Chapter 2

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Grading seemed to go by with such ease since he had Hermione's help. Remus Lupin loved teaching, but grading tests always felt rather boring to him. Teaching them new things, reading their term papers, actually being able to get a feel of their different opinions; now that was what he enjoyed doing.

He could not believe that they finished grading almost an entire half an hour before he had predicted he'd be done. He folded his hands together, placing them in front of him on his desk, leaning forward to look at her. "Thank you for all your help today, Miss Granger. It is greatly appreciated. You
have no idea, really."

"It's my pleasure. Honest." She was grinning ear to ear. She was glad to be able to spend the time with him. She lowered her eyes momentarily, biting her bottom lip. She swallowed her fear, raising her gaze once more. "May I ask you something, Professor?"

"Certainly," he smirked back.

She paused. Both of her hands were on her desk, palms down, fingers stretched out as she leaned forward slightly in her chair. "Earlier, you mentioned us being alike," she threw out cautiously. When he nodded in silent response, she continued. "How so?"

He leaned back, the chair's springs squeaking in protest. He perched his left elbow on the armrest, tapping his upper lip with his index finger. His lips were slightly pushed out as he thought. They were a lot alike, he had said that. Of course there were their similar characteristics on the surface.

"We both like to read; keep busy. We're both quiet and reserved. We keep mostly to ourselves, aside from a few people who mean the very most to us. We are good-natured, kind, and generous."

She smiled shyly, looking down as she felt her cheeks brighten; he was right.

"But," the word startled her. She looked up again, into his eyes now, listening intently to his soft, somewhat gruff voice.

"We also have our dark sides. I, as you know, am a Werewolf. My dark side is kept hidden—well, from most, anyway. What about you, Miss Granger? I'm sure you have a dark secret hidden you don't want anyone to know about."

Her mouth was suddenly dry. Why was he asking her this? She didn't want him to know her deepest desires; they involved him. "You—you mean the Time Turner that Professor Dumbledore gave to me?"

"Perhaps," he smirked. "Is that a secret you hold onto?"

"Yes," she answered truthfully. It may not be anywhere near her darkest secret, but it was still kept from most. "I used it once, and I'm still unsure if it was the right thing to do." The confession slipped from her lips without much thought. She bit her lip nervously, wondering if she should continue.

"We've all done things we're not proud of, Miss Granger."

She nodded, just the corners of her mouth turning up into a smile. "Yes, but I may have altered what should have been. I suppose we will never know."

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