chapter 10 - stars

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You were still in your first class, you had forgotten about the incident from this morning. Could you even call it an incident? You shook your head, you should focus on your studies. "Y/n?" your professor called out.

"Uh yes sir?" 

"The Coach of the Volleyball team would like to see you outside." you nodded and your heart dropped into your stomach. Where you in trouble? You panicked, maybe you weren't the manager. 

You waited to be told off but, nothing happened he spoke calmly, it looked like he wasn't as tired as he was yesterday. "Y/n you are the new manager so you need you and your parents to fill out this form." You nodded and took the papers from his hands. "Once you have these filled out show them to the manager of the girl's locker room for your uniform." He paused and filed through the papers in his clipboard, "You said you didn't know much about volleyball so I printed out this booklet. Be sure to study up. I don't expect you to get everything at first so don't worry." 

He paused as if mulling over his thoughts, "I think that's it. Just remember to have fun kid, I kind of loaded all this information on you so it's all on the form and booklet." 

"Okay, thank you, sir." He nodded and you head back to class. You didn't know why you were so worried before but you were excited to go to the volleyball club. Maybe a little scared, but mostly excited. Happy to meet the team, but scared also. This was going to be an interesting day, you sighed. Luckily you missed some of the class and now everyone was packing up to leave. 

The bell rang, and you were off to your next class. The next class went smoothly and soon enough it was the break. Now you knew where Oikawa and Iwaizumi spent their time at the break. You walked to there spot and noticed they were talking with other boys. You smiled, maybe you should leave them be they looked happy and they needed your time away from me. 

You saw the girl with the brown-hair-and-red-clip-in her-hair's friends maybe you should go introduce yourself. You frowned, to get to her friends you had to pass Oikawa and Iwaizumi. You disregarded your anxiety, you had snuck past them before with ease and you were probably able to do it again. 

Your strategy was to blend in and walk past normal but also hide your face so they didn't recognize you. You prepared to take your first step, you were successful. It was going pretty well, you pretended to look at something opposite direction of the Oikawa and Iwaizumi. 

"Y/n-chan there you are!" said Oikawa giving you a hug from behind.

"Oikawa-Senpai!" You said a bit too loudly, 

"I was looking for you, why were you sneaking by us, you almost got away?" 

"Well, you see-" 

Oikawa gasped dramatically, "Are you embarrassed of us! I can't believe you!" 

"Wait, no-" 

"Stop being so theatrical!" Iwaizumi sneered while flicking Oikawa. Oikawa let you go rubbing his face. 

"Iwa-chan, your so mean." 


"Sorry for not introducing you, this is l/n y/n our new team manager. Y/n this the team." Iwaizumi explained.  Your were introduces to the team, you couldn't say you remembered all their names but you remembered enough to get by. 

"Why were you sneaking by?" A black-haired boy who kind of looked like Iwaizumi asked, what was his name? Oh! Matsukawa. This was an unexpected question, you didn't exactly know how to answer. You weren't really expecting to get caught. 

"Oh uh, well." You paused, how do you answer this question? The people awaited your response, great you'd actually have to answer this one. "You guys looked so happy and I really didn't wanna bother you guys." 

"I see." Matsukawa nodded. You felt a hand smack the back of your head. You turned to see who it was, it was Oikawa. 

You rubbed the back of your head, your pretty sure he didn't mean to hit you that hard. You put your hands on the back of your hand, "Oikawa! What was that for!" you practically screeched. 

"You said you wouldn't call yourself a bother anymore." 

"Well, you didn't have to hit me!" 

"Whatever," Oikawa mumbled. You looked at Oikawa then to Iwaizumi, you were glad you were standing in between the two. You wouldn't have known what Iwaizumi would have done. 

"That hurt." You whined. 

"Do you need the nurse?" asked Kindaichi looking frantic. 

"No," you said sweetly giving Oikawa a death glare. Soon break was over and you were just waiting for the end of the day to come. You couldn't wait to go to practice with the team. The rest of the day was uneventful and all you had to do now was go to the gym. 


two chapters in one day isn't that cool :o

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