Chapter 4: Boys

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Previously on Super Minecraft Dairies...

Kala, Alex, and Katz attempted to take on Midnight. In the process, Katz had fallen. Before any of them could do more, Mara stepped in.

Meanwhile, Steven, Castor, and I talk about random things at this point. However, we now officially set sail for the Hall.

What will happen during our trip to the Hall? Find out today on Super Minecraft Dairies!


"I seriously can't believe you left Timberly in charge," Aphmau sighed of disbelief and disappointment.

"I trust Timberly enough to take care of everyone while we head to the hall," Castor said with pride.

"You mean every chicken," Steven chimed in.

"Chickens have feelings to y'know," Castor glared.

"Are you even acting at this point or just being plain serious?" Aphmau asked. Before Castor could say anything, Steven intervened.

"I think he's actually serious. I mean have you noticed the ship! It's filled with chicken feathers! It's a damn chicken for crying out loud! A chicken!" Steven screamed from the top of his lungs, falling onto his knees being overdramatic.

"You people haven't actually gone around to talk to the chickens. They always tell me about how Jess is a terrible chicken house builder." Aphmau growled at what Castor said.

"Your chickens obviously have no taste. Jess here," Steven put his arm around Aphmau. "created the Hall and build Asgard. Or well a replica of it. But also she build a home for my heart~" Steven leaned in just to kiss Aphmau's finger.

"No." Aphmau glared.

"Ew, get a room you two." Castor commented 'gagging.'

"You're one to talk. Allowing your 'stalker' to live within the walls of your room." Aphmau said crossing her arms.

"She moved in there all on her own! She's the crazy one! Or well was since she was killed by mutant ants." Castor said.

"I seriously can't believe someone can die from ants," Steven commented.

"Well they were mutated, Steven. Plus that woman isn't strong as us or well me!" Aphmau said with pride.

"I'm strong!" Steven retaliated.

"Same goes for me!" Castor replied.

"Castor you need a bow and arrow. Steven you just have a ball shooter at most that can do some things but it isn't good enough compare to me," Aphmau informed.

"Have you forgotten that I have the gem of speed?" Castor asked.

Before Aphmau could respond Steven added,"So you don't forget the gem yet you forgot the amulet that can give you fairy wings?!"

Castor blankly stared at Steven purposely blinking his eyes one after another. "Yes."

Steven threw his arms in the air like he was flipping an imaginary table. Steven walked away to quickly do a U-turn. "You could've flied while I could've carried the lovely Jess."

"What's with you and flying recently?" Aphmau asked.

Steven opened his mouth but quickly closed it along with his hand that he orginally had opened. "There are a few reasons. But the main reason is just that I wish we got to the Hall quicker since I'm not a great fan of taking ships. Regardless, I'm going under the deck. If you need me." With that Steven walked away to the ladder.

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