Day: 30-32 Keep Hope Alive

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(Russell at camp.)
Russell: I hope some way. That all of my allies are still here. I knew they were throwing votes my way which is why I left.
(Everyone stars walking back in to camp.)
Russell: Who is gone.
Colby: Amanda.
Russell: Damn it. What happened?
Aubrey: Once you left we were up 4-3. Then Spencer played a steal a vote so it flipped 4-3 the other way. I wasn't sure if they were going for me or Amanda. I had an idol so I played it for me. I got two votes but Amanda got the other 3.
Russell: How did they have 5 to split?
Colby: Carolyn must have put your name down or Amandas.
Aubrey: The thing is she was the one to tell me they were all voting for me.
Russell: She is playing both sides.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I don't trust Russell and Colby very much. Carolyn I did trust completely but I'm 99% sure she wrote my name down. Yes she told me but what if I didn't have the idol. I am gonna have to switch things up.
(Day 30.)
(In the woods.)
Spencer: We need to find this idol.
Dean: Yeah we can't let Russell find it.
(Russell walks up.)
Russell: Y'all looking?
Spencer: Of course.
Dean: You?
Russell: Yep.
(Russell starts looking in tree holes.)
(Spencer starts look in the trees.)
(Dean looks around tree mail.)
(Dean notices an arrow pointing down and starts digging.)
(Dean finds the idol.)
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: This is crazy I'm in the final 7 with two idols in my pocket. Now the question is what kind of big moves to make with these idols.
(On the beach.)
Dean: I want you to know that we a hundred percent trust you now.
Carolyn: Ok. Who is next of the 3?
Jaclyn: Russell.
Carolyn: I'm fine with that.
Dean: He is such a big threat.
Jaclyn: He needs to go.
Dean: This is my final 3.
(At camp.)
Spencer: Aubrey can we talk for a second.
Aubrey: Yeah.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: Searching for the idol today was a bust no luck. My next thing I need to do today is find out where Aubrey stands in all of this because I could definitely use more number. I know ideally Jaclyn and Dean don't wanna sit next to me at the end of the game. If I have Aubrey on my side it makes it a bit easier for me to protect myself if they try to make a move against me.
(On the beach.)
Aubrey: What's up?
Spencer: How do you feel after last tribal.
Aubrey: I feel like I'm out of the loop. I don't feel particularly close to anyone but Carolyn but she wrote my name down.
Spencer: Look I want you to join us.
Aubrey: Ok. Who is us?
Spencer: Dean, Jaclyn, Carolyn and us 2.
Aubrey: That's 5 people.
Spencer: Yeah we want to split the votes between Russell and Colby. If you are willing to help me with this move. I'll gladly return the favor to you later on.
Aubrey: I am willing too. Once Russell is gone who would be next?
Spencer: How close are you with Colby?
Aubrey: Not very but I would say he would team up with me before anyone else.
Spencer: I think us 3 and possibly make a move against Dean and Jaclyn after.
Aubrey: That's awesome.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: Spencer telling me this is music to my ears. He basically told me that if I help him get rid of Russell. He will help make a move against Jaclyn and Dean.
(At camp.)
Colby: What is our next move? Well if we can't find the idol. We need to make sure Carolyn and Aubrey are with us.
Russell: Yes we do. If not we are screwed.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: If me and Colby are solid we just need two more but without Aubrey and Carolyn we are screwed.
(  Day 31.)
(On the beach.)
Aubrey: So where do we stand Carolyn?
Carolyn: I still trust you and want to work with you. I only wrote your name down because I wanted to get in with them Aubrey.
Aubrey: Ok then where do we move forward?
Carolyn: I want Russell gone he is a huge threat. If we get in with them it can work out great for us.
Aubrey: If we get rid of him what's are next move?
Carolyn: We have to get them to turn on each other.
Aubrey: There are definitely cracks between them.
(Later that day in the Forest.)
Russell: Are us 4 still together?
Carolyn: Of course we are. Stop being paranoid.
Russell: Well I keep seeing you take off with everyone accept your alliance.
Carolyn: Im letting them make their pitch.
Russell: You know you can't beat them.
Carolyn: Yes I know.
Russell: It would be a terrible game move.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: I can see it on Carolyn's face she is lying to me. Good on those 3 for flipping her. If Carolyn and Aubrey have flipped and I can't find an idol. I need to win immunity.
( Day 32.)
(Immunity challenge.)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
(Everyone walks in.)
Jeff: Ready to get to today's immunity challenge.
Everyone: Yes
Jeff: First things first Jaclyn I am gonna take back the necklace.
(Jeff takes off the necklace.)
Jeff: Once again immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge you are gonna be on side of a gate navigation a key through a table maze. You will not be able to see the maze. It is completely by touch. After you free your key from your maze you will use it to unlock your gate. Once through the gate you will use that key to open a chest full of sand bags. You will use those bags to knock over cups. First person to knock off all the cups wins individual immunity guaranteed a 1 in 6 chance at winning a million dollars. Draw for spots let's get it on.
(Everyone gets into position.)
Jeff: Alright survivors ready? Go!!!
(Everyone starts in their maze.)
