Chapter 12.5: Phase 1...?

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Previously on Super Minecraft Diaries...

After a somewhat small chat with the girls. They decided to go their own ways and split up. Due to this, Kala and Steven ran after them, quickly behind, leaving the rest of us behind. The rest of us split up into our own groups, going after one of the girls. Laurance, Alex, and Katz fought against Nova. Meanwhile, Kala continued to fight Mal until I stepped in and took her place. We all fought bravery and came out on top victorious.  

What will happen with Steven, Jose, Pbat, Sly, and Garroth against Zeni and Serenity? Find out today on Super Minecraft Diaries!


"This isn't the little sister that I grew up with!" Steven fought the tears as they attempted to stream down his face. 

"You've made your choice and I've made mine. You may not be able to live with yours, but that doesn't mean you should shame me for living with mine!" Zeni hissed. 

"This isn't a dream, Zeni! Where's my little sister?!" Steven cried. 

"Where was my brother when I needed him?!"

"Zeni! You're not as evil as people think you are! Please, Zeni!" 

"I'm must worse," Zeni glared.

"Zeni- Ugh- I'm sorry, Zeni- Just- Just, please! Work with me here! I'm sorry!"

"... Sorry doesn't cut it."

Zeni raised her hand into the air, creating a huge ball of energy, and then pointed it at Steven.

Steven stared in shock, however, he jumped out of the way, rolling onto the grass. 

Zeni growled, yet she kept her composer. 

Zeni aimed her ring at Steven.

Just as she was going to create, footsteps approached both of them. 

Zeni and Steven turned, seeing Jose and Pbat coming their way. 

Zeni created a giant fist and used it to punch in the direction of Pbat and Jose. 

Jose jumped out of the way while Pbat took it. 

Jose got himself in a position where he was about to shoot Zeni. 

Zeni's attention went towards Pbat, which Steven took the chance to run over to Jose. 

Steven tackles Jose, causing Jose to drop his bow.  

"Jose, don't do it," Steven begged. 

"She doesn't even care about you!" Jose argued.

Jose crawled over, reaching for his bow. 

Zeni hisses at the pain as she rolls on the ground. 

Zeni moved out the way as Pbat jumped, landing where she once stood.  

Jose continued what he was doing while Pbat was continuing to distract her. 

"She's my little sister!" Steven barked. 

Jose ignored Steven, shoving him out of the way, aiming for Zeni. 

Steven caught his balance, getting in front of Jose, preparing for himself to be shot, instead. 

"Steven!" Jose growled. 

Suddenly, a green chain was wrapped around Steven's waist.

Zeni pulled him and swung him at Pbat. Pbat jumped out of the way, nearly getting hit by Steven. 

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