Day 4-6 Complete Chaos

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( Pagong coming back to camp after tribal.)
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: I am utterly infuriated that Laurel went home. Stephen is a much bigger threat. I'm just gonna have to pick up the pieces though. I am still here. I can still fight.
(Jaclyn calls Dean over so they can talk on the beach.)
Dean: I'm sorry on what happened. Let me just say this if I wanted you gone you would be gone. Brad and Stephen wanted you gone but me and Aubrey flipped are votes to keep you here.
Jaclyn: I really hope I can trust you.
Dean: You can I swear. I will never put your name down.
Jaclyn: Ok will talk more about this later.
(Dean to Camera.)
Dean: I hope Jaclyn trusts me. She is the swing vote possibly so I need her to trust me.
(Jaclyn to Camera)
Jaclyn: I don't trust Dean at all!
(Day 4 Matsing at camp)
Ozzy: I think me and Troy are gonna go fishing.
Tasha: Monica wanna take a walk?
Monica: Sure!
( Everyone leaves camp except Amanda and Russell.)
Amanda: Go look for it Russell.
Russell: What do you mean?
Amanda: The idol. Go find it I will cover for you.
Russell: Ok I trust you.
(Russell walks off.)
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: I know that looking for an idol while everyone is at camp is dangerous but Amanda told me to go look for it. I trust her so let's get down to looking. Normally it's near a major land mark like tree mail. I'm gonna start there.
(Russell wall up to tree mail and begins to look around the trees. He notices a stick with a blue string around it. He breaks it and reveals the idol.)
(Russell to Camera.)
Russell: Looks like the king is back!
(Russell walks back to camp where Amanda is still alone at.)
Amanda: Did you find it?
Amanda: That's great!
Russell: If you ever find out that me or you are in danger. Let me know and I will play it.
Amanda: Agreed!
(Amanda to Camera.)
Amanda: I do think helping Russell find the idol is a risk but Russell's reputation is also pretty telling. He has shown loyalty to those who have been loyal to him.
(While on the beach.)
Monica: Tasha what's going on? What are you thinking?
Tasha: Obviously those 3 are dangerous.
Monica: Exactly we won't beat any of them at the end!
Tasha: I agree. We keep Ozzy for challenges but we weaken him by taking Amanda out.
(Tasha to camera.)
Tasha: Obviously I am telling Monica what she wants to here but being honest. I haven't made a decision if I would like to go with her and Troy or Russell Amanda and Ozzy.
(While Monica and Tasha are on their way back Tasha notices a shell with rope around it. She walks Monica back to camp.)
Tasha:I'm gonna go to the Restroom be right back.
Monica: Ok.
(Tasha sprints over to the shell and breaks it open.)
(Tasha to the Camera.)
Tasha: Congratulations you have found a steal a vote advantage. This advantage has another layer to it. In order to receive your steal a vote advantage you must give an extra vote advantage to someone who is not on your tribe. This extra vote is played after the votes are cast but before Jeff reads the votes. The question is do you give power to someone else in the game while also giving yourself power or no power at all. I accept that stipulations of the advantage. Now the only question is who do I give it to. My thoughts are to give it someone I have history with. Like Woo and Spencer but for all I know they may not want anything to do with me. I'll have to make a decision.
(Day 4 Pagong)
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: Since Laurel is gone I have to find another alliance. I know Dean is willing to work with me but that isn't the majority so today I have to have a conversation with Aubrey to see where she stands.
(At camp)
Jaclyn: Hey Aubrey do you mind if we take a walk.
Aubrey sure.
(On the beach.)
Aubrey: What's up?
Jaclyn: I am wondering if you are still willing to work with me?
Aubrey: Of course Jaclyn. I am definitely willing to work with you. I think me you and Dean are solid.
Jaclyn: Ok I really hope y'all aren't playing me.
Aubrey: Put it this way if I wanted you gone last night was a prime opportunity.
Jaclyn: Ok
(Aubrey to Camera.)
Aubrey: What I am telling Jaclyn as of right now is completely genuine. I have no intention of sending her home as of now.
(Day 5 Ulong.)
(Spencer notices something in his bag and takes off into the Woods to read it.)
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: Congratulations you have been gifted an extra vote by another castaway still in the game. In order to play the extra vote after everyone has voted You must stand up and tell Jeff you would like to use your advantage. This extra vote must be played by the final 6. Oh my god now I have an idol and an extra vote. I am kind of scared now actually. Every time I have a high in this game I have a low. This is definitely one of my highest highs.
(Back at camp.)
Carolyn: Woo can I talk to you for a minute.
Woo: Sure.
(Carolyn to Camera.)
Carolyn: I think it's imperative that you me Dawn and Spencer stick together.
