Merge Time Day 16-18

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(Coming back from tribal.)
Spencer: Interesting Tribal.
Russell: Yep.
Spencer: Who were the other votes for me?
Russell: I was one.
Amanda: I was the other.
Spencer: Cool good game.
(Russell to Camera.)
Russell: Allowing Spencer to get this close to the merge may have been a mistake. Hopefully their is still one more tribal and I can get rid of him there.
He is too strategic to stay here for long.
(Day 16.)
Amanda: Guys we have tree mail.
Jaclyn: What is it?
Amanda: Ulong tribe gather your possessions you need for the rest of your journey and depart for the matsing beach.
Russell: Merge time baby!
(Dean to Camera.)
Dean:Man it feels so good to make it to the merge. This is where the real game begins. Trust will be tested and broken.
(Ulong camp)
Stephanie: We have tree mail.
Woo: What is it.
Colby: A chest and a note.
Stephanie: What does the note say?
(Colby reads the note.)
Colby: Ulong Be prepared company is on its way. Do not open the chest until it arrives congratulations on making it to the merge.
Everyone: Yes!
(Everyone cheers.)
(Matsing tribe arrives everyone greets each other.)
(They begin to start eating.)
Russell: Cheers everyone to making the merge.
Everyone: To making the merge.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: This celebration crap won't last too long. I know I need 7 votes to have a majority. It's time to get to work.
(Later That Day.)
Russell: Steph let's take a walk.
Stephanie: Sure Amanda wanna come with.
Amanda: Ok.
( On the beach.)
Russell: Alright who do we have?
Amanda: Well us 3 Ozzy and Colby that's 5.
Stephanie: Russell. What about Tasha?
Russell: She is with us 100%.
Amanda: Ok that is 6. We just need one more.
Russell: How do you feel about Woo?
Stephanie: He kind of just floats around. I think it would be a good idea to bring him in as are 7th because him in would comfort Tasha a bit.
Amanda: Sounds good.
Spencer: Hey Dean, Stephen wanna talk.
Stephen: Sure.
Dean: Let's go.
(In the woods.)
Spencer: It's us 3 Jaclyn Aubrey.
Dean: That's 5.
Stephen: I think I could get Carolyn. I am not sure.
Spencer: I'm pretty sure woo will be with us.
Dean: Great that's the majority.
Stephen: Is that enough though. Are opposition is Russell Hantz.
Spencer: If I can get Tasha that's 8.
Dean: Still not enough to split the votes.
Stephen: Yeah and I don't think we will get anybody else.
Spencer: Those 5 are ridiculously tight as well.
(That night on the beach.)
Jaclyn: What is going on?
Dean: As of right now we are good with Spencer Stephan and Aubrey.
Jaclyn: That's good but not enough. We still need a couple more.
Dean: We are thinking Carolyn and Woo.
Jaclyn: Who is gonna get them?
Dean: Spencer thinks he can get Woo but I am not sure about Carolyn. Stephen says he is gonna try.
Jaclyn: I'll see what I can do.
Dean: Ok just be careful.
(Day 17.)
Russell: Tasha can I talk to you for a second?
Tasha: Sure.
(On the beach.)
Russell: Ok you know what's up.
Tasha: You me Ozzy, Colby, Steph and Amanda?
Russell: Yes do you think we could get woo for our 7.
If not we need a plan B.
Tasha: I don't know him and Spencer have been inseparable since we merged. I do think I have a plan B.
Russell: What is it?
Tasha: I have a steal a vote.
Russell: What!!
(Tasha to Camera.)
Tasha: Telling Russell that I have a steal a vote is strategy on my part. Him knowing he has a plan B will make him think he won't have to scramble as hard.
( During the conversation.)
Russell: I can't believe you.
Tasha: Yeah. If we don't get a 7th then I can use the extra vote to steel some else vote then we have the numbers.
Russell: Great! I have an Idol.
Tasha: Really!
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: I don't see a problem telling Tasha I have an idol she knows if she uses that extra vote against me I will play it then it doesn't matter how many votes she sends my way. She will go home.
(During the same conversation.)
Russell: Yes so we are good.
Tasha: Great.
Russell: Who you think about targeting?
Tasha: Dean?
Russell: I think that's good if we can't get Spencer.
Tasha: Definitely.
(Tasha to camera.)
Tasha: I am telling Russell exactly what he wants to hear. I don't know if he is the route I want to take to the end yet but I have to keep my options open.
(Later in the day.)
Ozzy: How did the conversation go?
Russell: Tasha told me she is with us. With out 5 votes plus Tasha and her steal a vote. We have the numbers.
Amanda: That is great. She has a steal a vote.
Ozzy: Who do you think we should go after first?
Russell: I think we need to let her pick just so that way she feels comfortable.
Amanda: Who does she want?
Russell: Dean.
Ozzy: That's not a bad plan he is probably the biggest physical threat on their side. Plus he is Spencer's right hand man.
Russell: Yeah we just need to keep him from winning immunity tomorrow.
Ozzy: That is cool that she has a steal a vote.
Russell: Yeah keep this between us.
Ozzy: For sure!
Amanda: Definitely.
