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"I'm sorry...it's not my place to tell," you stated and didn't dare to look at them.

"WHY?" Sakuya shouted.

"Sakuya!" Tsukasa yelled. Sakuya paused looking back at Tsukasa and you.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to--" Sakuya quickly apologized but was interrupted.

"It's okay. I know you were just worried about Umika-chan. I do too okay." you just stated, looking at him and offering a small smile.

Tsukasa looked relief seeing how you were trying to cope with the situations.

"Ano ne. Y/N..." Tsukasa said. You looked at her.

"I know you might not like it, but if you are able to reach any of them, please contact us," Tsukasa stated, following the standard procedure.

You looked reluctant.

"It's better for them," Tsukasa explained. Sakuya was about to protest but he knew it was his duty.

"I'll think about it," you stated, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. Tsukasa looked at you but saw your determination about the statement you made. She sighed and nodded.

"Let's go Sakuya, we need to get back to report," Tsukasa stated.

"Sorry for intruding." Tsukasa and Sakuya bowed and left.

"Iie. It's nothing. Ganbatte." you told them before they took off. They flashed you a grateful smile and left.

You closed the door and leaned against.

Why. Must everything become like this. Damn you Ganglers.

You walked to your bedroom and saw a card placed on your table. You smiled, knowing who it was from.

I guess we can't see each other just yet

But don't you worry

I'll be with you very soon.

Til' next time we meet


Kairi Y.

You smiled reading the message. Next time we meet...

But you did realize that after this final battle, you must leave. It wasn't a plan you had in mind but since now their identities are out. You were afraid that some polices would use you to threaten Kairi, Touma, and Umika.

I will not let that happen. You stated in your mind while your hand holding the card. This time, I'll protect you back, Kairi-kun.

You decided to grab your jacket and hat to head out for some groceries. On your way back, you passed by Keiichiro and someone that you knew so well.

Kairi-kun! What are you doing out here? You stated in your mind. You hid in the corner to observe the situation.

You could see Kairi was furious.

"I have always lied to you!" you heard Kairi bursted out at Keiichiro. Keiichiro just stared at him.

"Get mad! Get mad at me like you did when you were fighting Lupin Red." He yelled. Seeing no response from Keiichiro, you saw Kairi pulled out.

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