Day 21-23: A New Era

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(First group getting back from tribal.)
Russell: Damn Dean I knew you weren't gonna use it because you may need it later. Still a good play.
Stephanie: Who voted me?
Dean: I don't know. Both me and Tasha voted Russell.
Stephenie: Colby was it you?
Colby: No it wasn't.
Amanda: It was me. I am sorry I thought the other vote was going against me.
Stephanie: It's cool.
(Stephanie to Camera.)
Stephanie: Amanda voting for me is infuriating. I will not forget that, that's for sure. With that being said with Tasha gone. The alliance doesn't have the numbers to split anymore so that's a good thing.
( The second group gets back.)
Russell: Who is gone?
Stephen: Woo.
Stephanie: Y'all didn't get rid of Spencer.
Aubrey: We tried. He played an idol.
Russell: What were the votes?
Stephen: 4-1-1. Me Carolyn woo and Aubrey for Spencer. The Jaclyn and Spencer split their votes between me and woo.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: Finding out they took a shot at Spencer and missed was amazing. If they were willing to do that one tribal they will do it again.
(Back at camp.)
Dean: I am glad you are still here.
Spencer: Me too. I did have to play an idol.
Jaclyn: Yeah he got 4 votes.
Dean: We need to regroup with Stephen though because if we don't and he goes with Russell we are done.
Spencer: Yeah I know.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: Finding out that Spencer got 4 votes at tribal last night was alarming. He and Jaclyn are my closest allies. So if one of them leave it weakens my chances of winning.
(Day 21)
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: I know I just played an idol so statically speaking another one should be put into play. I know I can't trust Stephen anymore he put my name down. I also know that Russell would never work with me so it's either idols or immunities at least for now. I still have one idol but I would feel better with 2. So me and Dean are looking.
(In the woods.)
Dean: We have to find it.
Spencer: Yeah I know.
(Dean and Spencer walk around with no luck. They walk by tree mail were Dean sees a red x on the bottom of the tree.)
Dean: You know what.
(Dean walks over to the tree.)
(He digs and finds the idol.)
Spencer: Damn you found it.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: I can't believe I found another idol. Now I feel a bit more sage since I have 2. People already know I have one. They have no idea I have 2 besides Spencer.
(Back at camp. Stephen pulls Russell aside.)
Stephen: I showed my hand. Making that move.
Russell: Yes you did.
Stephen: We both want him out.
Russell: Of course.
Stephen: If him or Dean don't win immunity we split between them.
Russell: Dean has an idol.
Stephan: He does?
Russell: He tried making us flip our votes during last tribal to save Tasha.
Stephen: So we give him 4 votes and Spencer 3.
Russell: What happens if he also has an idol.
Stephen: You think he would have 2?
Russell: If you can find one idol it's a lot easier to find another one.
Stephen: Well we could do 4-3 Dean and Jaclyn.
Russell: Sounds fine.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: Hearing that Stephen want to join up with my 4 is awesome because with Stephen comes Aubrey and Carolyn. Hopefully we can flush deans idol and get rid of  either Jaclyn or Spencer.
(On the beach.)
Jaclyn: That tribal was crazy.
Spencer: Yeah it was.
Dean: Ok I need to tell y'all something.
Spencer: What?
Dean: I have two idols.
Spencer: What?
Jaclyn: I thought you only had one.
Spencer: I thought so to.
Spencer: I have one as well.
Dean: You do?
Spencer: Yes and an extra vote.
Jaclyn: Damn.
Dean: So even though we may be in the minority I am not that worried.
(Jaclyn to camera.)
Jaclyn: Holy shit I am in an alliance with 3 idols and an extra vote. That's insane but it also scares me because if we don't have immunity I may be the one on the chopping block because those 2 guys have idols.
(On the beach.)
Jaclyn: Any idea on how we can get the numbers back. I think I can work on Carolyn.
Dean: I am thinking I can try on Aubrey again me and her have been close since the beginning.
Spencer: I guess that leaves Stephen. What name do y'all wanna tell them.
Dean: Steph.
Jaclyn: That's who I was thinking she is the biggest physical threat to me when it comes to the women individual immunity.
Spencer: Sounds fine.
(Later that day in the water.)
Jaclyn: How are you doing.
Carolyn: I'm fine last night was a pretty scary tribal.
Jaclyn: You know that I really want to work with you.
Carolyn: I do.
Jaclyn: You know if you go with those other 4. You Aubrey and Stephen are on the bottom. If you stay with me Spencer and Dean while it's a 3-3 split once we take out everyone else.
Carolyn: I am hearing what you are saying for sure.
(Carolyn to camera.)
Carolyn: As much as I want to believe Jaclyn is telling me the truth up until Jeff read the votes I was still nervous it was me especially when Stephen told me they were voting me.
(During the conversation.)
Carolyn: I will talk with Aubrey and Stephen about it.
Jaclyn: Ok.
(Day 22.)
