Chapter 17

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Both man and beast awoke feeling well-rested and refreshed. His eyes were used to snapping open at the horrible memory of what he and Moony had done the night before. This particular morning, however, felt different—good.

The dopey smile that seemed plastered to his face was surprising to find as he stretched his strangely aching muscles. Normally his muscles were sore from the intense transformation and some of the gruesome fights with other beasts he usually had found himself in.

Instead of pain, his muscles ached as if he had done an extremely vigorous workout.

A small draft of wind blew in through a rather large crack in the wooden walls, moving something Remus saw out of the corner of his eye. It was a folded piece of parchment on the nightstand, underneath his wolf figurine.

His smile widened, if that was possible, as he grabbed hold of both items.

"Good morning, honey," he said casually to the angelic figure, almost as if he'd expected her to respond like a real-life animal or person.

The parchment had Hermione's beautiful scrolled handwriting on it.

Dec. 25, 2001 Happy Christmas!


Last night was absolutely out of this world incredible for me. It was such an amazing experience. It is one I will treasure, always. However, it will be the last time.

I was so excited that I could finally turn into a wolf successfully by myself that I had to show you! It was you I had learned it for, after all. I needed to be with you, all of you, werewolf state included. This was the only way Sirius and I figured it could be achieved. Yes, Sirius knows.

Then I saw you lying there. You were in so much pain. My heart was breaking; I couldn't simply stand idly by as you suffered. I had to end your pain. You needed someone and I needed you, even if it was to be our last time.

You have been my only true weakness. One I will never stop loving.

Ron and I are to be married next summer. As much as I know he wants you there, I am asking you to please not attend. It kills me to ask this of you. It is selfish of me, but I know that if I see you, I will not be able to go through with it. And I have to go through with it. For both of us.

I wish you and Tonks a lifetime of happiness together. Give my love to Teddy and tell him I will miss him.

Forever Yours,
Hermione xo

The smile faded from his face as he read the heart wrenching words that filled the parchment. Fresh tears were stained across it, proving that she had recently written it.

As much as he wanted to go after her, his legs became paralyzed. The thought of losing her was the worst pain he had ever felt—like all his transformations rolled into one—attacking the only place that never really changed: his heart.

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