Day 33-37 The Finale Part One

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Jeff: It has been an epic and different journey for each of the final 6 castaways. Jaclyn this immunity threat has voted out every single person since the merge. She is also tied for the most immunities ever won be a woman.
Jaclyn: We may be close to the end but there is a lot of game left to be played.
Jeff: Does she have what it takes to make it all the way once again?
Jaclyn: This is it. I can win this game.
Jeff: Colby. One of survivors most infamous heroes has made it to the final 6 for the 3rd time. He has played a cunning social game and has many friends on the jury.
Colby: I have played this game 4 times and something is telling me this is my chance to win.
Jeff: Does he have what it takes to finally win or has Father Time taken its toll on him.
Colby: I may have not played the most flashy game but I was playing the game the entire way through.
Jeff: Aubrey. This survivor super fan was within 2 votes of winning her previous season. Apart of the majority alliance and having an amazing social game has allowed Aubrey to never be targeted.
Aubrey: The survivor win has alluded me for so long. This time I plan to take it all the way.
Jeff: Does Aubrey have what it takes to take the million dollar prize.
Aubrey: If  these people were smart they would get rid of me right away but they didn't now they have to reap what they sow.
Jeff: Carolyn. She has been in the middle since day one and hasn't had a single vote cast against her.
Carolyn: I have played the middle for a long time and it's gotten me to this point. I don't have to be loyal to anyone besides myself.
Jeff: Does she have what it takes to take it all the way.
Carolyn: It's funny how people call me momma c. If they get to the end with me they are in for a mommy style spanking.
Jeff: Spencer. This student of the game has played a great strategic and physical game this season. Finding multiple advantages and idols while also winning two individual immunities.
Spencer: I feel like I'm the complete package in Survivor. I just need everyone else to think that.
Jeff: Can Spencer finally put his social game forward or will he fall short of the win yet again.
Spencer: I know I can win this game. I just can't get to crazy.
Jeff: Dean. This new comer has won multiple individual immunities. He has two idols in his possession currently.
Dean: I think people underestimate my game. I haven't been as flashy as Spencer or as physical as Jaclyn, but I have held my own in both departments.
Jeff: Can he find his way into the final 3 or will he come up just short.
(End of intro.)
Day 32.)
(At camp.)
Colby: Man that went terrible.
Spencer:Not for me.
(Colby to camera.)
Colby: Now everyone of my allies is gone. I have no alliance but I'm still here. I still have a chance of winning this game.
(At camp.)
(Everyone walks off besides Colby.)
Carolyn: That went amazing.
Spencer: It was pretty terrifying for me.
Dean: Ok it's easy if he doesn't win immunity. He is gone right?
Aubrey: For sure.
Jaclyn: Yep.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: Dean and Jaclyn think that it's all gonna be easy Colby is gonna go home. In reality me and Spencer plan on making a move with Colby against them. All we need is Carolyn.
(Day 33.)
(At camp.)
Spencer: Colby do you mind if we take a walk?
Colby: Sure.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: I need Colby's vote moving forward. If I get his vote locked in blindsiding Dean and Jaclyn is much more likely.
(In the Forest.)
Spencer: How are you feeling after last night.
Colby: Dead in the water. Sorry for throwing you under the bus so much.
Spencer: It's cool. I know you don't think your in great standing I'm looking to change that if your willing to help me help you.
Colby: What do you have in mind?
Spencer: Me and Aubrey want to make a move against Dean and Jaclyn.
Colby: Yeah that would be amazing.
Spencer: Those two have been close since day one. If we let them get to 4. They will take each other.
Colby: We need to make sure neither of them win immunity.
Spencer: Yeah. Dean has an idol if Jaclyn wins this plan goes down the toilet.
Colby: I'm in.
(On the beach.)
Jaclyn: When do you think is the right time to make a move against Spencer?
Dean: I think final 5. If we take him out now. We are at the mercy of them at the final 5.
Jaclyn: I just don't want to be stuck with him at the end.
Dean: I don't want to either.
Jaclyn: He makes me anxious.
Dean: Well how will this make you feel? I found another idol.
Jaclyn: Seriously you have two now?
Dean: Yes. If one of us can win the necklace each time at f6 and f5 we will both be at f4.
Jaclyn: That's crazy.
Dean: I was thinking I should let Carolyn know about one of my idols. If she knows then maybe she will let me know if they are planning to make a move?
Jaclyn: I don't think you should. Have you told Spencer about your new one.
Dean: I haven't I'm not planning on it.
Jaclyn: I think that's for the best.
(Jaclyn to camera.)
Jaclyn: Finding out Dean has two idols is both good and bad for my game. On one hand it's good because I know without a shadow of a doubt he would play it for me. The bad news is if they make a move against him. They are gonna target me. Ideally one of us wins Immunity tomorrow while the other gets an idol.
(Day 34.)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
(Everyone walks in.)
Jeff: Alright ready to today's immunity challenge.
Everyone: Yes!
Jeff: First things first Dean I got to take it back.
(Dean gives back the necklace.)
Jeff: Once again immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge you will race to untie a series of knots to unlock a chest with a key. You will use that key to unlock another chest. That chest will contain a latter rungs. You will use those ladder rungs to be build a latter up the wall. The rungs only go in specific steps. Once up the ladder you will use that key to unlock another chest full of plates. Those plates each correspond to another plate on the second part of the wall. Once all the plates are put in. You will go up to the top of the wall raise your flag. First person to raise their flag wins individual immunity, safe tonight at tribal council cannot be voted out. Alright we will draw for positions let's get it on.
(Everyone gets into position.)
Jeff: Survivors ready? Go!
(Everyone runs to the knots.)
Jeff: Everyone is making quick work of the knots.
(Carolyn then Jaclyn through. Then everyone else.)
Jeff: Carolyn and Jaclyn through first, everyone else not far behind.
(Everyone manages to get the first chest open.)
Jeff: Everyone has began working on their first ladder.
(10 min have past in the challenge.)
Jeff: Everyone is making progress on this latter. Currently it's Spencer in the lead with just two rungs left of the first ladder. Dean has 3 left. Jaclyn has 4 left. Carolyn, Colby and Aubrey at 5.
(Spencer puts his 2bd to last rung in. Dean puts his 3rd to last rung in.)
Jeff: Spencer has one rung left Dean with two. Everyone else a couple rungs behind.
(Spencer puts his last rung in and climbs up. Dean goes back down for his last rung.)
Jeff: Spencer through to the second level. Dean with just one rung left.
(Dean puts his last rung in.)
Jeff: Dean is through. Jaclyn and Carolyn left with one rung each. Aubrey and Colby with two rungs left.
(Spencer puts his first piece into the second level.)
(Jaclyn and Carolyn on to the second level.)
Jeff: Spencer is with one stair no one else with nothing on the second level.
(Colby and Aubrey are through.)
Jeff: Colby and Aubrey are through. You need to pick it up. Y'all both are still in it.
(10 min later.)
Jeff: Right now Spencer has 3 pieces stairs left. Jaclyn and Dean with 5 stairs left. Carolyn and Colby have 5 stairs left. Aubrey in the rear with 7.
(Aubrey finds another piece. Dean finds a piece. Spencer, Colby, Carolyn and Jaclyn are wrong.)
Jeff: Dean is just one stair behind Spencer.
(Spencer gets another piece so does Dean.)
Jeff: Spencer just has two stair left, Dean with 3.
(Spencer gets his stair wrong with Dean getting it right.)
Jeff: Dean has caught Spencer.
(Aubrey puts her 3rd to last stair.)
Jeff: Out of no where Aubrey is in this. Spencer puts his Second to last stair. Aubrey right behind puts second to last stair. Dean is wrong.
Dean: Damn it.
(Spencer sprints up the stairs. He places the last stair and runs up the stairs and raises the flag.)
Jeff:Spencer wins individual immunity safe tonight at tribal council. Spencer come on over.
(Jeff puts the necklace on Spencer.)
Jeff: Spencer guaranteed a 1 in 5 chance of winning the title of sole survivor. As for the rest of you, one of you going home tonight head on out.
( Dean to camera.)
Dean: Now that Colby hasn't won immunity he should be going home. I also wouldn't mind Aubrey going. We used her when we needed her. We don't need her anymore. Plus she has made a lot of moves in this game. Maybe she goes tonight.
(At camp.)
Spencer: Aubrey wanna take a walk.
Aubrey: Sure.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: As much as I like Jaclyn and Dean, they have played really well. Hell I would vote for them too. I need to take a shot at them.
(In the Forest.)
Spencer: The plan is a go.
Aubrey: Yes.
Spencer: I already talked with Colby.
Aubrey: I will talk with Carolyn and check in with Colby.
Spencer: Ok me and Carolyn will vote Jaclyn. Can you and Colby vote Dean.
