Chapter 10: According to Plan

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Previously on Super Minecraft Diaries...

As Shad and Gene were discussing some issues that had occurred or future possibilities. From there on, Shad had sent out Gene. Gene went to the cells where Sasha and Vylad were. Gene sent Vylad to the torture chamber. As Gene went back to the room he heard Serenity's voice. 

Why is Serenity there? What's her offer? Find out today on Super Minecraft Diaries!


"So... Will you accept my deal?" Serenity asked. 

"So be it..." Shad sighed,"As long as you and the others to fulfill your end of the deal."

"W-... You can't be serious!" Gene outbursted,"You're going to trust her and the others more with this offer?! She and the others have been doing a horrible job as it is! And you're going to accept her deal?!" 

"Last time I checked... Gene. You had allowed Aphmau to come into the Nether twice and leave twice. Perhaps if you succeeded in getting Aphmau instead of her friend. I wouldn't have to be here as often and you wouldn't have to rely on me a lot more than originally. If you took your role a lot more seriously and actually stepped up instead of expecting your little Shadow Knights to do all of your dirty work. If you took your role seriously and persuaded after Aphmau both times and stopped her then and there one of those times. You wouldn't have to rely on us girls to do your duties. Zenix had betrayed you all before the Nether Portal was even broken. Did you act on it? No. Did you do anything? No. You stayed in the Nether and you expected Zenix to come back? You allowed Vylad to break the Nether Portal. All because you failed to fulfill your duties and step up," Serenity said with an obviously fake smile upon her face. 

Gene gawked at Serenity with his eyes widened which quickly turned into a death glare. 

 "That's enough," Shad intervened. 

"My deepest apologies, I should leave, after all, I have my duties to fulfill," Serenity bowed. 

Before Gene could get a word out, Serenity left, returning to the Overworld. 

"I'm back," Serenity called out. 

Flare appeared out of nowhere and flew onto Serenity's shoulder. Serenity walked over to the kitchen to see Zeni, Mal, and Nova excited. 

"So how did it go?!" Zeni asked, excited. 

"What did he say?!" Mal asked, electrified.

"Did he accept?!" Nova asked, thrilled.

Serenity sat down in her seat,"Girls, he said yes." 

"Yes!" The girls cheered. 

"Was Gene there so you could go off on him when he said something?" Mal asked. 

"He appeared a minute after I had arrived. After he heard my offer and Shad had accepted. That's when Gene whined and that's when I went off on him. I don't care about going off on him because I don't care. But I gave you people what you wanted," Serenity shrugged it off. "But... Everything's going according to plan. All we need do is a couple of things and then everything will fall into our hands."

Everyone but Serenity and Flare had an evil smirk upon their faces. 

"So all we need is the Heart of Darkness and Aphmau since we already know where Zenix is," Zeni stated.

"We shouldn't do Zenix dirty. Even though he may be power-hungry. He hasn't done us dirty in any way. We should just leave him be," Nova suggested.     

"I agree with you, Nova. But at the same time, Shad is expecting him so what should we do about that when that time comes to fulfill our end of the deal or whatever this is?" Mal asked. 

"We should take our precious time with their little request. We already know where Aphmau's primary location is as well where Zenix is," Zeni commented. 

"Not to mention, we have these little gems and there's only two left remaining that we have yet to have seen," Serenity added analyzing the little red gem in her hand.  

"Y'know Nova, I never would've thought you would betray your father," Mal commented. 

"The old man had it coming. 'Oh! Nova, you should have a child like your sister.' Blah Blah Blah!" Nova mocked her father,"The bastard should be glad that it didn't happen any time sooner."

"I can understand that Shad would want to take the body of someone who is a descendant of himself, but seriously, he should just give up on that idea and take someone else's body," Zeni told them.

"Perhaps these little gems could be put into a lot better use. And I'm pretty sure about where the last two are," Serenity played with the gem. 

"With the little Few,' Mal rolled her eyes at the thought of them. 

"Perhaps we could get two birds with one stone," Nova commented. 

"How so?" Zeni asked, intrigued. 

"We know where Aphmau now resigns. Even Zenix had confirmed her location. During her time in Ru'aun, Aphmau has gained quite the reputation. If it has to come to a point, we can threaten her with her son. If anything, since Aphmau is also known to the people in the town where the Few resign. All we know is that Aphmau is currently on the move. So whether she's with the Few or she's somewhere in Ru'aun. We'd be able to find her. And if anything, perhaps Aphmau would be with her little 'hero' friends," Nova explained. 

"I'd suggest we search. Flare and Serenity would go to the Hall and watch for a while to see if Aphmau's there. While Zeni would keep an eye on the little village, Phoenix Drop. Meanwhile, Nova and I will go search all over Ru'aun. Then, if one of us happens to find her. We'd regroup back here and spill wherever she is," Mal suggested. 

"So when we do find her, what would be the next course of action from then on? If we get Aphmau right there and then. The only issue is that we have yet to find the location of the Heart of Darkness. Which is the only issue considering we have no idea where it is. But also it would mean that we're backstabbing Zenix. Meanwhile, if we take the remaining two gems from whoever possesses it. From then on, we could make it possible to get all of the Shadow Knights, including Shad to the Overworld. So that Serenity doesn't have to use a huge amount of magicks to do so. Perhaps then that's when we strike and hopefully, Shad went through on possessing a body. So we can finally take down them all once and for all," Zeni questioned, explaining the two-way plan.  

"If we for whatever reason decided it or it comes to a point where we have to give up Zenix. I think considering Zenix hasn't done anything to us. We'd give him up for a small amount of time and then go recuse his sorry butt if he's still alive," Mal stated. 

"There's not much we could do, anyway, but just hope that everything goes according to plan. Even if it gets altered in some sort of way, hopefully, it still ends like the original plan," Nova stated. 

"Whatever happens, happens," Serenity shrugged. "Before I go stalk Aphmau's friends for a short time. I'm going have a chat with Zenix and explain some things to him."

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