chapter 14 - distance

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Kane walked away, Oikawa turned around, "What just happened?" You could barely get any words out.

 "I knew him from elementary school." 

Oikawa nodded, Iwaizumi grabbed your arm speaking quietly but firmly, "What did he do?" 

His voice sent shivers down your spine, "Nothing, he did nothing." Iwaizumi gave you a blank face, he looked so scary in this light. "Fine!" You huffed and he let go of your arm, "He was my childhood bully." You started to tear up but you didn't precisely know why you successfully fought your tears back, "H-he was one of the reasons I transferred to home school." 

Iwaizumi nodded and hugged you, he let go, you tried to go about your day as normal but you were awfully jumpy lately and your friends seemed to notice. 

 : : 

Two weeks had passed, your bruise had passed. You were thankful that you didn't have to wear a stuffy scarf anymore. Kane didn't bother you much he just pushed you around and called you a loser or a weirdo. Nothing you should be too worried about. You had been thinking about how wether coming to school was worth it at all.  

You looked out the window, the sky was really pretty today. You stumbled a bit, someone had rudely pushed past you, "Freak!" Kane called out. 

Huh, that was new. You regained your balance and kept looking out at the sky. "I don't know why you let him treat you like that." Oikawa sneered, you hadn't seen him this angry before. He had balled up his hand into a fist. You felt your heart drop into your stomach, you took a deep breath. Seeing Oikawa mad made you anxious, for a reason you couldn't explain. 

"He'll get bored eventually." 

"And if he doesn't?" Iwaizumi asked nonchalantly.

You went silent, how do you answer that question? You never really thought about this long term. What were you going to do? You found it bewildering how you never thought about this long term. "I-I don't know," you confessed honestly. 

"Well, I can fight him for you," Oikawa said darkly. 

"N-no, that's n-not necessary." You stammered out, you wondered why Iwaizumi wasn't stepping in on this one. As you made it the school gates, you glanced at him a few times. 

"Oh, I'm with Oikawa on this one." 

"Iwaizumi-Senpai!" You almost screeched in panic. 

"Iwa-chan~, really?" 


Oikawa hugged Iwaizumi but Iwaizumiseemed reluctant. You continued to walk home. You had finally memorized all the volleyball roles and you were determined to be the best manager. "I forgot to mention, you're serves are amazing! How do you do that? Maybe you could teach me, not just your service, maybe how to play volleyball?" you asked nervously

Oikawa looked spaced out, he took a shaky breath in and out, you swear you could seem him shaking but you assumed it was your imagination, "You don't have to, sorry if that was asking too much-" You saw Iwaizumi squeeze his arm. 

Oikawa took another deep breath and he stopped shaking but you could tell he was on edge, "I can teach you." 

"Are you-" 

Oikawa raised his voice, "Yes, I'm sure." 

You shivered and decided not to push the subject. He looked on edge, you were worried about him. Was he okay? "Sorry." 

Iwaizumi walked off to his own house, he looked worried. You decided that you would walk Oikawa home today. His house was further out but it didn't matter. It was then and there you realized you loved Oikawa's smile. He had such a pretty smile, you would do anything just to see him smile. 

"Isn't this your turn?" He asked gesturing down the street. 

"Yup." You paused, "I'm walking you home today." You wondered if he wanted to be alone time. You hadn't seen Oikawa like this before, you didn't know if he wanted to be alone or with his friends. You marched off in the direction where you thought Oikawa lived. 

"Wrong way!" he yelled calling after you. 

"I knew that!" You called back running back to him. "I was just testing you." 

"Uh-huh," Oikawa said shrugging it off and he started walking off in the direction you assumed was his house. You followed him in silence, you both walked in comfortable silence. Well, you were comfortable with the silence but you weren't sure if he was, comfortable with the silence and it made you anxious. 

Maybe you could try to be confident and chill with your body language? How was that gonna work? You chewed on the side of your mouth wondering about it. Oikawa stopped, and so you did you. He was about to open his gate and you couldn't let him leave so you hugged him from behind. 

"Oikawa, I want you to know that I'm here for you. Remember that, remember you're amazing. I'll beat up anyone who thinks less okay?" You could've sworn you could hear him start crying. He turned around and he hugged you, he was crying. You've never seen Oikawa cry and you were internally panicking. 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." 

You could feel him nod, you pulled away and dug through your bag, it was your uneaten lunch. You would've eaten but quite frankly you forgot to,in your panic to study for the test you forgot about. You also had an almost full water bottle, you gave them to Oikawa, he seemed speechless. "Now take these, go in there and take care of yourself." You ordered. 

"I can't take-" Oikawa started but you were already walking away. 

"I'm already walking away you can't give it to me now!" You said turning and running home. You hoped he stopped being so sad soon, you hated seeing him sad. 

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