Chapter 4

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Something, or should I say someone started nuzzling me. I opened my eyes and snapped at the thing, a black blur suddenly moved. Midnight!! I quickly apologized and stood up.

We started to move again and I stayed at the back of the herd and let Midnight take lead for once. Sunshine and me started to talk.

"So how did you get captured in the first place?" I was really hoping no-one would ask that . "Well when I was just a filly, mum and me were playing a bit of chase and I ran to far ahead. I ended up in that same place that we got trapped in. My mum hurt her leg jumping the river. She couldn't get up. She told me never to be tamed and always fight for what is yours." "I'm so sorry" Sunshine said as she started to nuzzle me." The humans came and took me in. I have been there ever since."

We suddenly stopped and I looked up and found a huge flowing river and we needed to cross it. To make matters worse it started to rain. We usually got floods and the only hill was over the river. Coco jumped in and swam over, then Sunshine, Midnight and finally Chocolate. I was going to go last. Everyone made it over fine but rain got worse and Chocolate started to get dragged down the now raging river. I dived in and then heard another splash but I wasn't going to take my eyes off Chocolate. I dived under the water and came up with Chocolate in the middle of my back and told him to hold on. I turned around and started going further up the river against the current I had no idea where the herd was. It was dark by the time I had got Chocolate up the hill. I was so tired but I decided to let Chocolate sleep first.


In the morning the flood waters had died down and now the river was just a little wider than normal. "Snow?" Chocolate asked nervously "Yes, what is it?" I said kindly "Thank you so much for saving me." "Its ok now lets go and try to find the herd" We started to walk down to the river and walk upstream hoping that the herd was still waiting there.

The white horseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora