Chapter 9: Shad

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Previously on Super Minecraft Diaries...

I had made a 'Bromance' story between Garroth and Laurance. As I told the tale, everyone either began to tear up or react in a certain way. During this, everyone forgot about the girls and what they were up to. 

What are they up to? Or well... Shad and Gene within the Nether...? Find out today on Super Minecraft Diaries!


Shad's mind was filled with memories he didn't wish to remember. Irene, Esmund, Enki, Kul'Zak, Menphia, even Xavier and, Hyria.   

All of those times Irene had attempted to show to the people of Ru'uan that Shad was a good person. All of the times shared between Shad and Irene.  All of the times where Esmund, Enki, and Shad fought over Irene. Every memory with the Divine Warriors was nothing but a past burden. The Divine Warriors are over. All of it was a waste of time for Shad. 

"If it weren't Esmund, Enki, and Kul'Zak, perhaps it didn't have to end the way it did," Shad growled under his breath at the memory. 

Shad went back to thinking, zoning out, unaware of what was happening around him. 

"Just because you've known me for a long time Serenity... It doesn't mean I wouldn't hesitate to kill you," Shad growled under his breath.

Shad's mind kept filling up with memories. Shad slowly and slowly became angrier and angrier.  

Gene had entered the room, clearly frustrated.

"Sooner or later, he'll have to talk..." Gene mumbled under his breath. Gene realized Shad had have said anything yet. Gene looked up to Shad and noticed him out of it. 

"My Lord...?" Gene asked approaching him. 

Shad didn't respond... he was still... thinking. 

Gene cleared his throat,"My Lord." 

Shad snapped out of his trance and turned in Gene's direction. It caused Gene to jump a little and took a few steps back. 

"I assume you took what that damn woman said to heart?" Gene asked. 

"If she wasn't important she'd be dead," Shad announced. 

"Would I have that privilege to kill her?" Gene asked with a growing smirk. 

"Do what you want with her once she's no longer needed," Shad tossed his hands about. 

"Fine by me," Gene smirked,"Regardless, what we are meant to do in the meantime?"

"How's it going with this... Vylad?" 

"He still has yet to have spoken. Sasha is still currently attempting to get him to speak," Gene answered,"However, it isn't going well."

Shad sighs and shuts his eyes.

"You really should've gotten her," Shad blurted out. 

"My Lord-"

"You allowed that damn woman and that weird man to escape. Her friend was left behind and he was the only one that you got. He could've made it out, himself if it weren't for Vylad breaking the Nether Portal. Now we have to be more dependant on the women, including my daughter to do my or should I say... your tasks. I didn't just give you your position just because of your magicks. I expect you to fulfill your duties or else someone else will have your position."


"Did I stutter?!" 

Gene lowers his head,"No m'Lord..."

"Good..." Shad paused,"Send him to the torture chamber. Don't kill him and I repeat do not kill him. Just torture him enough to get him to speak." 

"Yes, m'lord. What happens if he still fails to speak?" Gene asked. 

"If he still refuses to speak then send him back to his cell. Now and then, repeat the same thing. Sooner or later, he'll speak. And sooner or later, we won't have to rely on those women."

 "Yes my Lord," Gene bowed and turned around to walk away. 

Gene walked away, leaving Shad alone with his thoughts and memories. Gene continued to mumble under his breath until he started to faintly hear Sasha's voice. 

Gene took a deep breath as he could hear more of Sasha's taunts. 

"You two!" Gene gestured towards the two guards. 

"Yes sir?!" One of the guards asked as they watched Gene past them.

"Both of you come with me," Gene ordered. 

"Yes sir!" They both shouted.

Gene and the two guards walked in silence. The only sound that was there was Sasha's taunting and the metal footsteps. 

"Sasha." Gene approached Sasha and Vylad. Sasha turned partly around. 

"Sooo... What are we doing now?" Sasha asked, gesturing towards the two guards behind Gene.

"We're not doing anything. They'll be the ones to do something," Gene said gesturing towards the two guards. "Vylad... I'm giving you one last chance. Either you start giving us answers or you'll be sent to the torture chamber. I could care less what happens to you but are you willing to spend time in the torture chamber? You could just give up the answers now and you'll get spared from being tortured."

Vylad stared at Gene, unfazed by the words Gene had spilled from his lips. Gene gave Vylad a death glare. They just stared at one another like it was a staring contest. Gene blinked his eyes and clicked his tongue. 

"Take him to the torture chamber," Gene ordered the two guards. 

"Yes sir!" The guards shouted approaching the cell. Sasha tossed one of the guards the cell's key. 

Gene grabbed the other guards' arm and whispered in his ear. "Have them torture him but don't allow them to kill him. If Vylad ends up dead and I get an ear load from his majesty as well as end up tortured myself. Just know, I will do the same for all of you as well. So if I was you, I'd make sure that Vylad is kept alive."

Although the guard was not only was covering his face as well as his body. It was obvious that he had tensed up and was afraid. 

"Y-Yes, sir!" 

The two guards walked away, dragging Vylad along. 

"So this request was from his majesty?" Sasha asked. 

"Yup," Gene answered. 

"His majesty does know that if they tortured Vylad, he might potentially get killed, right?"

"He just wants him tortured to the point where he speaks. His majesty doesn't plan to have him killed," Gene explained. 

"That makes more sense,"Sasha shrugged it off and walk away. "Cya, Gene!" 

Gene groaned and sighed. Gene walked away back into the hallway back to Shad. 

As Gene got closer to Shad's room he hear Shad talking. For a moment Gene thought Shad was talking to himself. However, a voice spoke up which Gene instanly recognized. 

Gene popped his head in to see Serenity. Gene took a step into the room.

"You still have yet to explain, Serenity. Why exactly are you here?" Shad asked. 

"I came here with a new idea, a change of plans," Serenity held something in her hand,"A new offer." 

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