Day: 27-29:Its Back!

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(Day 26 after tribal.)
Colby: Damn that was crazy.
Amanda: How many advantages do y'all have.
Russell: Now I know how my season felt. After me playing so many idols.
Spencer: Yeah it's good.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: That move was a hundred percent me. I am happy I made it. Now Stephen is gone because of me again. Hopefully if I make it to the end this time it isn't the same time as it was the last time.
(Back at camp.)
Carolyn: What happened?
Jaclyn: We didn't think it was the right time to get rid of him.
Dean: We still want to work with you.
Carolyn: If I went with you 3. Would you promise to send him home at final 5.
Jaclyn: I swear on my life.
Dean: I will agree with that.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: I am telling Carolyn exactly what she wants to hear. I am not against voting her out next if it comes down to it.
(Day 27 survivor auction.)
Jeff: Welcome everyone to the survivor auction. Each of you has been given 500 dollars bidding will be in increments of 20 dollars. Some items will be covered. That includes the advantage in the game. It will be covered. Everyone understand?
Everyone: Yes.
Jeff: Alright first item. 4 donuts and an iced coffee.
Colby: 60.
Dean: 100.
Colby: 180.
Dean: 200.
Colby: 220.
Dean: 240.
Colby:Damn it.
Jeff: Going once, Going twice.
Colby: 300.
Dean: 320.
Colby: 360.
Dean: Fine if you want it that much.
Jeff: Going once, going twice sold. Come get it Donaldson.
Jeff: Peanut butter jelly sandwich.
Amanda: 20.
Jaclyn: 80.
Amanda: 140.
Jaclyn: 200.
Amanda: 240.
Jaclyn: 260.
Amanda: 280.
Jeff: Going once, going twice, sold.
Jeff: Next item. Bidding war time. Chocolate and Penut butter.
Amanda: 200.
Carolyn: 220.
Jaclyn: 240.
Jeff: Going once, going twice, sold. Jaclyn come and get it. Next item covered.
Jaclyn: 100.
Amanda: 120.
Aubrey: 200.
Jaclyn: 260.
Aubrey: 300.
Dean: 320.
Jeff: Going once, going twice, sold.
Aubrey: What is it Jeff?
Jeff: Spaghetti with meat sauce garlic bread and a glass of wine.
Aubrey: Damn it Jeff.
Jeff: Next item letters from home.
Aubrey: 160.
Amanda: 200.
Jaclyn: 240.
Jeff: Going once going twice, sold Jaclyn.
Jeff: If anyone else would like there letters for 240. They can come get it.
(No one comes up.)
Aubrey: I don't have enough.
Jeff: Next item covered.
Jaclyn: 20.
Carolyn: 500.
(Carolyn to Camera.)
Carolyn: I just had a gut feeling that this was the advantage.
Jeff: Sold to Carolyn.
Carolyn: Please let it be good.
Jeff: You just bought an ice cold coconut.
Carolyn: Damn it.
Jeff: Next item covered.
Russell: 500.
Jeff: Sold to Russell.
Russell: Jeff I hope to god this is the advantage.
Jeff: Well Russell it is an advantage in this game.
Spencer: Damn it.
Jeff: The survivor auction is over.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: Hopefully this advantage is a good one because as of right now even though my alliance has the majority. We haven't been able to take them out.
(At camp.) (Russell goes into the Forest.)
Russell: Congratulations you have found the Safety without power advantage. This advantage is to leave tribal before the votes are cast. Allowing you to be safe but not be able to vote at tribal council. This advantage can only be played up until there are 6 people left in the game.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: That's great because with all these extra votes and stuff going around. I have free pass to the next day.
(Day 28.)
(In the Forest.)
Spencer: What's are next move?
Dean: Well we have us 3. We need to flip Carolyn's vote.
Spencer: Yeah. Hopefully we can get Aubrey too.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: I know Carolyn told me that she is willing to work with us as long as Spencer is sent home at 5. Which is where I want him sent home. With that being said I need to make sure I can trust her.
(On the water.)
Carolyn: You both know I'm in with you two right?
Dean: It's just kind of hard because you haven't even given us a chance for us to trust you.
