Chapter 3

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I just decided to continue with the story because it was easier.

Eveyone started to freak out and started to make huge amounts of noise. I yelled at them to calm down and they did. "Ok guys listen this is a trap to get horses, to get out we just have to unlatch the gate." "Why should we trust you, YOU put us in here!" Said Coco. I ignored her and unlatched the gate. Everyone went rushing out and continued to gallop off.

As I finished closing the gate it started to snow. I galloped up to the herd, as soon as I got there Coco came over to me and bit me on the frank. I screamed in pain, everyone turned around and looked at me like I was crazy!

I started to walk away. I heard someone coming so I started to trot, then gallop. Whoever it was stoped and I wasn't about to turn around and find out.


In the morning I heard wolves start to howl, luckily I was camouflaged in the snow with my white coat. They had got my sent and I went galloping down the hill. Brown and chestnut figures zoomed pass me as I went hurling into something. Everything went black.

The white horseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin