chapter 8 - volleyball club

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You would've gone to talk to the coach of the volleyball club yourself but you didn't exactly know what the coach looked like. So you stood and there and waiting outside Oikawa's classroom. The bell rang and you waited for him to come out, he was talking to a girl. You admired the girl's hair, she was really pretty. 

"Goodbye Oikawa-San," The girl called as she smiled in his direction sweetly. You could've sworn she glared at you but you must've been imagining things. 

"Ready to go?" 

"Uh, ya," you said still trying to figure out if you imagined that glare. You walked to the office, "Are there any requirements? Should I be worried about anything? I want to impress him so I'll stand out and impress him." 

"Well normally we would want someone who knows about volleyball but there aren't a lot of candidates who know about volleyball so don't worry about anything. Don't worry about it," he said cheerfully while ruffling your hair. You nodded determinedly. You took a deep breath and you two walked into the office and he walked to a man in a tracksuit. "Coach this is my good friend, l/n y/n, we were wondering if she could be manager of the volleyball team." 

Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, he spoke for you, "Do you know much about volleyball?" he asked.

"No sir, but I'm eager to learn," you stated trying to sound excited. He nodded tiredly and nodded. 

"Your hired." 

"R-right now? On the spot? D-don't you think the other candidates deserve a chance?" 


"Oh, well we'll get going," you paused, "Thanks for the position, Coach." 

He nodded again tiredly, "I'll explain what your duties are on our first practice, that's tomorrow after school. Don't be late." 

You nodded and you left the office with Oikawa. "I can't believe he hired me so quickly," you said amazed. 

"I'm not. You're a cool person, of course, he would hire you." 

"You really think that?" you asked tears in your eyes. 

"Of course, loser." Oikawa punched your arms. 

"Owe" You flinched and a tear fell down your face. You quickly wiped it away hoping he didn't notice. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to punch you that hard, I didn't know I was that strong," Oikawa fretted. 

You rubbed your arm in pain, "Tch, don't flatter yourself." 

"Why don't you have practice today?" 

"Well its Monday and we don't have any practice on Mondays." 

You nodded as you kept walking, you were outside and you stared at the sky in all its glory. You were distracted so you couldn't really hear what Oikawa was saying, you were just mindlessly following him. Suddenly you snapped back to reality, "So, do you live around here?" he asked standing on some stairs that led up to a building. 

You looked around and panicked, where were you? He seemed to know where he was going and he looked busy so you didn't want to bother him with your new lack of direction. "Yup.!" you said looking around. 

"Are you sure?"  he asks head tilted. 

"W-why do you ask? I'm fine I promise. " 

"You just looked a little lost, but if you say so." he waved goodbye to you watched him leave. 

The sun was setting behind the hills and you tried to find your way home. You were very unsuccessful, you didn't notice any of your surroundings. You went jogging all the time how did you not recognize anything. The sun was setting and you walked quicker and quicker homing you would get home. You informed your mother you were occupied with club so she wouldn't worry. 

You ran around a corner, it was dark and you wanted to get home fast. You weren't scared of the dark but mostly what could happen to you in the dark. What if you were murdered or kidnapped? These thoughts made you more scared. You started running again and ran around another corner. It was the stairs that Oikawa had left you at. You stopped at the stairs to try to google maps your way home. 

You mentally face palmed yourself, why hadn't you thought of that earlier? Maybe you were too panicked to notice or think of it. You heard a familiar voice, a little kid. This caught your attention so you glanced over, "Your so lame Uncle. Dad's gonna be so worried about me you'll get in so much trouble. You always get distracted so we always get home after dark." 

"Do not!" said a childish voice, that was Oikawas voice. You ran up to him and hugged him tightly. You put your head on his shoulder starting to cry, you didn't wanna dirty his uniform so you took a step back and tried to pull yourself together. "Y-y/n, what are you doing here?" 

"I-I was lost, and I-I can't find my way home." You explained your voice shaky.

"Are you another lame fan? Go home fan!" Takeru ordered. Oikawa looked stunned,

"Takeru! Stop being so mean all the time they're not a fan they're my friend." 

"You can make friends?" asked Takeru

"Oh hush!" 

: :

 You giggled and after Oikawa walked Takeru home he walked you home.  "Sorry for bothering you," you said as you stopped by your house. 

"You weren't a bother." Oikawa stated, "Remember that. I'll remind you. If you call yourself a bother again I will personally go spike a volleyball at your head." 

"Oh, okay. Thanks for walking me home, you didn't have to." 

"It was my pleasure." 

You smiled, and he smiled back and you walked inside your house, you didn't feel as lonely today. 

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