Chapter 2: Aphmau and Steven

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Previously on Super Minecraft Diaries...

Steven and I managed to reunite. After somewhat 'catching up', Laurance intervened. As it fallen to nightfall and I had happened to be asleep. Steven knocked on the door and after a few short minutes we decided to go to Meteli or well the outskirts of Meteli with Castor and his 'people.'

What will we do as we take our time to get to Castor? Find out today on Super Minecraft Diaries!


It was bright and early. The sun was up casting its light into Aphmau's room. Aphmau yawned as she got up from her bed. Aphmau shielded her eyes from the bright light. 

"Ugh... It's too early to be up..." Aphmau sighed. "Why did I have to agree?" Aphmau walked over to grab her backpack. 

Aphmau couldn't help but just stare at the backpack. 

Just that anxiety appeared out of nowhere. Aphmau couldn't think of a reason to feel like this. After all, they were all of her friends. They couldn't hate her for just wanting to start anew and live a 'normal' life. Or was because of the fact that if anyone here found out that she lied about having no idea of who she was, no memories, lying? 

This was the answer... right? 

Just that the fact that the moment they all find out that she was lying. They would all hate her. They wouldn't want anything to do with her? How would they react if or when they find out the truth? Would they hate her? Despise her? Understand her? Love her? How would they react?

Aphmau shook her head and hurried along to get her things. She had some her items with her in her backpack. Aphmau turned the door knob and walked out of the room, closing the door behind herself. 

Aphmau walked down the stairs to be greeted by Zoey, Levin, and Malachi. 

"Good morning Aphmau/mommy/mom." Aphmau couldn't help but smile. 

"Your friend is waiting out there for you," Zoey said as she gestured to Steven with her fork. Aphmau looked at the door and saw Steven kicking the ground. 

"Ahh... I should get going." Aphmau said as she turned her head to look at everyone. 

"You don't want to eat mom?" Malachi asked.

"I'm not hungry right now but I'll eat later!" Aphmau lied but regardless, smiled.

"Bye mommy!" Levin smiled. Aphmau couldn't help but smile. Aphmau walked up to the two boys and kissed them both. Afterwards she waved Zoey goodbye and turned to head towards the door. 

Aphmau opened the doors which caused Steven to turn back. 

"You ready to go?" Steven asked as he watched Aphmau close the doors behind her. Aphmau turned back around. 

"Ready as I'll ever be." Aphmau took the opportunity to walk first followed by Steven. 

"It's gonna feel like we got the gang together but not all of us, of course!" 

Aphmau nodded as she agreed with Steven. 

They were slowly coming up to the guard house. Aphmau put a finger over her lips to tell Steven to be quiet. 

Steven being Steven, decided to do the gesture of zipping his lips. 

Aphmau rolled her eyes at his gesture. 

Aphmau and Steven walked past the Guard house with no issue. However, Aphmau was aware of the upcoming 'danger' as she wasn't aware if Laurance, Garroth, Dante, or Brian were by the houses. 

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