( Amanda to Camera.)
Amanda: Finding our Tasha has a steal vote is very scary because we don't know where her loyalties lie.
I am gonna have to keep my eye on her.
(That night.)
Spencer: What's up Tasha.
Tasha: What are you thinking.
Spencer: Well as of right now. I think we are in a good position. Me, Stephen, you, Dean, Jaclyn, Carolyn, Aubrey and Woo. The question is since we don't have the numbers to split the votes we need to pick someone who definitely will not get an idol played on them.
Tasha: I think Amanda would be a safe bet. I know for a fact Russell has an Idol.
Spencer: He told you?
Tasha: Yes.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: Thinking Russell has an idol is a lot different then actually knowing it. I am pretty sure it's either me or Dean they are gonna target since we can't split the votes I am gonna have to win immunity.
(Later in the day.)
Aubrey: What's up Stephen?
Stephen: You know the factions right?
Aubrey: um Spencer Dean Jaclyn woo and then Russell Ozzy Colby Steph and Amanda Tasha.
Stephen: Yes. I think I have Spencer believing we are on his side.
Aubrey: I think we should go with the Spencer side.
Stephen: That's what I was thinking.
Aubrey: I think once the Russell side gets down a couple people and we just flip back and forth.
Stephen:That's what I was thinking.
(Aubrey to Camera.)
Aubrey: I think it's a good idea to stick with the Spencer side just because I know Russell doesn't have a problem turning on his alliance.
(Day 18 challenge)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
( Matsong comes in.)
Jeff: You all ready to get to today's immunity challenge. First things first Stephanie gonna take back tribal immunity. For today's challenge you will be balancing on a wooden frame with a pole braced between your head and the top of the frame. If the pole falls or you fall of the frame you are out. Last Man and woman standing win individual immunity.
Get into position.
(Contestants get into position.)
Jeff: Alright  this challenge is underway. Not even after 5 seconds Aubrey is out.
Aubrey: Damn it!
(5 min into the challenge.)
Jeff: There is no comfort in this challenge. Whoever wins this will earn it. No sooner I say that Amanda is down. Stephen comes down right after Amanda.
(15min into the challenge.)
Jeff: Russell struggling to keep his balance and falls. Out of no where Jaclyn drops.
Jaclyn: Damn it!
Jeff: Jaclyn falls right behind by Russell.
Jeff: Just like that 8 people left in the challenge. There is no guarantee in this game besides this necklace. 1 woman will win this necklace and 1 man.
(20 min pass by.)
Colby: Alright I am done.
(Colby drops.)
Jeff: Alright Colby is out.
(Both Carolyn and Woo drop the block.)
Jeff: At the exact same time both Carolyn and Woo drop the block. Both are out down to 5 in this challenge. Stephanie and Tasha for the women and Spencer Ozzy and Dean for the men.
(Stephanie to camera.)
Stephanie: As much as I want immunity. I need to make sure Tasha is on my side so if giving her immunity is gonna make her happy so be it.
(At the challenge.)
(Steph falls.)
Jeff: Tasha wins individual immunity safe tonight at tribal council. That leaves the 3 men Ozzy Dean and Spencer.
(Dean drops the pole.)
Jeff: Dean is out.
(1 hr into this challenge.)
Jeff: Ozzy one of the biggest competitors in the history of this game. Facing off against Spencer one of the only to ever play this challenge and win it.
(Ozzy drops.)
Jeff: Spencer wins individual immunity safe tonight at tribal council. Tasha, Spencer come over.
(Tasha walks over.)
Jeff: Tasha safe tonight at tribal council. Spencer safe tonight at tribal council. As for the rest of you one of you will be going home tonight.
(At camp.)
Colby: Congrats guys y'all did it.
Tasha: Thanks.
Spencer:Thank you.
Stephanie: Scramble time.
Jaclyn: Yep.
(On the trail to the water wale.)
Spencer: Tasha would you be willing to use that steal a vote so we can split the votes.
Tasha: I thought the plan was to vote Steph.
Spencer: Yes but if Russell has an idol we need to flush it out we can throw the extra votes to Steph so if he plays the idol she goes home.
Tasha: I will have to think about it I will let you know.
(Spencer ok.)
(On the beach. Russell, Colby, Amanda, Stephanie and Ozzy.)
Ozzy: What is the plan.
Russell: Us 5 with Tasha and her steal a vote, vote for Dean.
Amanda: I agree he and Stephen are definitely his core people.
Russell: I think that plus if he is gone we might be able to flip Jaclyn to our side.
Colby: Sounds like a plan.
Stephanie: Who should we say if we get asked by one of them.
Amanda: Aubrey?
Russell: I think they will believe that.
Ozzy: I think so as well.
(Ozzy to camera.)
Ozzy: I hope the plan comes through today any time after the merge I don't have the necklace around my neck I am worried but I trust the people I am with so I hope I am fine tonight.
(Later in the Day.)
(On the beach.)
Russell: What are you thinking.
Tasha: Dean still.
Russell: Do you know what their plan is?
Tasha: I think they are gonna throw all of their votes on Colby because they think you may have an idol.
