chapter 13

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You put your scarf on and went downstairs, your uniform felt uncomfortable but you didn't mind. Your mama was rambling on about the new novel she was reading and your mother was listening intently. Your mama was always more talkative then your mother, you shoved your last apple slice in your mouth and checked the time. "I'm gonna be late. See you later moms." You waved and rushed out the door. 

When you were walking to school your scarf got in your way but you were so focused on getting to school on time. You hurriedly shoved your headphones in your ears and pushed play on the first playlist you saw. You pushed your phone in you pocket and burst into a run. You felt a pain in your chest so you slowed down but kept running. You got to school and you heard the warning bell ring in your ears. You sprinted up the stairs in a hurry and got to your first class just in time. 

Hana was here today, the clip in her hair was orange today. You slinked to your seat and tried to contain your wild breathing. You fixed your scarf and drank some water but you almost spit it out when you saw the new boy. His blonde hair, his messy appearance, it was all familiar. It was him. 

You covered your mouth to try not to spit out the water, he slightly shoved you as he walked past, "Hey loser, nice to see you again." 

After that, you couldn't pay attention to the lesson. You were just horrified about what just happened, how could you process it? What do you say? Do you SAY anything at all? 'Hi, hello this is my childhood bully.' You wanted to punch something, you calmed yourself, you weren't a violent person. 

As soon as your break came you ran to your friends, you felt bad about ditching Hana but you figured it was for the best. You pulled on Oikawa's sleeve helplessly, unable to speak. He stared at you bewildered. Kindaichi was also there but he was farthest from you so you didn't bother getting his attention. "Oikawa-senpai, I have to tell you something-" 

You were cut off, "Hey freak, I didn't know you went here, I wouldn't have come if I knew." he said mumbling the last part. "Are these your freak friends?" 

"No." You said letting go of Oikawa's arm. Oikawa was curious, who was this guy? 

"Then who are they?" he scoffed. 

"They're my friends and leave them alone. In fact, leave me and my friends alone." 

"What makes you think I'll do that?"

How were you supposed to answer that? You tried to quickly wracked your brain for an answer but you couldn' think of anything on the spot. He stepped towards you, you realized you two weren't little kids anymore. You had grown up, you had only realized this when he stepped towards you when you realized how tall he really was. 

Your confidence didn't disappear but you certainly were tongue-tied. He smiled at you but before he could say anything you felt an arm pull you back. You landed against Iwaizumi, it was Oikawa, he was the one who had pulled you back and was now yelling at the blonde-haired kid. 

You couldn't hear him you were too busy processing the situation, but in that moment you remembered something. You remembered his name, Kane. Kane was your childhood bully. 

: : 


sorry short chapter :/ 

*unedited chapter* 

Dream On FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora