Chapter 7

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After almost half a day of galloping and trotting we finally got to the valley it opened at both ends, just enough for the whole herd to fit though.

We rested for the rest of the day and started to hear noises coming from both ends of the valley.

"Midnight is this what you were talking about it not being for long?" I asked starting to get nervous, what will I do stay with the herd or distract the humans and stay with them.       " You weren't suppose to her that, but yes. Now wake up Sunshine, I'll wake up Chocolate and Coco."    I trotted over to Sunshine and started to wake her up, she jumped as soon as she opened her eyes and then calmed down when she saw me.

Everyone was awake we started to gallop towards the larger end we would be able to catch them off guard and push them out of the way. I stayed towards the back so if anyone started to get caught I could save them. I would rather that I get caught because I know Emma looks after me but she only could afford one horse and I have no idea where the others would go.

We came up to the humans and I had one thought in my mind,       'what's going to happen.'

Midnight burst though the humans creating a small gap. While the humans were distracted and finding their footing we all galloped though. I was almost out of reach from the ropes when one went around my neck and jerked me back I spun around to see Emma holding the rope with tears in her eyes. Midnight yelled "I'm coming to help!"     "No! Don't I'll be fine! Just save the herd, and if I don't come back in two days come back to the ranch and I'll meet you there. Now run!"  I slowly walked up to Emma and stopped pulling. What was I going to do? I could ether stay with Emma or pull away now when she's distracted. "Snow! I'm so glad you are safe there have been so many wolf attacks on the wild herds and when I thought I saw you dead I almost burst into tears but I was sure you were alive so I didn't loose hope."  I couldn't leave her now. Maybe I can convince the herd to live with me when they come get me. I let Emma mount me and we galloped back to the ranch luckily it was only a days journey there.


Every couple of minutes Emma would come back into the barn and check if I was still there and that night she stayed in the barn and slept in my stall. It felt werid eating grain again but other than that it was normal there. As I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep the last thought in my mind was' I hope the herd is safe.'

Hey guys sorry for not updating, comment if you want Midnights point of view in the next chapter. Thanks for reading Remember to vote and comment and follow, it motivates me to continue to write.

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