Day: 7-9 Changing Things Up

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(Ulong night 6 coming back to Camp.)
Stephanie: Man that was nerve racking. Thanks everyone for keeping me here.
Carolyn:Of course.
Colby: Dang you dodged a bullet 5 votes against you.
(Stephanie to Camera.)
Stephanie: My god tonight was nerve racking seeing my name so many time was terrifying. Thank god my tribe was solid or I would've gone home.
(Pagong night 6.)
Stephen: Damn poor Brad.
Dean: Yeah I feel bad for him.
Jaclyn: Well nothing we can do about it now.
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: I am completely ok with brad not being here anymore. He voted for me twice at one tribal. Thank god he is gone.
(Day 7 challenge.)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
(Matsing comes in then Ulong then Pagong.
Jeff: Matsing getting its first look at the new Ulong tribe still intact. Matsing getting your first look at the new Pagong tribe Brad voted out at the last tribal council.
(Monica to Camera.)
Monica: Seeing that Brad is gone was heartbreaking. This means war!
(Back at the challenge.)
Jeff: You all have had a week to get to know each other. Now it's time to switch things up.
Everyone: No!
Jeff: Everyone drop your buffs. We are switching tribes.
(Everyone drops your buffs.)
Jeff:Everyone grab a new buff don't open until I say.
(Everyone grabs a buff.)
Jeff: Everyone open your buff. If it's blue you are a part of Matsing if your green you are apart of Ulong.
The new tribes are set on Ulong we 4 original Ulong Spencer, Dawn, Stephanie and Colby. 2 Original Pagong Dean and Jaclyn. 2 Original Matsing Monica and Troyzan. On the new Matsing tribe we have 4 people Original Matsing with Tasha, Amanda, Ozzy and Russell. 2 Original Ulong Woo and Carolyn. 2 Original Pagong Stephen and Aubrey. There is no challenge today head out.
(Ulong tribe Day 7.)
(Stephanie to Camera.)
Stephanie: My immediate reaction to us switching tribes is am I in the majority. Seeing that there are 4 Original Ulong on my tribe makes me feel secure but we still have to get a 5th to have a solid control of the majority.
(Back at camp.)
Spencer: Dean you wanna take a walk.
Dean: Sure.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: Being with 4 people from my original tribe the easiest thing to do would be for us to stay strong and get one of the pairs on our side. Out of the 2 pairs. I think Dean and Jaclyn are stronger physically plus they have no previous relationships.
(At the water wale.)
Spencer: What are you thinking?
Dean: I don't want to go home.
Spencer: I don't want you to either. Do you think you could get Jaclyn to come work with us. It would be us 6 solidly.
Dean: I think I can talk her into it.
Spencer: Ok cool I'll let my other tribe members know.
(Dean to Camera.)
Dean: I think working with Spencer is a good idea. It's not just what I think though. Jaclyn still needs to be on board. It's time to get to work.
(On the beach.)
Monica: Troy I think we have 2 options either we pair up with Dean and Jaclyn and force a tie or join up with the 4 and take out Dean and Jaclyn.
Troyzan: I think we join up with Dean and Jaclyn.
Monica: That is what I am leaning towards.
Troyzan: Time to get to work.
Monica: Yeah I will talk with Jaclyn Tomorrow.
(Back at Camp.)
Colby: I think Spencer is working on Dean so we can get the Majority.
Stephanie: That's great.
Dawn: I hope he convinced them
Colby: I don't think we have anything to worry about.
(Dawn to Camera.)
Dawn: I am not particularly fond of keeping with the plan of taking out one of the pairs. I would rather get both the pairs and take out either Steph or Colby. They just have to many connections on the other side.
(Matsing Day 7.)
Russell: Hey Ozzy wanna go fishing.
Ozzy: Sure.
(On the boat.)
Russell: What do you think?
Ozzy: I think us 4 stick together. I think Tasha May be able to get woo to flip so we have the numbers.
Russell: Yeah at worst it's a tie.
Ozzy: Hopefully she can work some magic.
(Back at camp.)
Amanda: Hey Tasha what are you thinking.
Tasha: I'm gonna work on woo and Stephen. All I need to do is flip one and we have the numbers. Who do you think we should target?
Amanda: Out of the 2 remaining Carolyn.
(Amanda to Camera.)
Amanda: It May seem odd that I want Carolyn out but she is often seen as underestimated. While Aubrey is just an obvious threat. If it ever came down to it and I am in the minority with those 2 girls. 9 times out of 10 I would be voted out over Carolyn while Aubrey I would say it's 50/50.
(At the water wale.)
Stephen: What are we gonna do?
Aubrey: I think us 3 with Woo go after Russell. I don't know how close Ozzy is with Russell I can try and see where his head is at.