(In the woods.)
Dean: Aubrey where is your head at.
Aubrey: Please don't take the move against Spencer the wrong way. Me and Stephen just didn't want to lose Carolyn.
Dean: I understand. The way I see it is that we both seen as the second in command to two big players. I don't think either of us beat those 2.
Aubrey: Yeah.
Dean: I think us 6 stick together and vote Steph then when it gets down to it me you, Carolyn and Jaclyn take out the other two.
Aubrey: That would be awesome.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: I am honestly just telling her what she wants to hear. I have no intention on flipping on Spencer but I will say anything to make sure I won't have to immunity idol my way to the the end.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: I have no idea if Dean is being honest or not. I do think it would be a good idea to team up with him but not while Spencer is here.
(Meanwhile in the water.)
Spencer: Where do you wanna go moving forward.
Stephen: I obviously still want to work with you. I just didn't want Carolyn gone.
Spencer: So we are still in agreement that it's us 6.
Stephen: Of course.
(Stephen to camera.)
Stephen: I really hope you are not believing me Spencer come on. I literally had me and 3 other people put your name down last night. Of course I want you gone. If you don't win immunity your name is being written down again.
(In woods.)
Russell: If we get those 3. With us 4 we can split between Dean and Spencer one of them will go home.
Amanda: Don't you think it's a bit risky.
Stephanie: What if they both have idols?
Colby: Then their 3 votes would decide who goes home.
Russell: Do y'all think we should throw votes at Jaclyn then?
Amanda: Yes. But I think 4 votes should still go to dean to flush his idol.
Stephanie: We have to make sure that none of them win immunity. If one of them does that's gonna suck.
(Day 23.)
(Immunity challenge.)
Jeff: Come on in guys. Time to get today's immunity challenge. First things first Dean, Jaclyn I am gonna take immunity back.
(Dean and Jaclyn give back immunity.)
Jeff: Alright for today's challenge you are gonna balance in the water. In regular intervals you will more up the platform making it more difficult. Once it becomes to hard you will fall into the water and are out. Last person standing wins individual immunity. Get into position.
(Everyone gets into position.)
( 5 minutes pass.)
Jeff: Alright everyone it's Day 23. If you feel comfortable would you be willing to step down for 4 donuts and an Iced Coffee.
Aubrey: I'll take it.
Stephen: I will too.
Jeff: Ok jump off.
(Aubrey and Stephen jump off.)
Jeff: Both Aubrey and Stephen must be feeling very comfortable. Enjoy!
Aubrey. Thank you.
(15 min in.)
Jeff: Alright everyone make the transition to the next foot hold. Everyone seems to be very steady.
(20 min in.)
Jeff: Alright next item to try and tempt you down. Will y'all step down for spaghetti meat sauce and garlic bread.
Colby: Jeff I'll take it.
Carolyn: I will too.
Jeff: Ok step down.
(Carolyn and Colby both step down.)
Jeff: Here is your food. We are down to 6.
( Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: I am shocked that Colby stepped down so easily. I understand why the other 3 did but not him. It seems to suspicious.
(30min in.)
Jeff: Alright everyone time to move to the last part of the challenge. The final foot hold. Make your move.
(Everyone begins to move. Russell falls, Spencer falls Amanda falls and Dean falls.)
Jeff: Wow we lost everybody but Jaclyn and Stephanie.
Jaclyn: I can do this.
(Stephanie wobbles and falls in.)
Jeff: Jaclyn wins individual immunity safe tonight at tribal council.
Jaclyn: Yes!!
Jeff: Jaclyn come on over.
(Jaclyn swims over.)
Jeff: Jaclyn safe tonight at tribal council cannot be voted out. As for the rest of you one of you going home tonight. Head out.
(Amanda to camera.)
Amanda:Now that Jaclyn won immunity are safe vote is gone. Now the question is do we split between Spencer and Dean or go after someone else.
(At camp.)
Spencer: Congrats Jaclyn.
Jaclyn: Thanks.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: Now that Jaclyn has immunity I know that at least all 3 of us are safe if the idols come out. Although I really don't want to play it but I will if I find out Stephen is lying.
(On the beach.)
Russell: While I have you for a min. Me you and Colby vote Spencer the 4 girls vote Dean. We need to flush his idol.
Stephen: Definitely. I will let them know.
Russell: Obviously it's gonna tie if he played it. We will revote and send Spencer home.
Stephen: Ok great.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: Spencer is a huge threat so is dean. They both have won individual immunities and have idols. One of them needs to go tonight.
(On the beach.)
Stephen: Ok so Russell wants us to go with them and split the votes between Dean and Spencer.
Aubrey: So we flush Dean's idol and Send Spencer home.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: I do badly need Spencer gone. Once he is gone I'll pick up dean and Jaclyn then us 4 will send Russell's group home.
(Back on the beach.)
Carolyn: So girls on Dean, guys on Spencer.
Stephen: Yep.
Aubrey: Should we tell them if they ask Amanda?
Carolyn: Yeah.
(In the woods.)
Dean: I don't feel comfortable at all.
Spencer: Me neither.
Dean: If I don't feel safe tonight I am playing my idol.
Spencer: Me too.
Jaclyn: We need to make sure that those 3 are in with us.
Spencer: Yeah if not it's gonna be an idol party tonight.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: If Aubrey Carolyn and Stephen are not with us it's gonna be war. As much as I want to think they are with us. I have my doubts.
(While this conversation was going.)
(In camp.)
Russell: Girls are voting Dean boys Spencer.
Stephanie: Sounds great.
Russell: Who are they voting for?
Carolyn: Amanda.
Amanda: Damn really.
Russell: So we can build trust I am gonna tell y'all I have an idol.
Aubrey: Damn another one.
(Amanda to camera.)
Amanda: Finding out that those 3 are voting me is nerve racking. Like it's ridiculous. Especially when tribal is right around the corner and there is a possibility both Spencer and Dean can have idols.
(On the beach right before tribal.)
Amanda: Jaclyn are y'all voting me tonight.
Jaclyn: What? No we are voting Colby tonight.
Amanda: Well from what I heard y'all are Russell has an idol and will play it on me if Spencer and Dean both play idols tonight.
Jaclyn: Nope we are voting for Colby.
(Jaclyn to camera.)
Jaclyn: I am freaking terrified now. If Amanda knows that we are voting for her that means someone told her. More than likely it was one of the other 3. Now I literally have minutes before tribal to let Dean and Spencer know and come up with a new plan.
(Amanda to camera.)
Amanda: I told Jaclyn that lie of Russell playing the idol on me because that would shift their votes somewhere else besides me.
(On the beach.)
Jaclyn: Guys shit just blew up.
Dean: What happened?
Jaclyn: Amanda knows we are voting for her.
Spencer: They probably told her.
Jaclyn: She told me Russell has an idols and will play it on her if y'all both play idols.
Dean: Damn it.
Spencer: We need a new plan. Should we all just vote for Russell then?
Dean: Yeah take off the head of the snake.
Jaclyn: Sounds fine.
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: What I am nervous about is what if Russell plays his idol on himself. Then the votes cast against him will not count. I am thinking I could just vote Russell and hope he doesn't play it or vote somebody other then Russell and Amanda.
(Tribal council.)
Jeff: Spencer going back to camp after playing an idol correctly must have been hard. How do you try and reintegrate yourself?
Spencer: I think I got those votes because we had no one from the minority alliance to vote for.
Jeff: But Spencer if your getting votes wouldn't that mean your on the bottom?
Spencer: Some would say yes. Although I don't think I'm alone. If the 3 that voted for me flip to the other side. They go from a 3-3 tie at the final 6 to a 4-3 minority at the final 7. It doesn't make sense to.
Russell: Jeff Survivor is a game of perception vs reality just because Spencer perceives one thing doesn't make it reality.
Dean: So your telling me that you 4 aren't together.
Russell: 4 isn't the majority.
Spencer: Yes it will be if y'all flip those 3 and it's the final 7 of y'all.
Jeff: Carolyn why does Spencer keep referring to you Aubrey and Stephen.
Carolyn: Tonight us 3 are the swinging votes. I see the bonuses to both sides but I am gonna do what's best for me.
Jeff: Stephen weigh in on this.
Stephen: Obviously we were aligned with Spencer Dean and Jaclyn before this last vote. Spencer did to me because he didn't vote the way we discussed before hand.
Spencer: Really? You voted for me and I am the bad guy?
Stephen: With that being said we also found out dean has an idol that he didn't tell us about. Which is shady.
Dean: Excuse me for not sharing something that more often then not should be a secret.
Stephanie: I think there has been some light shed on this situation. It's hard to trust them.
Jaclyn: What do you mean we haven't lied to anyone.
Stephen: So y'all didn't say y'all were gonna vote Carolyn.
Spencer: Yes but you voted for me, so I wasn't bound to any agreement I made to you.
Jeff: Well this is definitely an intense tribal council. It is time to vote Spencer you are up.
(Jaclyn the last person to vote sits down.)
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff goes to get the votes.)
Jeff: Once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it now will be the time to do so.
Dean: Yeah Jeff I have a little something something.
(Dean hands a hidden immunity idol to Jeff.)
Jeff: This is a hidden immunity idol any votes cast for Dean will not count.
Spencer: Jeff I wasn't going to play it but after this I am sure I need it.
Stephen: Wow both of them.
Jeff: This is a hidden immunity idol any votes cast for Spencer will not count.
Russell: Jeff!
Aubrey: Are you serious?
Russell: I think I am gonna take the target off my back.
(Russell hands an idol to Jeff.)
Jeff: This is a hidden immunity idol any vote cast for Russell will not count. Anybody else? I will read the votes.
Jeff: First vote Spencer does not count.

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