Carolyn: What can I do?
Jaclyn: Will you write down any name we tell you?
Carolyn: Any name.
Jaclyn: Ok. That's good to know.
(Carolyn to camera.)
Carolyn: I know it makes me sound pathetic that I want in with them so bad but I need them to believe that I want to be on their side. If they ever get the majority I will gladly flip.
(Mean while in the shelter.)
Russell: We need to keep her on stand by.
Amanda: You don't trust her?
Russell: I think she is playing both sides.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: Carolyn is alway going off alone with Jaclyn and Dean. Her vote is crucial to us keeping a majority. I'm pretty sure Aubrey is 100% with us, but I'm not certain at all on Carolyn.
(Back at camp.)
Russell: Who do you think they are targeting?
Colby: I would think you.
Amanda: I would say you if not me. Why?
Russell: My advantage from the auction is the safety without power advantage.
Amanda: So you can leave tribal but can't vote.
Russell: Yeah.
Colby: That's huge.
(Colby to camera.)
Colby: That's a huge thing that Russell got that advantage. It's something to use against the coalition that has been running this game.
(Back at camp.)
Amanda: Well as long as Aubrey is with us it's gonna be a tie.
Colby: One of the 5 of us need to win immunity.
Russell: So it's a better chance they don't get lucky with an idol.
(Day 29.)
Jeff: Come on in guys. First things first Jaclyn I'm taking immunity back for the third time. Alright immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge you are gonna have one arm tie to a chain. The chain is tied to a barrel of water. If your hand drops your bucket will fall and your out of the challenge. To make it more difficult your feet will be on very narrow foot holds. I will also try tempting you with food items.
(Everyone gets into position.)
Jeff: Alright everyone is in position this challenge is on.
(10 min pass by.)
Jeff: The first item to try and temped you down. Chicken wings and beer.
Colby: I'll take it!
(Colby steps down.)
Jeff: We are down to 7 people left in this game.
(20min in.)
Jeff: Will anyone forfeit their chance at a 1/7 chance at winning this game for a whole pizza and 2 glasses of soda.
Carolyn: I'll take it.
Dean: Me too.
Jeff: Step down.
(Carolyn and Dean step down.)
Jeff: Now only 5 people left in this challenge.
(30 min in.)
Jeff: 30 min in. I am impressed.
(Russell falls out of no where.)
Russell: Damn it!
Jeff: We are down to 4.
(Jeff brings out a basket.)
Jeff: Alright this is the last item to try and tempt you down. There is 3 footling subs chips cookies and iced tea in here. If you step down you are apart of it.
Spencer: I'm out.
Aubrey: Me too..
(Aubrey and Spencer.)
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: I really couldn't last much longer anyway so at least I can get some food out of it.
(At challenge.)
Jeff: We have 2 people left. Jaclyn and Amanda. If Amanda wins it will be her 1st individual immunity win. It will also put her tied for first with Kim for most immunity challenges won by a woman in survivor history. If Jaclyn wins it will be her 4th individual immunity challenge win. She would join a very small number of woman to accomplish that feat. She would also tie Kim's record.
(Amanda falls.)
Jeff: Amanda is out. Jaclyn wins individual immunity safe tonight at tribal council.
Jaclyn: Thank god.
Jeff: Jaclyn come on over. Jaclyn safe tonight at tribal council can't be voted out of this game. As for the rest of you one of you going home tonight. See you at tribal.
(Colby to camera.)
Colby: It is imperative that either Spencer or Dean go home tonight.
(At camp.)
(On the beach.)
Spencer: So Russell?
Jaclyn: What about his advantage?
Dean: It could be an idol.
Spencer: I don't think it is. Do we have Carolyn?
Dean: Yes 100%.
Spencer: Don't tell her who we are voting give her a name but not Russell.
Dean: Why?
Spencer: We need to make sure we can trust her.
Jaclyn: Without Carolyn we don't have the numbers.
Spencer: I have a steal a vote.
Dean: When did you get that?
Spencer: During the loved ones reward. If us 3 plus my steal a vote, vote together we have 4. They go down to 4 and if Carolyn throws away her vote we can send Russell home.
(In camp.)
