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"Hello, (Y/N)!!" That high pitched voice cheered as he greeted you once again. Nezu, is what he introduced himself as a few days ago. "How are you feeling? I heard that your fever has gone down, I hope you're feeling better!"

"..." You stayed quiet as you sat on the bed. Plus, it's not like you could talk. You had a nuzzle on, a blindfold and both your arms are tied. You could understand why, you did try to escape when they were trying to treat you before. You couldn't see anything, but you were used to it by now.

The principal frowned at your lack of response as he sat at the chair, right outside your room. It separated you and him by a glass wall. They found out that you couldn't petrify people if there was glass blocking your vision. Well, the glass will be first then break it then the person behind the glass. Easy peasy.

He sighed and smiled sadly. "(Y/N), I know you must think that we're here to send you to the police, but we won't. I fought very hard for the past two days to fight for custody over you! Don't worry, you'll be safe here! I won't let them touch you!"

"..." He was met with silence once again as you turned around and showed him your back. 'I'm imprisoned now... how funny... after running around without a leash, I feel suffocated in this room... I don't like it.'

"I know it's hard for you to trust us." He said as he jumped off the chair. "I don't care if it takes another five years to get you to open up, but I won't let you be killed. You are a child and you have potential. You have good intentions but a bad way of showing that intention. We're here to get you back on the right track. I'll come back again later. Rest well, (Y/N)."


The principal sighed as he stepped out of the elevator. He made his way to the empty halls of the school. Everyone was in their classes, so it was silent in the halls. After a while of walking, he finally arrived at his designated place. Class 2-A.

He opened the door and gave them a greeting as he entered. The teacher inside was Midnight. And the look on her face worried her students, she looked sad and worried.

"Everyone," Nezu began as he was lifted on the pedestal by Midnight. "I'm sure you already heard of the news that U.A is housing a villain?"

Everyone nodded, the class rep raising his hand and asking if this was true.

"Yes. It's true." Nezu replied with a calm tone, but the class was not close to calm, well, for a few students that is. He raised a paw, silencing everyone. "I'm sure you've heard who this villain is, so I won't go into detail. But, there is something I wish to ask of you."

"What is it?" They asked in curiosity.

"Please help that child find her light once again." Everyone was shocked to see their principal bowing. "She's protected many children, it's something that not the police or any hero has accomplished. She has great intentions, but the way she was brought up was very wrong. She was left alone to fend for herself. She didn't know any kindness, so she didn't show kindness to her victims. So please, please show her that she could be someone better. For five years, I've wanted to have her under our wing, but she's always escaped. Today is our chance. So please, help that child be the hero I know she can be."

There was a long silence within the classroom as they finished hearing their principal's speech. Not a lot of people would do what the principal has done. And they respect him for that.

"I'll do it." A bored voice said as he raised his hand. Shinso smirked when everyone turned to his attention. "I was the one who helped you rescue her from her death sentence, so I might as well finish 'rescuing' her."

"Yes. I know." Nezu said with a smile. "You were so thrilled when you heard we'll take her under our wing instead of sending her off to be killed."

"HEY! THERE'S WASN'T ANY NEED FOR THAT INFORMATION!!" Shinso exclaimed, his face tinted red from embarrassment. And one by one, everyone raised their hand in the air. 'See? You have people here.'


"(Y/N)." You sat up at the voice, turning to where that window was. Your nuzzle and cuffs were gone. "..."

"Shinso-san." You said in a flat tone, resting your back on the wall. "What brings you here?"

"WOAH!!" A loud cheerful voice exclaimed, startling you. "Hello!! I'm Mina!! I'll be one of your new friends!! Nice to meet you!!"

"Hey! I wanted to do that first!" A male one said this time. "I'm Kaminari Denki, but you can call me... tonight!"

"EW! That was so corny!" Mina grimaced and you heard a thud noise and a shriek from Tonight.

Soon, a lot of people's voices began to introduce themselves one by one. It confused you. Who the heck were these people and what were they doing there? They could be students since you were confined in a school.

"Friends..." You muttered. You sighed, furrowing your brows. "Please don't be friends with me." You said, everyone standing in shock outside. "I'm a villain. It will not be good for you. I already warned Shinso-san, but it seems that all of you are very much alike."

"HA!? SO WHAT IF YOU'RE A VILLAIN! I'LL STILL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!!" That angry person said. His name was... Kacchan... it was what that shy voice said, saying that noisy, angry voice belonged to Kacchan. "HEY! Look here, bitch! I'll fucking destroy you!"

"STOP SCARING HER!" Another voice said. Uraraka, was her name.

'That Kacchan... was he a villain like me?' You asked yourself, trying to remember if you've met with a villain with that name. "Still, befriending me will not end well for such lucky and loved people such as yourselves. So please let me be."

Shinso sighed, as he stood up, his classmates following his moves. He went to the door and entered, making the others panic and call for him to come back.

'See? They're scared.' You thought to yourself as you sprawled on the bed. 'They only feel safe because of the glass. But once they get inside, they get scared...'

"(Y/N)." You sighed, raising your hand to the source and felt a face. "I told you before... that you can lower your guard here..."

"And I told you to leave me alone already, Shinso-san." You replied, pushing his face back and turned to face the wall. "I would rather have my death sentence than burden you and everyone else here... it's what I deserve..."

There was a silence within the group at what they heard. To be honest, they didn't want to go here at first. But Shinso took the lead and went on his own and they followed him and asked him about you. He said that you were formal, annoyingly tame, and very docile and... alone.

You felt a dip on the bed and you sighed. It was Shinso again. "Shinso-san, please leave. I prefer to be alone at the moment... you would gain nothing from me."

"..." Shinso didn't answer, making you quite pissed. The place beside your head dipped and Shinso's presence was closer than before. "Stop sulking and get up."

"I refuse." You said, extending your hand and pushing his face away.

"But they even wanted to have a few snacks with you." He said, pointing to the glass where someone held a few snacks with them like you can see them in the first place. "They're heroes, they won't lose their goal just because they spent time with you."

'I highly doubt that... I...' You shook your head, removing that old memory out. "Well, I am not hungry. Please leave or I will have to force you to leave..."

Shinso sighed as he stood up, making you heave a sigh of relief. You could hear his footsteps get further and further away. But it stopped.

"These people won't back down, you know." He said with a slight chuckle. "They'll make the best of friend out of you. Speaking from experience." 

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