Chapter 5

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We walked until midday. I sore a figure lying down by the waters edge. "Chocolate, stay here I'll be back soon" "ok" I started galloping up to the figure. "Coco!" Chocolate came running. I had to see if she was breathing. I lied down next to her and looked if her stomach was moving. Slow shaky breaths were coming and going. I lightly nuzzled her and she started to wake up. "Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" Screamed Chocolate. Coco jumped up at the sound of his voice and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you snow you saved my son"


After another 3 hours of walking we  finally found the herd. "Guys!" Midnight and Sunshine whipped there heads up making their manes fly everywhere, and came galloping over to us. "Never do that again!"     "Midnight we were fine you had nothing to worry about"     "we have seen humans we needed to move, we were starting to think you got caught."      "Well we didn't so lets just start moving"   Midnight nieghed and we were off.


It was about midnight when we stopped for some sleep. Everyone went to sleep instantly except me. I had this feeling that we were being watched. I got up from lying down to rest my legs and started walking over to the line of trees I swear I saw something move. "Hey" Midnight mumbled. "Ahhhh" I screamed and I started galloping away. I realised who it was and walked back over.   " hey don't sneak up on me u scared the hell out of me. What are you doing up anyway?"     " I could ask the same for you."  Oh I loved that voice... wait did I just think that. I can't like him he's the stallion and I'm a low ranked mare. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Midnight said.   " hello, anyone in there?"    Oh god I must of been lost in thought. "Yes there is, now back to my question, what are you doing here?"      "  first tell me why u are here?"       " but I asked first." I teased.   "Fine, I was checking on you." Does that mean that he likes me or does that mean he is just caring for another mare in the herd. Probably just another mare in the herd.   "Now why are you here?"    " I couldn't sleep."  I was not going to tell him why I was aactually here until I was sure.  "Then why go on a walk towards the forest"  omg think snow think! Ah ha! "Because it calms me down."     " ok well do you want me to walk you back to the herd so you can get some sleep?" He asked it more of a statement rather than a question.  "Sure."   We walked in comfortable silence. Until we saw the view in front of us.

Cliff hanger!!
Please comment and vote it encourages me to write more and I will try to write a chapter each day but I can't promise that.
Thanks for reading my book.

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