Chapter 6

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Hermione was happy to be home for the Christmas holiday. Her parents worked in the dental field and were muggles, so the conversation involving anything about Hogwarts was always an interesting one. They wanted to know everything about their daughter's education—they found it fascinating.

The Granger family sat around the small dining room table eating dinner and sharing stories. Barbecued chicken, potatoes, green beans, and a mixed salad made up the meal. Hermione had missed her mother's cooking. The food at Hogwarts was indeed terrific, but nothing would ever beat home.

"So, tell us how things at school are going," her father said after he swallowed a mouthful of chicken. "Wonderful," she replied with a sigh.

Their meal was enjoyed with more light conversations of school and friends. She told them about how Harry and Ginny were dating and were becoming quite the "it" couple.

"What happened to Cho?" Her mother asked; a stickler for details.

"I forgot I wrote to you about that. They didn't last long. Cho's boyfriend Cedric broke up with her over the summer before school started this year. I think she may have used Harry to get over Cedric because she knew that Harry liked her last year."


"I am so glad Harry and Ginny are together though. They really are the perfect couple." 

"And how's Ron?" Her dad asked suddenly.

"He's fine."

"Nothing going on between you two? Do I have to call and have a talk with his parents?" 

"Oh goodness Dad; no! Ron is just a friend."

"Any favorite classes?" Her mother chimed in, changing the subject.

The young brunette blushed slightly as a certain pair of seductive green eyes entered her mind. Just the mere thought of Professor Lupin made her insides tingle. The feel of his hands on her skin as he rolled up the sleeves of his cloak the night before were still present in her memory. She tried hard to hide it, but she couldn't help the smile that broke across her face.

"Um, yes," she stammered, "Defense Against the Dark Arts has been really wonderful this year."

"Wonderful, eh?" her mother said as she threw an intrigued eyebrow to her husband. "You seem to like that adjective tonight."

Hermione thought back; it was true, she had used it twice already. Noticing that their plates were bare, she seized her opportunity to avert the topic at hand. "Here, Mum," she said starting to feel defensive, "I'll help you with the dishes."

Her mother wore a gentle smile, "Thanks sweetie. I am so glad that you are having such a wonderful year."


Remus was naked, sprawled out flat on his back; atop salty sweat saturated sheets on his small, sad excuse for a bed—wide awake—his eyes fixed to the ceiling. He arched his back as another intense wave of pain tore through him. Groaning loudly, he gripped the sides of the mattress so tightly, his knuckles turned white.

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