Russell: Cool let them think that. Obviously us 6 plus your steal a vote will vote Dean tonight.
Tasha: Ok great.
(Tasha to camera.)
Tasha: I have pretty much made up my mind that I am going with Spencer side I feel at the bottom on Russell's side. Although if I am gonna vote with Spencer I am gonna make sure the vote happens as I want it.
(On the beach later that day.)
Tasha: Spencer I am willing to use the steal a vote to send Russell home.
Spencer: Great.
Tasha: Here is the thing. If we do this I want the other 4 votes to go to Ozzy.
Spencer: That is understandable.
Tasha: I will put both my votes on Ozzy. Let Stephen and them know that 2 of them need to vote for Ozzy then the rest vote for Russell. I can't be seen until tomorrow with y'all.
Spencer: That sounds great.
Tasha: Ok we are good.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: Finally a plan that has less risk of an idol out. Time to let the rest of my alliance know.
( A couple of hours before tribal.)
(Spencer, Dean, Jaclyn, Woo, Stephen, Aubrey, Carolyn.)
Spencer: Ok guys I have an idea instead of us all voting Steph tonight.
Woo: What is it?
Spencer: Tasha has an extra vote but instead of using it against us she want to use it with us for a big move.
Stephen: What does she have in mind.
Spencer: 5 of us would vote Russell. The other 2 with Tasha's 2 votes would vote Ozzy.
Dean: I like this plan.
Stephen: Who is gonna vote for who.
Spencer: Jaclyn, Carolyn would y'all be ok with putting Ozzy's name down.
Jaclyn: Yes.
Carolyn: Of course.
Spencer: The rest of us of vote Russell. If he doesn't play the idol Russell is gone. If he does then we revote send Ozzy home.
(30min before tribal.)
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: My thought on Tasha's steal a vote is it's a great tool if it's working with me against me it would cause a problem, because if Spencer can flip Tasha with that extra vote they can split the votes. If I can get one their people on my side. If they split the votes and I play my idol right we send Dean home.
The thing I am having a problem with is I don't have many options to choose from who I can pull in. Their alliance is full of pairs Woo and Spencer, Stephen and Aubrey then Dean and Jaclyn. That just leaves Carolyn.
(On the beach.)
Russell: Carolyn where is your head at.
Carolyn: I don't know I feel like I am on the outs.
Russell: If you come with me and vote for Dean I will guarantee you will not be on the outs of anything.
Carolyn: Ok I definitely will consider it.
(Carolyn to Camera.)
Carolyn: I am torn I do think I am on the bottom either way. I know the vote is in my hand because if I vote Dean he is gone or if I vote Ozzy he is gone. It's awesome to have the power but kind of scary.
(Tribal council.)
Jeff: Those of you who don't have a torch grab one dip it in and get fire. This is part of the ritual of tribal council as when you fire is gone so are you.
Jeff: Dean how do you navigate preexisting relationships being the new guy? Some of these players have played once or even twice together in this game. Is it safe to say that they are working together again?
Dean: I would say it's a fair Statement that they would at least entertain the thought of playing together. It also definitely puts a target on your back if you have played with many people here.
Jeff: Amanda so Dean just said the people who have played multiple times together have a target on their back. Given that you have played with Russell, Stephanie, Colby and Ozzy all before. Would it be fair to say that you have one of the biggest targets on your back.
Amanda: I think it's a fair statement to say that. You also have to consider that since we have played together that the trust already has a foundation. We know we can trust each other to an extent. I am also not the only one who has played with several people here before.
Jeff: Jaclyn do you find it odd that it is day 18 and not one person has played an idol yet.
Jaclyn: I do find it odd. Typically one would have been played. I definitely think there are people here who have one maybe two. It's kind of something you have to consider.
Jeff: Russell going into tonight's vote how worried are you.
Russell: I am never nervous about a vote. I think I know what is going to happen. It's time to find out if it's a right.
Jeff: It is.....
Tasha: Jeff. I have a steal a vote advantage I would like to play.
Jeff: This is a steal a vote advantage. Tasha who's vote would you like to steal.
Tasha: I would like to steal Colby's.
Colby: Damn it!!!!
(Russell gets up and talks to Carolyn.)
(Whispers in her ear.)
Russell: Vote dean y'all split I play my idol 5 votes to send Dean home.
(Russell walks back.)
( Russell, Stephanie, Colby, Amanda and Ozzy.)
Russell: If us 4 and Carolyn vote Dean and they split its are only hope.
(On the other side)
(Everyone else.)
Dean: Carolyn are we good?
Carolyn: Yes we are.
(Conversations stop.)
Jeff: Is everyone ready to vote.
Everyone: Yes
Jeff. It is time to vote Spencer you are up.
(Carolyn the last one to vote sits back down.)
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff brings the voting urn back.)
Jeff: Once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will he asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. If anybody had a hidden immunity and would like to play now will be the time to do so.
Russell: I am not ready to go home yet. Here you go.
(Russell hands his idol to Jeff.)
Jeff: This is a hidden immunity idol any votes cast for Russell will not count. I will read the votes.
Jeff: First vote Russell does not count.

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