Jeff: Everyone off to a fast start. I will not be telling you who is in the lead or if your getting closer. One thing is for sure if you get out of the gate you will have a huge advantage.
(Dean gets through Russell right behind.)
Jeff: Dean through, Russell right behind. Dean and Russell have a huge lead no one else is even through the gate yet.
( Russell then Dean open their gate.)
Jeff: Both Russell and Dean have gotten their sandbags and started throwing.
(Dean and Russell both knock over several.)
Dean: Is knocking over several cups. He only has 2 left. Russell still with 6.
(Dean throws one last bag and knocks over the last two.)
Jeff: Dean wins individual immunity. Safe tonight at tribal council.
Dean: Yes!
Jeff: Dean come on over. Dean safe tonight at tribal council. Can not be voted out. As for the rest of you one of you one of you is going home. Head on out
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: This is amazing. I have the necklace today at 7. I have 2 idols. One for 6 and one for 5. That means I'm in the final 4. It's crazy.
(At camp.)
Jaclyn: Congrats Dean.
Spencer: Yeah man congrats.
Dean: Thanks guys.
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: As much as I would've wanted the necklace again I'm glad Dean got it. It means Russell doesn't have it.
(In the woods.)
Dean: We are gonna split it right?
Spencer: Yeah us 3 vote Russell. I'll tell Aubrey to put Colby's name down.
Jaclyn: Yeah me and Dean will let Carolyn know to vote Colby as well.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: So the plan for our alliance is us 3 plus Aubrey and Carolyn will split the votes between Russell and Colby. If Russell has an idol it's flushed. Then Colby will leave on the revote.
( On the beach.)
Aubrey: What's going on?
Spencer: The 5 are splitting between Russell and Colby.
Aubrey: So I'll vote Colby.
Spencer: Yes if you don't mind.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: Voting for Colby tonight is risky. I know that I'm on the bottom of that 5 person alliance but my gut is telling me Spencer knows his best optimal move is to vote Jaclyn and Dean before the final 3.
(In the Forest.)
Dean: So me Jaclyn and Spencer are voting Russell. Would you mind voting Colby with Aubrey?
Carolyn: Not at all. We are doing this to flush an idol from him right?
Dean: Yeah.
Jaclyn: The plan is set.
(In the shelter.)
Colby: We need to come up with something.
Russell: Well us two are voting Spencer.
Colby: I'm pretty sure they are gonna split between me and you. So we just need one more person.
Russell: What do you think about Jaclyn?
Colby: We can tell her that Spencer is a threat and will beat her in the end if he gets there with her.
(Jaclyn walks up to the shelter.)
Russell: Jaclyn look you know that you can't beat either of them in the end.
Jaclyn: Dean and Spencer?
Russell: Yes.
Colby: I'm assuming your splitting the votes to counter Russell's idol. If you vote with us 2 and y'all split the votes. It will be a huge move.
(Jaclyn to camera.)
Jaclyn: It is a very calculated decision to not get rid of Spencer tonight. I mean the guy's resume is impressive. 2 individual immunities, two idol plays. He played a steal a vote and an extra vote correctly. It isn't a question if he needs to go. It's a question of when.
(Tribal council.)
Jeff: I want to start off tribal today by addressing the elephant in the room. Jaclyn this is the first time in the 5 tribals you don't have the protection of the necklace. How does it feel.
Jaclyn: I am legitimately scared. Normally physical threats are taken out in the early merge and I have made this far into it.
Jeff: Are you concerned it could be you tonight?
Jaclyn: Yes.
Jeff: Is there anyone else concerned it can be them?
(Everyone accept dean raises their hand.)
Jeff: I am shocked to see that everyone even in the 4 who have the numbers right now are nervous.
Russell: Jeff I don't think that the 4 is together anymore. I think a new alliance is running this game.
Jeff: Who is the alliance?
Russell: Everyone accept me and Colby. Jaclyn Dean and Carolyn always go off with each other. So do Aubrey and Spencer.
Jeff: Then Colby what do you do to try and get the target of your's and Russell's back?
Colby: Well Jeff me and Russell are trying to shift the focus to someone else?
Jeff: Who is that?
Russell: Spencer.
Spencer: What did I do?
Russell: What did I do? What haven't you have done? You have shown being able to play from the top and the bottom in this game. Half the people on the jury are there because you put them there. That's what a winner does.
Spencer: All I have done is stay alive. You on the other hand dominated this game twice before and if anyone lets you get to the end there an idiot.
Colby: Bottom line Jeff, Spencer is a threat. You have two people telling you that they will vote for him at the end.
Russell: If they keep him here he will win this game.
Spencer: I don't understand how I win this game. Colby has played an awesome social game. I don't think anyone has even wrote your name down. Russell has played a great strategic game.
Russell: If these players are smart they will send you home.
Spencer: If they are smart they will send you home
Jeff: Well judging by tribal tonight it seems like it's between Spencer, Russell and Colby. It is time to vote Colby your up.
(Jaclyn the last person to vote sits down.)
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff comes back from tallying the votes.)
Jeff: Once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it now will be the time to do so. I will read the votes.
(Opens urn.)
Jeff: First vote Spencer.

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