Carolyn: I'll make sure Woo is on board.
(Day 8 Ulong)
(On the Beach.)
Monica: What are you thinking Jaclyn?
Jaclyn: I think me you Troy and Dean get together and try to do something. If we can get them to split there votes or get one to flip that would be ideal.
(Dawn walks up to them.)
Monica: Hey Dawn.
Dawn: I wanted to talk to y'all.
Jaclyn: Ok what about?
Dawn: I wanted to see if I vote with y'all to take out Steph.
Jaclyn: That sounds great.
Monica: Numbers me you her Troy and Dean. It's done.
Dawn: Ok cool. We can talk more about it later.
(Dawn leaves.)
Jaclyn: Dang that just fell into our lap.
Monica: I know it's perfect.
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: As of now I am torn on who I want to go with. What ever my decision is it will have a lasting effect on my future game.
(Day 8 Matsing.)
(On the beach.)
Carolyn: Woo I think we can try something with Stephen and Aubrey.
Woo: Yeah. Who would we go after?
Carolyn: Russell
(Woo to Camera.)
Woo: I do think Russell does need to leave at some point but I am not 100% sure we have the numbers to do it. I am very confident that one of us that has a preexisting relationship with one of those 4 wether it be me Stephen or Aubrey might flip. I think right now my only option is to flip and join the 4.
(They both go back to camp.)
Tasha: Hey Stephen can I talk to you.
Stephen: They both walk off.
(On the beach.)
Tasha: So like I wanted to see where you stand as far as possibly flipping.
Stephen: I am honestly down to flip but who would we vote out?
Tasha: Carolyn.
Stephen: Ok sounds good to me.
(Stephen to Camera.)
Stephen: I don't wanna go to rocks so I think flipping is my best bet. I do sticking with these 4 is a good idea to at least get to the merge.
(Day 9 challenge.)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
(Everyone walks in.)
Jeff: Ready to get to today's immunity challenge.
Everyone: Yes.
Jeff: First things first gonna take back tribal and individual immunities. Tribal immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge 3 people from each tribe will be pulling a rope attached to a net to keep it up. While the 5 other tribe members shoot coconuts into the net. The last tribe to drop their net will win tribal immunity. For reward the winning tribe will win PB&J. Worth playing for?
Everyone: Yes!
Jeff: One more item to note. There must be 2 men and 1 woman to hold up the net. I'll give you a minute to strategize and we will get it on.
(Everyone get into position.)
Jeff: Alright for Ulong holding the the rope. Colby Monica and Troyzan. Matsing has Russell Tasha and Stephen holding the rope. Ok survivors ready? Go!
(The tribes begin shooting the coconut with both tribes making considerable progress.)
Jeff: Right out of the gate you are completely even. Both tribes have coconuts in their nets. Both groups net holder look firm.
(Time passes while the coconuts begin to pile.)
Jeff: Ulong looks to be struggling a bit more. Ulong also seems to have a few more coconuts than Matsing.
(Ulong begins to struggle much more and drops the net.)
Jeff: Ulong is out. Matsing wins tribal immunity and Reward. Matsing come get your reward and immunity and head out.
(Matsing leaves. )
Jeff: Ulong got nothing for you but a date with me at tribal council.
(Ulong camp.)
Stephanie: Colby can we take a walk?
Colby: Let's go!
(On the beach.)
Stephanie: Who do you think Monica or Troy?
Colby: I was thinking Monica. Troy mat have an idol it's safer that way.
Stephanie: It could be safer if just split the votes then. 3 of us vote Troy 3 for Monica if he plays the idol then Troy Monica goes. If not he goes.
Colby: Yeah that works.
(At the water wale.)
Dawn: Monica. Me, you, Troy, Dean and Jaclyn are gonna vote Steph right?
Monica: Yeah. I'm gonna tell Troy that is our plan. We just got to let Dean and Jaclyn know.
Dawn: Ok I will talk to Dean and Jaclyn.
(They both go back to Camp.)
Dawn: Dean can I talk to you?
Dean: Sure let's go.
(On the beach.)
Dawn: You know the plan?
Dean: All of us vote for Steph?
Dawn: Yes I think the "6" of us are gonna talk about splitting the votes between Monica and Troy but in reality us 2 Jaclyn, Monica and Troy are gonna vote Steph.
Dean: Sounds good.
(Dean to Camera.)
Dean: I do think Steph is a really big strategic threat. On the other hand if I do this move I don't know exactly where I stand in that alliance. I think Dawn is closer to Monica and Troy then me and Jaclyn so I think if it came to it I think she will choose them over us.
(Back at Camp.)
Stephanie: I think it's time we all talk. Colby Jaclyn Dean Dawn and Spencer let's take a walk.
