chapter 25 - drowning

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sorry, i was really tired when I wrote those last to chapters so they were named strangely! but it's all good now I fixed it. thanks for understanding, so you know this IS chapter 25 I got it right this time I'm sure of it. 

tw drowning tw

Even though there were only five people on each team, you guys still managed to play volleyball. Oikawa was behind you and you were in front, next to the net. It was going okay, Oikawa would tell you what was happening and you could just touch the ground so it was pretty fun. 

Everything was going well, even though you only knew how to serve and receive. The volleyball had just made it's way over the net you hit it to Suga who set it to Nekoma's official vice-captain. The vice captain successfully made a point and our side cheered. You highfived Suga happily, you didn't know it yet but you had fallen in love with volleyball, you loved playing. It was so fun to play, you didn't know much, but you could learn. 

You were all having fun until it was time it was time rotate. Now you would be in the deep end, you paddled over to your next position. You took a deep breath, at least Oikawa was next to you. You tried to focus on something else, like how Akaashi and Iwaizumi kind of looked alike or how great Oikawa looks- 

Wait what? You and Oikawa were just friends, but there was nothing wrong with appreciating his ability and skill. He handled the volleyball so well, you wondered how long he had been playing. You went back to focusing on volleyball, it was Bokutos turn to serve. You were trying to keep your head above water so you were a little taken a back when Bokuto accidentally hit you in the face with the volleyball. 

Before you rotated you were using the beachball Oikawa blew up but that wasn't cutting it so Daichi grabbed a volleyball. You let your head sink in the water, you just needed a second to a think. What just happened? 

Bokuto just hit you, you're sure it was an accident you heard him cry out in fear when he hit you before you let yourself sink. The cool water was calm, and you wanted to stay there forever, but that was before you realized you were running out of breath and your body hit the bottom of the pool. 

The bottom of the pool felt like little pebbles, you panicked, you shouldn't have taken that second to think. You wanted to cry, but you had to get to the surface of the water. You looked up at the surface of the water, the felt so far away. It looked so pretty though, was this it? Were you about to drown because you were to scared to tell Oikawa you weren't a strong swimmer?

You tried to push yourself off the bottom of the pool, it worked, not well enough to get you to the surface, but it worked well enough to get you to the half way point. You tried it again, it didn't work as well as it did last time. You figured it didn't work as well as it did last time because you didn't have the pool floor to push yourself off of. 

You tried to grasp the side off the pool but your hand was slid along the wall. You balled up your hands, you still had a chance right? Your chest was screaming and all you wanted to do was for the pain to stop. You fell to the bottom of the pool and you were ready to give your final push but you couldn't. You didn't have the strength. You wanted to try again but you were getting dizzy. 

 You wanted to puke, you had a naseating feeling in your stomach. You closed your eyes again. Pathetic.  That's what you were, pathetic. Your mothers didn't even know you were about to die. You wanted to feel panicked and sad, but you were smiling, you had accepted you were going to die. Yes, it was a sad smile. Yes, you were scared and fighting for your life. 

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