was the whole class. What were they doing here? You didn't ask them to come and you told Nezu that you didn't want to meet anyone.

"Why are you here?" You asked, hoping to get rid of whoever it was hugging you.

"(Y/N)-chan!! If you feel like this, tell us!! We'll listen to you!!" It was Mina's voice. "Don't just keep to yourself!!"

Everyone nodded, telling you to open up more and speak if you feel sad or pressured. But to never, ever harm yourself.

But... no matter what...

You still want to get rid of your eyes...


Cursed - Shinso Hitoshi x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz