Day 1-3 RAW

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(Helicopters noise in the background)
(Jeff begins to speak)
Jeff:Survivor has been a battle ground for some of the most ruthless players of all time. Those who have fallen short have asked themselves what if?
(Colby speaks in the background)
Colby: It has been said numerous times that if I had brought Keith I would've won. Now it's time for redemption.
(Jeff speaks)
Jeff: Others have been supposedly robbed.
(Aubrey speaks)
Aubrey: I have been said to be one of the most robbed survivors ever.
(Jeff speaks)
Jeff: Some have admitted that they may have played to hard.
(Russell speaks in the background)
Russell: I have lost twice in the finale because I play to hard now it's time to switch things up.
(Jeff speaks)
Jeff: But ultimately all of them have come close to the win. Now how will these 18 returning runner ups change their games to make sure they don't lose it at the end again. 39 days 18 people one survivor.
(Survivor Intro)
Day 1
(Choppers land on sand island in front of Jeff.)
( The Matsing exits their chopper)
(Matsing tribe is Tasha, Amanda, Monica, Ozzy, Troyzan, Russell)
(They walk onto their tribe matt)
Jeff: Russell how does it feel to be back after such a long time?
Russell: Great Jeff I am glad to be back around familiar faces.
Jeff: Amanda after coming so close to winning in 2 season you were literally a couple votes to win either season. What are you hoping to do different this time around?
Amanda: I promise I will not choke during final tribal this time.
Jeff: Ok y'all ready to see who you are competing against this season?
Everyone: Yes!
Jeff: Bring them out.
(The Ulong tribe exit their chopper)
Jeff: Runner up from survivor Cagayan Woo, Runner up from survivor Australia Colby, Runner up from Survivor White collar Blue Collar and No Collar Carolyn, Runner up from survivor Guatemala Stephanie, Runner up from survivor Caromoan Dawn, Finally Runner up from survivor second chance Spencer.
(To camera)
Tasha: When I saw woo and Spencer come out of the chopper. I was a little bit nervous that since there 3 of us from Cagayan. People may think we are a threat.
(Jeff speaking to contestants)
Jeff: Carolyn what is it like being around some of the old school survivor players.
Carolyn: I am interested to see how old school and new school kind of mesh.
Jeff: Steph as one of the old school players how do you react to playing with new school players?
Stephanie: I have an open mind and I am ready for anything.
Jeff: Ok everyone obviously 12 just isn't an epic enough of a number for a truly milestone season. Here are the last 6 returnees for the season also Runners up just like you all. (Pagong tribe exits chopper) Runner up from survivor San Juan Del Ser Jaclyn, Runner Up from Survivor Koah Rong Aubrey, Runner up from survivor ghost island Laurel, Runner up from survivor Tocantins Stephen, Runner up from survivor Game Changers Brad, Finally runner up from Survivor Island of the Idols Dean.
Jeff: Dean how is to be the new guy on a cast where we have one of the Original Runner ups Colby?
Dean: I was in middle school the first time I saw Colby playing. I am kind of in awe of who I am here with but I am ready.
(Jeff speaks)
Jeff: Ok here is the maps head out.
( Day 1 Pagong Tribe)
Brad: I think these trees would be a good base for our shelter. Do a few of us wanna go get bamboo while some of us get palm frawns for the roof.
Dean: I will go get bamboo with you.
Laurel: Me and Jaclyn will get palm Frawns.
Stephen: Me and Aubrey will dig the holes for the shelter then.
( Dean and Brad walk off in one direction while Laurel and Jaclyn in another leaving Aubrey and Stephen at camp.)
(While getting bamboo)
Dean: Brad what are you thinking.
Brad: Well we obviously we need to be strong in challenges. I think a good 4 would be me you Aubrey and Stephen.
Dean: Yeah I agree.
Brad: Ok let's take this load back to camp and we will come back and get the rest.
(While Dean is walking he notices a symbol on one of the cut bamboo slabs. He breaks and outcomes an immunity idol)
(Dean to camera)
Dean: Holy crap I just found an Idol! The last time I found one it wasn't until the very end of my season. Now I Have one in the beginning. This is crazy.
(Back at camp)
Stephen: What is going on with you and Brad, Aubrey?
Aubrey: What do you mean?
Stephen: Well obviously you all have history.
Aubrey: Yeah but the entire season we played we were never on the same side. That doesn't mean I don't want to work with him.
Stephen: I actually think if me you Dean and Brad get together as a 4. We would be solid in challenges. Aubrey:I think that too.
(Aubrey to camera)
Aubrey: While I do think working with Brad would be a good idea since we do have history. As long as Monica is here. I will never be his number one.
(Out on the beach)
Jaclyn: Hey I think me and you should stick together Laurel. Out of the 18 people playing only 4 of us have played once before.
Laurel: That is what I was thinking. I think me you and Dean should just lock it in and maybe get Aubrey as a 4th.
Jaclyn: Sounds good to mean.
(Ulong Day 1)
Colby: I think Me Spencer and Stephanie will go get
Bamboo and coconut.
Dawn: Ok me and Carolyn will go find the water wale and get palm frowns.
Woo: I will stay here and try to get a fire going.
( While getting coconut and bamboo)
Stephanie: Where is your head at Spencer?
Spencer: I don't know what are you thinking?
Stephanie: Obviously me and Colby have played together same as you and Woo. If us 4 team up I think it would be great.
Spencer: Yeah that sounds good to me.
Colby: I think that is also the strongest 4 of our tribe.
Spencer: Yeah we can discuss it with Woo.
(Spencer to camera)
Spencer: I do think Colby is a trustworthy alliance member. I don't exactly trust Stephanie though. She has proven herself to be very untrustworthy in the past. That isn't someone I want to align myself with. I will however let them think that.
(As Stephanie Spencer and Colby make there way back. Spencer notices one of the coconuts Colby is carrying is blue on the bottom.)( Once they get back to camp Colby puts down the Coconuts. Spencer proceeds to grab the machete and one the blue coconut and walks off without anyone realizing. He breaks the coconut puts the idol on his shoe then goes straight back to camp before anyone notices he is gone.)
(Meanwhile on the beach)
Dawn: I can't believe I am doing this again.
Carolyn: Me neither.
Dawn: I want to work with you. I think the two of us working together we could make it far.
Carolyn: Yeah I agree. The only question is who else do we pull in.
Dawn: I think Spencer and Woo. Between the other 2 couples honestly.
Carolyn: I was thinking the same thing. I think Colby is trustworthy but Steph is something else.
Dawn: Ok let's go back to camp and discuss it with woo and Spencer.
(Matsing Day 1)
Amanda: So how do y'all wanna build the shelter?
Ozzy: Well me and Russell can go get bamboo for the base.
Amanda: Me and Tasha will work on the roof.
Troyzan: I guess that leaves me and Monica on Coconuts.
( While getting bamboo)
Ozzy: So what are you thinking?
Russell: I think me and you should stick together. Us 2 and Amanda are probably the 3 biggest targets in the game once Brad or Monica is Gone.
Ozzy: Yeah but that's only 3 we need a 4th.
Russell: I think Monica and Troyzan are to close because of troy's relation to Brad. I do think we can use him if Monica wasn't here.
Ozzy: I guess that just leaves Tasha.
Russell: Yeah I will have a conversation with her.
(Back at camp)
Amanda: Where is your head at Tasha?
Tasha: I don't know I am the only one on this tribe without any preexisting relationships.
Amanda: I think me you and Ozzy. Could be like a tight 3. Then we pull in who ever for our 4th.
Tasha: That sounds great!
(Tasha to Camera)
Tasha: While Amanda's proposal is tempting. I know that I won't be her number one as long as Ozzy is here. They may not be in a relationship anymore, but they still have that connection. For now I'll let her think that.
(While getting coconut)
Monica: What's up Troy.
Troyzan: You have a huge target on your back thanks to Brad. We need to find a way to maneuver.
Monica: I think we both should just try and get 1 person each on our side. I'll see where Tasha's loyalty is.
Troyzan: I will talk with Russell I guess.
(Ulong Day 2)
(On the way to the water wale)
Woo: Spencer what have you heard.
Spencer: Well Stephanie and Colby approached me about an Alliance with me and you.
Woo: cool that is definitely an option. Plus it keeps us strong.
Spencer: Yeah definitely!
(Dawn walks up)
Dawn: Hey guys how are y'all this morning?
Dawn: I wanted to see if y'all would be willing to work with me and Carolyn?
Spencer: That sounds good.
Dawn: Ok great.
(Dawn walks off. Spencer and Woo both look at each other)
Woo: Well it looks like we are in the middle. Which is perfect for us.
Spencer: yeah do you have a preference yet?
Woo: I think we should just play it by ear. Obviously I am tight with you though.
(Woo to camera)
Woo: I do like being in the middle. I think both sides do have pluses. Colby and Steph are much stronger physically. While Dawn and Carolyn are probably collectively more loyal.
(Pagong day 2)
(While on the beach relaxing) (Dean Laurel and Jaclyn.)
Laurel: Dean so what are you thinking?
Dean: I am thinking that everyone here besides us have some sort of preexisting relationship.
Jaclyn: I think us 3 stick with each other. We don't really have other options.
Dean: That sounds like a great idea but we are going to need one more person. Who y'all thinking?
Laurel: I was thinking Aubrey?
Dean: Yeah I was thinking the same thing.
Jaclyn: Sounds great!
(Jaclyn to Camera)
Jaclyn: I really hope Dean is sincere in what he is telling us because everything I am telling him is genuine.
(Dean to Camera)
Dean: It's honestly kind of funny how I have 2 sides fighting over me right now. Cool now I have 2 pairs fighting over me and I have an idol. All I have to do now is check in on Aubrey and make sure we are on the same page.
(Day 2 Matsing)
(While going to the wale)
Monica: Tasha look I understand I am a threat because Brad is here, but as long as I am here I am a shield for you. Ozzy Amanda and Russell know they are big targets. They are gonna want to come after under the radar players.
Tasha: Yeah I agree they are a huge threat. If I can make them think I am with them. I think it can be beneficial.
Monica: Ok we can talk about it more later. Hopefully we can win tomorrow.
(Tasha to camera)
Tasha: I honestly don't know what side I should go to as of yet, but it is definitely good that I have options.
(Day 3 challenge)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
( Everyone comes.)
Jeff: Alright for today's challenge 2 tribe members at a time will run out and roll a block back to the tribe Matt. Then the next 2 will go once all 6 blocks are back you will stack them on a 3 story fortress spelling your tribe name. First tribe to do so wins Immunity. 2 more things to note. Everyone must run at least once then anyone can go. Second for 1st place to go along with immunity a fire starting kit. For 2nd place just an ordinary flint. Finally for the losers nothing but a date with me at tribal. Now that you know the stakes let's get going.
(Note: If you wanna know what challenge I am talking about it is A crate idea heroes vs villains.)
(Stephanie to the Camera)
Stephanie: Great this is the challenge that sent me home the last time in Heroes and Villians.
(First to run from each tribe. Matsing Troyzan and Tasha. Pagong Brad and Aubrey. Ulong Woo and Dawn.)
Jeff: Survivors ready? Go!
(Everyone takes off. Ulong is in the lead as right away.)(Pagong right behind and Matsing in rear.)
Jeff: Ulong your good next pair go. It's Spencer and Carolyn. Pagong go! (Ozzy and Monica.)
(Time passes with Ulong extending its lead. While Pagong stay slightly ahead of Matsing.)
Jeff: Ulong that is your last block start stacking your puzzle. Pagong on there way back with there 6th and Final block. Matsing just sent their big guns to get the last block for Matsing. (Big guns Russell and  Ozzy)
(Pagong gets back with their final block. Ulong has the first level complete.)
Jeff: Matsing is back with their final block. Get moving Matsing you are still in this!
(Pagong finishes their second level while Ulong finishes their first level. Matsing just a few seconds after Ulong finishes their first level.)
Jeff: Right now Pagong has a huge lead over the other two tribes. If they are right. Matsing and Ulong are fighting for second place right now.
(Pagong has just one more block to move to the 3rd floor to secure immunity. Matsing has now passed Ulong while finishing the second level.)(Pagong puts the last block in place.) (Not realizing that one of the blocks is backwards.) (Matsing out of no where completes there puzzle.) (Both Matsing and Pagong yell for Jeff.)
Jeff: Matsing wins Immunity! Pagong something is wrong with your puzzle.
(Ulong fits in there last block .)
Jeff: Ulong wins Immunity safe tonight at tribal council.
(Everyone cheers on Matsing )
Jeff: Matsing come get immunity and take your reward. Ulong here is your flint and Immunity. Both Matsing and Ulong head out. Pagong nothing for you accept a date with me at Tribal council head out.
(Pagong day 3)
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: I can't believe we lost that challenge. We were in the lead the entire time. Now it's time to get dirty and send someone home. I think Stephen is one of the biggest threats out here and he needs to go.
(At camp)
Brad: Does anyone need water?
Aubrey: I will go with you.
Laurel: Jaclyn do you wanna take a walk?
Jaclyn: Sure.
(At the Water well)
Brad: Ok what are you thinking Aubrey?
Aubrey: Obviously one of the girls?
Brad: Yeah but should we split the votes?
