chapter 6 - fan girls?

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Aoba Johsai also known as Seijoh loomed in front of you, your uniform was clean and ironed. You made sure there were no stains because you didn't want any embarrassment on the first day. You would put on a jacket but you didn't want any unnecessary attention drawn to you. You looked around the courtyard wondering if you could find Oikawa or Iwaizumi-san. 

Your search was distracted by a few girls huddled around a taller student. You ignored them, not wanting any trouble. Apparently your search being distracted wasn't a waste of time because you saw Iwaizumi-san standing alone near the crowd of people. "Iwaizumi-san! Good morning." You waved and smiled trying to appear cheerful and confident even though you wanted to puke.

"Oh, hello y/n-kun. Good morning." 

"Why are you standing here all alone? Is Oikawa not here yet?" 

Iwaizumi chuckled, "Oh he's here, just a little preoccupied with his fangirls." 

Your eyes widened in surprise, "Oikawa-san has fangirls?" You wracked your brain trying to figure out why Oikawa-san would have fangirls. He was good-looking and captain of the volleyball team, but to be honest he seemed rather plain. You chewed on your lip, deep in thought. You decided maybe he was likable and fun to talk to. 

Iwaizumi, nodded and pointed to the cluster of two or three fans surrounding Oikawa. It wasn't a lot of fangirls surrounding Oikawa, but it was impressive he had fans in the first place. I thought triggered inside of you, why didn't Iwaizumi have fans? You decided not to ask, he might think you were being mean. You checked your watch again, the school was almost going to begin. You frowned at your watch a bit anxious. 

"I better get going, Iwaizumi-san. I want to find my class before it starts so I won't get lost like last time." You both laughed and waved goodbye. You were in class 2-B. You scanned the halls worried, class 1-A, class 1-B, class 1-C. The bell late bell rang and you panicked. Maybe you can find it if you went upstairs, class 2-D, class 2-C, you finally came across your classroom 2-B. You entered the classroom, as you rudely cut your professor off by barging off. 

"I'm terribly sorry professor. Is there assigned seating?" you asked as you nervously looked around the classroom. What if you sat in the wrong seat. 

"No assigned seating for now." the class groaned, "You're new correct? May you introduce yourself?" your professor asked kindly. Your first-impressions of your professor were good, he seemed kind and optimistic. 

You nodded, trying your hardest not to stutter while speaking, "Hello, I'm Y/n L/n but you can call me ( insert preferred name here)." 

"Thank you y/n," 

You sat down in the back and rethought the entire situation. You noticed you sat to a brown-haired girl with a red clip in her hair.  You tried your best to pay attention but it was hard because you kept thinking about how terrible your introduction was. Halfway through class, you calmed down and stared at the sky through the window. It was hard to look at the sky since you were near the door in the back and many students were in the way but you managed.  

Eventually, the class was dismissed and you were off to your next one after this was a break before going off to your next two classes, lunch before your last two classes. You wondered if you would be able to talk to Oikawa-san at the break this time. You skipped breakfast this morning because you felt nausea but you hopped you could eat a small snack at the break to tide you over till lunch. You looked around the classroom, looking at your fellow classmates. One of Oikawa's fangirls was in this class. 

The class ended and you searched the school for your two only friends. It was sad that you only had two friends, so you hoped you could make more. You were just so excited to be able to go to a school with everyone else. Before you could approach Oikawa or Iwaizumi-san you noticed they were surrounded by others. Oikawa was laughing and talking, and Imaizumi seemed to be smiling more the usual. Maybe those were their other friends. They both looked so happy you didn't want to interrupt them so you turned back, to find a bench to sit on. 

You saw the brown-haired girl with a red clip in her hair, maybe you should approach her? She looked friendly- 


"Hey just give it back already! Why are you even doing this?" Your voice squeaked. 

"Tch. Does it matter?" asked the blonde shoving your backpack in your face. "Don't bother talking to us again I don't want to be infected with your freakiness." 

"Ya!" exclaimed a group of children behind the blonde. 

"Don't call me a freak." You screeched stepping on the blonde's foot. The blonde pushed you into the wall, your head bouncing off it a few times. The blonde kicked you in the ankle and grabbed your shirt collar. 

"I'll call you whatever I want loser." he sneered before pushing you into the wall again. "Let's go, guys, this weirdo isn't worth our time." 

flashback end

The names they called you still rung in your head weirdo, loser, freak. You turned around keeping your head down hoping Oikawa and Iwaizumi didn't notice you. Their other friends were gone now. You were almost successful until you felt someone tug your arm, you flinched before turning around. It was Iwaizumi, "Breaks almost over, where were you?" he asked curiously. 

You wracked your brain for an excuse, "Oh um, you know. Lost."

"Oh well, we'll always be here if you need us or want to talk." 

"Y/n-kun I missed you! Where were you?" 

"Lost." You informed Oikawa, he must've been distracted with a fangirl while you were talking to Iwaizumi.

"Oh, y/n-chan you just have a terrible sense of direction don't you know that?" Oikawa teased ruffling your hair. You went red and bit your lip, you wanted to say something, but you didn't. You didn't want Oikawa to think you were a loser. 

"Don't worry you'll get used to it." Iwaizumi informed you, noticing your face. You nodded, as you noticed that Oikawa talked a lot, enough for the three of you.  


this will be continued more in the next chapter, its late and I'm tired but i assure you the next chapter will be longer in order to make up for the last two small chapters. 

*unedited chapter*

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