chapter 30 - confessions

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Soon your studying came to an end and you had to tell Oikawa about Akira and Hana. You followed Iwaizumi and Oikawa out of the library, as soon as you made it halfway down the hallway Iwaizumi stopped Oikawa. "Oikawa, we have something to tell you." 

Oikawa stopped and turned to Iwaizumi, "Why are you so serious, Iwa-chan! You can tell me anything..." Iwaizumi looked at you and Oikawa followed his gaze to you so now they were both staring at you. This made you a bit nervous with all this newfound attention but you pressed on. Like Oikawa said you could tell him anything, so just confess.

"Do you remember Akira and Hana?" 

"Oh yup! I will admit they got on my nerves at first, but they're good friends." 

Good friends, you thought to yourself. You wondered when they hung out, maybe in class or something. Now that they were friends it would make it harder to tell him they were not what they seemed. You shook your head, he deserved to know the truth. "Well, you remember that day it rained?" He nodded, "They were kind of harrasing me that day-" 

Iwaizumi cut you off, "They had y/n pinned against a wall and were shaking them out. I'm pretty sure Akira and Hana roughed them up a bit before I got there to stop them." 

"Roughed you up a bit?" Oikawa asked

"They hit hit me few times and threatened me but that's not the point of the story." He nodded again, "Yesterday they confronted me again and started to," you looked at Iwaizumi, "rough me up a bit. They didn't get very far though because I hit her back and threatened her back ya know?" This was easier than you thought, it was hard to look at Oikawa in the eyes. 

"Anyways, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you, but it kept happening and I just wanted to let you know." You finally found the courage to look at him, he didn't look bothered. 

Instead he came up to hug you, "Hey it's okay, I won't be friends with them if they're treating you badly." 


"Yup, I'm not really sure why you were so nervous to tell me. I could tell you were worried I just didn't know what about." 

"You could tell?" Were you always this easy to read? 

He nodded, "It's getting late, we should get going okay?" 

You nodded this time and you both walked home together. The sky was so pretty today, "How long did Iwaizumi know about this?" Oikawa asked curiously. 

"From the start." You hummed, Iwaizumi and Oikawa nodded.

Oikawa grabbed your hand and squeezed it to get your attention, your heart skipped a beat and face going red "Don't be afraid to tell me things, you can tell me anything." 

"O-okay." You stuttered out, Oikawa let go of your hand. You sighed to your self, then began to look ahead. You glanced at Oikawa, he wasn't paying attention. You studied his charming features, you quickly shook your head and payed attention to the road ahead of you.

 Did he know you had feelings for him? You took a deep breath, you didn't want to have feelings for him. You couldn't catch feelings for your first friend, you decided swiftly. You should keep to your studies and focus on making friends. You could focus on making friends and your studies but nothing was wrong with having a little school girl crush right?

You hated yourself for catching feeling for him, now you were just another fan girl. A face in the crowd. You stopped walking, where was Iwaizumi? You looked around, "Where's Iwaizumi?" 

"Oh, he went off in his own direction, to his house remember?" Oikawa said. 

"Oh, I guess I was just in my own head there for a second." You looked around a bit more before you kept walking. He nodded, you felt terrible for ignoring whatever Iwaizumi and Oikawa were talking about. You wanted to start a conversation, but you had no idea what to talk about. "How's your knee?" You asked, the inter-high preliminaries were coming up and you didn't want him to injure his knee again. 

"It's fine, you worry to much." He ruffled your hair. 

You pushed his hand away, "Hey, I was having a good hair day today!" You whined. 

"Oh really?" 

You gasped dramatically, "Are you doubting me?" 


You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out, you couldn't think of anything to say, "Tch, whatever." 

"I'm kidding, your hair looks great." 

"Aw, thank you Oikawa." You gushed. You didn't really know how to take compliments, should you compliment him back. You decided to not overanalyze it and leave it at that. 

"No problem," he said. On your way home you both exchanged banter and small talk. It was comfortable and the conversation flowed. In those short moments as the sun set and the pebbles crunched under your feet you never wanted it to end. But, all good things must come to an end, so you turned onto your street and he kept walking to his own house as you parted ways. 

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