Aubrey: I think thats a safe bet just in case of an idol.
Brad: Ok me and Stephen will vote Jaclyn while you and Dean vote Laurel.
Aubrey: Agreed!
Brad: I'll fill in Stephen you let Dean know.
(To camera)
Brad: I hope we aren't making a huge mistake splitting the votes because if one of the 4 of us isn't solid it could mess up everything.
(On the beach)
Jaclyn: What you thinking Laurel?
Laurel: Fishbach?
Jaclyn: I think we can get Dean to vote that way.
Laurel: ok let me know what he says.
(Back at camp)
Dean: There is Brad, Stephen.
Stephen: What is the plan.
Aubrey: We split between the 2 girls.
Stephen: On the revote who we voting out?
Dean: I think Laurel right?
Brad: I was thinking Jaclyn.
Dean: Yeah but Jaclyn is better in challenges. She is a better asset to us.
Brad: Why don't we just split it and on the revote we just vote however we want. It can't tie if those two vote for one of us.
Dean: Ok that is fair.
(Dean to Camera)
Dean: I don't know what is Brad's motivation for wanting to keep Laurel. I trust Jaclyn more then her so it's to my benefit to make sure she stays.
(While laying in the water. Dean and Jaclyn)
Jaclyn: Me and Laurel want Stephen gone. You down?
Dean: Yeah. I think they are splitting the votes between y'all so if me you and Laurel vote Stephen he is gone.
Jaclyn: Perfect I'll go let Laurel know.
(Dean to Camera)
Dean: Finding out that Jaclyn and Laurel are voting for Stephen is perfect for me. I was pretty sure Stephen would vote for Jaclyn to leave on the revote. Now all I have to do is get Aubrey on my side so I can get a majority on the revote to save Jaclyn. If I don't get the impression that she is gonna save her. I will be voting with the girls to send Stephen home.
(Water well, Dean and Aubrey.)
Dean: Hey who are you think of voting on the revote?
Aubrey: I haven't made up my mind yet.
Dean: I think me and you need to vote Laurel on the revote.
Aubrey: Why?
Dean: I think she will be more loyal to us then them. I don't know where Laurel stands she might go with them over us.
Aubrey: That is a good point. She will be by herself once Laurel is gone.
Dean: Yeah that and she will be ow us for saving her.
Aubrey: Ok let's do it.
(Aubrey to Camera)
Aubrey: I honestly don't know what I am gonna do. Part of me wants to send Laurel home because I do think Jaclyn will be more loyal to me, but I am suspicious of Dean's motives to keep Jaclyn. I'll have to decide at tribal.
(Dean to Camera)
Dean: I hope Aubrey follows through on that plan if I get a funny feeling Stephen may get a surprise tonight at tribal.
(Tribal council)
Jeff: Everyone grab a torch dip it in and get fire. This is part of the ritual of tribal council once your fire is out so are you.
(Everyone sits down)
Jeff: Laurel it's the first vote on a huge landmark season. What is the criteria for voting someone out so early?
Laurel: I think the criteria is threat level. How did you play in your previous season and who are you out here with that you may know.
Jeff: Stephen ok fair statement I am voting people out because I think they are threats.
Stephen: I think a threat is someone's perception. Just because their is a quality that may make you a threat to someone. That same quality could make you an asset to someone else. Perception is everything in this game.
Jeff: Dean how do previous relationships factor in.
Dean: I think previous relationships definitely matter. There are people out who have played with 3 other people out here before. While say me Jaclyn and Laurel haven't played with anyone.
Jeff: Are you concerned tonight that it may be you.
Dean: I am always concerned it could be me.
Jeff: Does anyone else think it may be them tonight.
(Everyone raises there hand.)
Jeff: Brad why do you think you are in Danger?
Brad: Obviously because Monica is out here.
Jeff: Anyone else want to admit why they think they are in danger.
Stephen: I think I am in danger because of my previous relationships and how people may take that as being a threat.
Aubrey: Same for me.
Jaclyn: I am the opposite because I think I am endanger because I don't have those previous relationships.
Jeff: Well there are two different sides to each coin. Time to see which side the coin lands on. It is time to vote Jaclyn your up.
(Dean looks to Aubrey.)
Dean: Are we good.
(Aubrey nods)
(Aubrey the last person to vote sits down)
Jeff: I'll go tally the vote.
(Jeff bring the voting urn back)
Jeff: If anybody has a hidden immunity Idol and would like to play it now would be the time to do so.
Once the votes are read the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
Jeff: First vote Jaclyn

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