(On the beach)
Woo: Of course. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Carolyn: I just wanted to make sure we are solid
Woo: Ok cool we are.
(Woo to Camera)
Woo: I am definitely telling Carolyn what she wants to hear. I am not a hundred percent sure which way me and Spencer are gonna go, but at the end of the days our decision who leaves.
(In camp Colby and Stephanie can see both Woo and Carolyn talking.)
Stephanie: Colby what do you think they are talking about?
Colby: I don't know she probably is trying to get him to turn to their side.
Stephanie: You aren't worried?
Colby: No the dude took tony to final 2 even when he knew he would lose. If that doesn't scream loyal I don't know what does.
Stephanie: Ok you are right.
(Stephanie to camera.)
Stephanie: I do hope that I can trust Woo and Spencer. I just know that both those girls are coming after me.
(Day 6 the challenge.)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
(Ulong and Matsing come in first. Then the Pagong tribe.)
Jeff: Ulong and Matsing taking its first look at the new Pagong tribe. Laurel voted out at the last tribal council. Ulong and Matsing Im gonna take back tribal immunity. Ok once again immunity is back up for grabs. Before I get to the challenge though. Only one tribe will win Immunity. Both losing tribes will go to tribal council tonight. Furthermore the two losing tribes will return to the same beach.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: This is gonna cause total Chaos to those two tribes.
(Back to the challenge.)
Jeff: In addition to the winning tribe being immune. The person who lasts the longest on both the losing tribes will also win immunity. Everyone understand?
Everyone: Yes Jeff.
Jeff: Ok time for today's challenge. Every member from each tribe will hold 2 poles up against an over head board. Once the pole drops you are out of the challenge. The last tribe with someone still with their poles up win immunity. In addition the tribe to win will also receive comfort pillows blankets a tarp and a hammock. Ulong and Matsing both teams are sitting one person out. They will also be forfeiting their chance at immunity.
(Everyone gets into position.)
Jeff: Alright everyone is in position. This challenge is on. From Matsing Monica is sitting out. From Ulong Colby is sitting out. Colby why out of everyone on your tribe we're you the one that sat out.
Colby: I remember Heroes and Villians we did this same challenge and I lasted all of 5 seconds in it. Not my strength that's for sure.
(10min into the challenge.)
Jeff: Everyone looks solid.
(Dawn Drops her pole. Followed right behind by Stephen.)
Jeff: Just as I say that Dawn and Stephen are both out.
(15min in to the challenge.)
Jeff: A lot of people are struggling here both Russell and Carolyn's poles are right on the edge. Everyone else is struggling but has their poles centered.
(Russell loses a pole right behind Carolyn drops a pole.)
Jeff: Both Russell and Carolyn are out we are down to 11 in this challenge.
( 20 minutes into the challenge.)
Jeff: No one looks comfortable in this challenge.
( Aubrey drops right behind Jaclyn drops.)
Jeff: Out of no where Aubrey drops. Followed right behind by Jaclyn. Pagong's lasts hope at tribal immunity is in the hands of Dean and Brad.
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: If Dean or Brad don't win I am scared for my life. We will be down numbers regardless on who the other tribe is.
(Tasha and Stephanie drop there poles at the 25min mark.)
Jeff: Both Tasha and Stephanie are out leaving us at 7.  You all are closing in on the 30min mark.
(Amanda drops out at 30min mark followed by Troyzan.)
Jeff: Both Troyzan and Amanda are out. Ozzy wins individual Immunity. Ozzy is the only one left to win tribal immunity for Matsing.
(32 minutes into the challenge. Everyone's pole is right on the edge. Woo drops right behind him is Brad.)
Jeff: Woo and Brad are out! Spencer wins individual immunity safe tonight. Dean wins individual immunity safe tonight. We are down to 3. Each guy is fighting their respective tribe to not go to tribal. You have to dig deep right now.
(Dean drops 40min in.)
Dean: Damn it!
Jeff: Pagong is out no hope at winning immunity for the tribe.
(Soon after Spencer drops.)
Jeff: Spencer dripped his pole. Matsing wins immunity safe tonight at tribal. Matsing come get your reward and tribal immunity. Head out!
(Matsing leaves.)
Jeff: Spencer come on over. Spencer Sade tonight at tribal council cannot be voted out. (Puts necklace on Spencer.)Dean your next. Dean safe tonight at tribal council. (Puts necklace on Dean.)Both Pagong and Ulong you all will be returning to the Ulong beach. Head out.
(Ulong camp.)
Stephanie: Hey Carolyn, Colby, Woo, Dawn, Spencer. Y'all wanna go talk on the beach?
Colby: Sure
Dawn: Yeah
Woo: Of course
Spencer: let's go.