Amanda: Damn I wanted that immunity.
Russell: It's fine you didn't need it.
Colby: We voting Spencer tonight?
Aubrey: He is the biggest threat of the two, but both are pretty big threats to begin with.
Carolyn: Yeah I'm fine with Spencer.
Amanda: Ok no one get nervous about idols.
(Carolyn to camera.)
Carolyn: I am completely torn. It's like what side do I want to be the bottom too.
(In the woods.)
Dean: Carolyn.
Carolyn: Who are y'all writing down?
Dean: Aubrey.
Carolyn: Ok good with me.
(Carolyn to camera.)
Carolyn: Aubrey has been my closest alliance member for a while. I don't want to lose her but if I can continue riding the middle like I am right now. If she has to leave then it's going to happen.
Jeff: Spencer is it safe to say that's it's still 5-3 game right now.
Spencer: I think it's safe to say that.
Jeff: Then Jaclyn what do you say to try and get someone on your side.
Jaclyn: Look Jeff I'm just gonna say this they are literally working with the most notorious villain of survivor. If you think you can trust him your insane.
Russell: If someone thinks they can beat anyone of you they are insane.
Jaclyn: I wouldn't call winning a bunch of immunities and playing a few idols as playing a great game. I would call it staying alive. My pitch is that we have a 4th spot open. That means all you have to do is either win fire or immunity. If someone flips then it would be bettering their position point blank.
Jeff: Dean did anyone come up to you all?
Dean: Well a certain person I went to talk to privately a few days ago came to talk to me on there own today. If that isn't a red flag I don't know what is?
Jeff: Colby if what is Dean saying is true. Then there is someone considering making your 5 go to 4 and their 3 go up to 4. Now we have a game.
Colby: Yes that right but I don't understand why anyone would flip. You can't beat any of those 3 in the end. Look at their track record what 8 individual immunities between the 3. Then all the idols and advantages.
Jeff: Amanda where do you stand on this?
Amanda: I have sat at the end not once but twice both times against strong competition. Both the times I was there I had won more competitions and played more idols then anyone next to me and I still lost. These guys have played such a flashy game that I have no idea you don't hand one of them the money.
Jeff: Alright this will surely be an exciting vote. It is.....
Spencer: Jeff. I would like to play my advantage.
Jeff: Go ahead and explain your advantage.
Spencer: I can steal a vote.
Jeff: Who's vote are you stealing?
Spencer: I will be stealing Colby's vote.
(Everyone starts looking around.)
Jeff: Alright Colby you will not vote Spencer will vote twice.
Russell: Jeff. I am gonna play my advantage as well. (Jury.)
Tasha: Wth.
Stephen: They have all kinds of advantages.
(Players in game.)
Jeff: Go ahead and read it.
Russell: This is a safety without power advantage. You can leave tribal before voting begins keeping you safe from being voted off. Playing this advantage forfeit your vote at that tribal council.
Jeff: Alright Russell grab your torch head on out.
(Spencer whispers.)
Spencer: We need a new plan.
Dean: I don't know Aubrey?
Jaclyn: Guys why don't the 3 of us just get up go over there and make a decision.
(Dean, Jaclyn and Spencer move to another spot in tribal. While the other 4 remain in their seat.)
Aubrey: We need to find out who they are voting for.
Carolyn: They are voting you.
Aubrey: Are you sure?
Amanda: We are still voting Spencer?
Aubrey: Yes.
(On the other side.)
Spencer: Why do I throw one of my votes that way?
Dean: Because if Carolyn votes with us the we can split.
Jaclyn: Just do it. At worst it's gonna be a tie.
Spencer: Fine. Let's do it.
(Everyone sits down.)
Jeff: It is time to Vote Jaclyn your up.
(Dean the last person to vote sits down.)
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff goes to get the votes.)
Jeff: Once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. If anyone has a hidden immunity idol now would like to play now would be the time to do so.
Aubrey: Jeff I'm not sure what the heck is going to happen tonight but I'm not going home. (Aubrey gives Jeff her idol.)
Jeff: This is a hidden immunity idol any votes cast for Aubrey. Will not count. I will read the votes.
Jeff: First vote Aubrey does not count.

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