All of them: ok!
(On the beach.)
Jaclyn: So what are y'all thinking?
Colby: I think we should split the votes. Guys on Troy girls on Monica. If no idol is played Troy needs to go.
Dawn: Sounds Great.
(They walk back to Camp.)
Dean: Hey Spencer can I talk to you for a second?
Spencer sure let's go.
(Dean to Camera.)
Dean: I think it's a good move to let Spencer know that Dawn is targeting Steph. That way he can let Colby and Steph know and they will vote for Dawn. This leaves me and Jaclyn solidly in the middle.
(At the water Wale.)
Spencer: Is everything cool?
Dean: No. Dawn is going after Stephanie tonight.
Spencer: What really?
Dean: Yeah she has both Monica and Troy. She also thinks she has me and Jaclyn but she doesn't. I think me you Jaclyn, Colby and Steph vote for her and don't tell anyone.
Spencer: Yeah I agree.
Dean: I'll let Jaclyn know. You tell Colby and Steph.
Spencer: Ok
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: I am in disbelief. I can believe Dawn of all people would want to switch things up. To bad she just switched things up from someone else to her.
(They return to camp.)
Spencer: Hey Colby, Steph can I talk to you.
Colby and Stephanie: Sure
(At the Water wale.)
Colby: Spence what's up?
Spencer: Dean just told me that Dawn is planning to send Steph home.
Stephanie: What! Really?
Spencer: Yeah she already has Troy and Lonica on her side. She thinks that Jaclyn and Dean are on her side as well but they aren't. Dean is gonna get Jaclyn on board to vote Dawn out tonight.
Colby: Ok that sounds good. We are sure she doesn't have an idol?
Stephanie: It doesn't matter she doesn't think it's her. Spencer are you sure they are gonna vote to keep me.
Spencer: Yes the could've blindsided you. Why would they tell me if they want you out.
(Stephanie to Camera.)
Stephanie: I am praying to God right now that Dean keeps me here. Him and Jaclyn are the swing votes. If they both vote me I am done.
(Back at Camp.)
Dean: Jaclyn wanna have one last talk before tribal?
Jaclyn: Sure.
(On the beach.)
Dean: I have set things up that, so we are in the middle. Dawn, Monica and Troy are voting Steph. The other 3 are voting for Dawn.
Jaclyn: Wait why are they voting for Dawn.
Dean: I told them that Dawn is coming for Steph.
Jaclyn: Why did you do that? That's gonna cause massive tension at tribal.
Dean: Yeah but it puts us in the middle.
Jaclyn: Damn it Dean.
Dean: Who do you want out Steph or Dawn. I am fine with either.
Jaclyn: I don't know.
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: I do think Steph is a big threat because she is willing to make big moves. I don't think Dawn is
as big of a threat as her but if she is willing to make a move like this. It's scary to think what she may be capable of especially because she is someone you wouldn't expect to make a move that rash. At the end of the Day it's my decision. The question is who will get me farther.
(Tribal council.)
Jeff: Monica and Troyzan grab a torch dip it in and get fire. This is part of the ritual of tribal council. Once your fire is gone so are you.
Jeff: So Spencer coming into this new Ulong tribe you have 4 original Ulong, 2 original matsing and 2 original Pagong. What do you do to secure a possible 5th vote that would give your original tribe the numbers?
Spencer: I think you look at these pairs and see which one want improve on their position.
Jeff: Jacklyn what do you coming into a tribe of 8 with only you and Dean from your previous tribe. Jaclyn:Coming into a tribe and being a minority in the numbers is scary. The way I navigate a situation like this is I think of what Denise said during her season "every step is an opportunity to turn things around." In other words just because there are 4 people coming from the same tribe doesn't necessarily mean they are united on who they are voting for.
Jeff: Dean perfect point to make. Just because they are from the same tribe doesn't mean they are united.
Dean: Yeah I completely agree. I'm every alliance there is always a top and bottom if you are not on the top it's time to switch things up.
Stephanie: Jeff there is also a counter argument to be made for us not sticking together.
Jeff: Let's here it.
Stephanie: Well first anyone who did flip from our alliance of 4 would immediately be voted out after the minority alliance is taken out.
Jeff: Dawn and yet another layer. Yes flipping may be a big move but you are then at the bottom of that alliance.
Dawn: I think knowing when to flip and staying loyal is a huge attribute of this game. Timing is everything in this game.
Jeff: Ok with that being said it is time to vote. Monica your up.
( Jaclyn comes back and sits down.)
Jeff: I'll go get the votes.
(Jeff comes back with the urn.)
Jeff: If anybody has a hidden immunity now would be the time to do so. Once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
Jeff: First vote Steph.

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