Carolyn: Yeah I'm coming.
(On the beach.)
Dawn: So what are y'all thinking.
Colby: I think Brad. He is the leader of their side plus he has a loved one here.
Carolyn: I completely agree.
Dawn: Y'all don't think Aubrey.
Stephanie: That's who I was thinking as well.
Colby: I was thinking Brad if he does something crazy then will just say play B Aubrey.
Stephenie: Agreed!
Woo: I think that's a good plan.
Dawn: What do y'all think their plan is.
Woo:I think they are gonna try and flip Spencer.
Spencer: Yeah I agree since me and Stephen have history. Obviously that's good though because I will find out who they are voting for.
Stephanie: Yeah I agree. Alongist we all stay strong we are good.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: My entire tribe is talking about sticking together, but that doesn't mean I am totally closing my eyes to voting with the other tribe. It's whatever benefits me the most.
(Back at camp.)
Stephen: Ok guys we have to come up with something. Any ideas.
Brad: Why don't you talk to Spencer? Y'all have history he is the only one that would even think about flipping.
Aubrey: Yeah I agree.
Dean: Who do y'all think they are gonna target?
Brad: I think either me or Stephen.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: Obviously the unselfish part of me wants to use the idol on the person who might get votes. But since I don't know who it is. I won't use it. I'm not gonna possibly blow an idol. Especially when I know I am safe tonight.
(Back at camp.)
Stephen: Ok so I'll talk to Spencer. Who are we writing down?
Brad: I think Stephanie. She is dangerous.
Aubrey: I agree with that.
Jaclyn: Me too.
Brad: Stephen you have to convince him that Steph is a much bigger threat than anyone on our tribe.
Stephen: I understand.
(Stephen to Camera.)
Stephen: I have a huge uphill battle trying to convince Spencer that Steph is a huge threat. If I don't anyone of us could be going home.
(At camp.)
Stephen: Hey Spencer can we talk.
Spencer: Sure.
(On the Beach.)
Stephen: Obviously you know the situation my tribe is down in numbers 6-5. Is there any feasible way I can convince you to vote one of them out.
Spencer: It depends on who you were targeting.
Stephen: Stephanie she is a huge threat.
Spencer: That is the one person I would've even considered. I will definitely consider voting that way.
Stephen: Thanks.
(Stephen to Camera.)
Stephen: I really hope I got through to him and he votes that way. If not my tribe is doomed.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: I am honestly torn at this point leaving Steph here and allowing her to regroup with the other heroes and villians can pose a problem if they regroup. On the other hand Brad being here with a loved one is especially dangerous as well.  In the end I have complete responsibility for who ever leaves tonight.
(Tribal Council.)
Jeff: Ulong tribe grab a torch dip it in and get fire. This is part of the ritual of tribal council. Once your fire is gone so are you. Fishbach what is the play here your tribe is obviously down numbers to the Matsing tribe on paper at least it seems that one of your tribe mates or you will be leaving tonight.
Stephen: You are right but on paper is where it ends. We have all made day 39 in our past season we know that just because your alliance or tribe might initially have the numbers things can change.
Jeff: Aubrey what do you do to try and flip someone to your side that you never met.
Aubrey: Well you offer them either a better deal or offer them the decision on who to send home. Both offers were on the table to person we tried to flip.
Jeff: Anyone on Ulong want to admit that Pagong made a pitch to them to flip.
(Spencer raises his hand.)
Jeff: Brad why Spencer?
Brad: It's obvious most of our tribe has never met anyone on their side besides Stephen and Spencer. We knew our only hope was to try and flip Spencer.
Jeff: Spencer I have to ask. As the guy who has been accustomed to being on the bottom in your past seasons. How does it feel to be caught in the middle.
Spencer: It's honestly kind of ironic to me, because most of my survivor experience has been on the bottom or on the the top. I can only remember one other time I was ever in the middle.
Jeff: Which was when?
Spencer: Ironically the day I sent Stephen home.
Jeff: Colby what do you say to keep Spencer on your side, because apparently he is the swing vote tonight?
Colby: I honestly don't see the benefit in flipping in this situation. You don't know when a swap might happen. If it doesn't happen for a couple more rounds and you send one of your fellow tribe members go home it hurts you in a way to. If it happens tomorrow your gonna want to know that the relationships you have made with your tribe is as strong as it can possibly be.
Jeff: With all that being said it is time to vote Jaclyn you're up.
(Spencer the last person to vote sits down.)
Jeff: I'll go to tally the votes.
(Jeff comes back with the voting urn.)
Jeff: Once the votes are read the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. If anybody wants to play a hidden immunity idol now is the time to do so. I will read the votes.
Jeff:first vote. Steph

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