Aubrey: Done.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: I know it looks and sounds like Spencer is telling me what to do, but if it wasn't for my social game this plan that he wants would have no chance of working out. Furthermore I don't think Spencer realizes that this isn't in his best interest this is my best interest. So of course I'm not gonna question anything.
(On the beach.)
Dean: Who would you rather go home Aubrey or Colby?
Jaclyn: I don't know. Aubrey has played a much more strategic game and probably had Stephen's vote in jury. On the other hand Colby was really close to Russell, Ozzy, Amanda and Steph. That's 4 of the 10 votes you would need literally every other vote to beat him.
Dean: The thing is Aubrey is good at fire and Nearly beat Spencer and I at the challenge today.
Jaclyn: I am not against sending her home. Let's let Spencer and Carolyn know.
(Spencer walks up.)
Spencer: Is the plan still Colby?
Dean: We are actually thinking Aubrey now.
Spencer: Yeah she is a threat played a great strategic game and social game. Let's send her home.
Jaclyn: Ok we will let Carolyn know.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: What the heck is going on? Now they are targeting Aubrey. It is literally coming down to Carolyn's vote. She is either gonna vote for the split and hopefully Dean goes home or we flush the idol and Jaclyn goes. If not Aubrey is going home.
(In the Forest.)
Spencer: They are targeting you.
Aubrey: What? Why?
Spencer: They think you are a bigger physical and strategic threat then Colby.
Aubrey: Damn it.
Spencer: You need to make sure Carolyn is 100% on your side.
(On the beach.)
Jaclyn: Hey so me Dean and Spencer were thinking of taking Aubrey out instead. She is a much more strategic and physical threat. What do you think about it?
Carolyn: I'm down. She does need to go at one point or another.
Jaclyn: Ok great.
(Jaclyn walks off.)
(Aubrey walks up to Carolyn.)
Aubrey: Hey do you know what is going on?
Carolyn: Not really.
Aubrey: Ok look me Spencer and Colby want to split the votes between Dean and Jaclyn. Dean has an idol. If he gets to the final 5 with his idol he will be guaranteed final 4. We need to either flush his idol or send him home.
Carolyn: Oh my god Dean has another idol.
Aubrey: Yes. Are you down?
Carolyn: Definitely.
(Carolyn to Camera.)
Carolyn: Apparently once again I am in the middle. I love it but it also is terrifying. I don't know what to do. On one hand Aubrey is a pretty big strategic threat. She has played an idol and has great relationships with everyone on the jury. Dean and Jaclyn have what like 7 individual immunities between them. Jaclyn was responsible for sending Steph home and Dean has been calling the shots alongside Spencer. I really don't know what am I going to do.
(Tribal Council.)
Jeff: Colby if things from last tribal stay the same your obviously the lone man on the totem pole. What do you do to get out this situation?
Colby: Well if someone within these 5 wants to make a big move I'm a free number.
Jeff: Who would you want that move to be against.
Colby: Dean or Jaclyn. If both of those two make it through this tribal there is no stopping them from being final 3.
Dean: Jeff what people are forgetting is that Colby is a threat in his own right. I mean look at the jury he has a ton of friends there.
Jeff: Aubrey what would be the benefit of voting with Colby against Jaclyn or Dean tonight.
Aubrey: Both Jaclyn and Dean have played a great strategic game and physical game. Between both of them they won 7 individual immunities. Jaclyn is the reason Steph is on the jury. Dean has found an idol.
Taking one of them out would be a big move because they both have done well in two huge aspects of the game.
Jeff: Spencer what is the benefit to getting rid of Colby.
Spencer: Well considering how man times my name has been written down I'm assuming people see me as a threat. Keeping Dean and Jaclyn keeps a pair of threat oppose to just me. Which keeps me safe. I'm not saying Colby isn't a threat but he doesn't have that many close allies left. While Dean and Jaclyn have been together since day one.
Jeff: Carolyn where do you stand on this debate?
Carolyn: I think both sides have there risks. I think I have come to a decision I just hope it's the right one.
Jeff: Alright it is time to vote. Colby you are up.
(Spencer the last person to vote sits down.)
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff go gets the voting urn, and comes back with it.)
Jeff: Once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it now would be the time to do so.
Dean: Jeff. After what I have been hearing tonight no way am I being taken out this close to the end. Here you go.
(Dean hands Jeff an idol.)
Jeff: This is a hidden immunity idol. Any votes cast for Dean will not count. I will read the votes.
Jeff: First vote Dean does not count.

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